Madison Eiland College EssayTopic Tuskegee

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Topic 1: The mission of Tuskegee University is to …

Topic 2: If I could live my life fighting one cause, it would be world peace. When I think of world
peace I picture a nation, a community, a people working together; understanding one another for the
greater good of social, emotional and economic growth and development.

World peace appears to be unimaginable with the world seemingly in chaos. Pandemonium
everywhere I look. Pandemics, wars and rumors of war, families against one another, mother against
daughter, son against father, poverty, lack, depression, hatred. I could go on and on about the woes of
this time. The unrest and unhappiness that seems to be everywhere. I can’t turn on the television
without hearing about another Black man or woman of color being murdered or mistreated at the hand
of police officers, those hired to protect and serve or civilians believing it is their constitutional right to
challenge, abuse and mistreat other American citizens. It gets overwhelming from time to time and if I’m
not careful of my emotions, I will become angry and bitter, but that is not who I am or want to be.

For more than 8 years my mother has told me things will get better. I am an optimist, but things
don’t seem to be better. I constantly ask myself how can I be part of the solution. I don’t want to be the
problem. I know hating those who hate me is not the answer. I will not live-in fear of my neighbor or
those living in my community. I refuse to live in a world where I am suspicious of the motives of the
local, state and national politicians and leaders. But I admit it is hard seeing the news everyday and not
wanting to return evil for evil. Therefore, I have made the decision to help and not harm.

This is how I have come to the decision to attend Tuskegee University to major in Political
Science. After the summer of George Floyd’s murder, a pandemic, lots and lots of people dying, Black
Lives Matter protests, police brutality, Woke initiatives, Critical Race Theory, the banning of truth
(history) in education; I am compelled to do something. World Peace is what we need now more than
ever. I must learn how our American systems work or do not work for us. I want to help correct some of
the wrongs, current and past. That can only be accomplished by learning and being exposed to the
political and social narrative. My ultimate desire is to become a lawyer helping the less fortunate, giving
a voice to the underserved and underrepresented. My ancestors fought for civil rights and the rights of
those relegated to the shadows of our democracy or considered lesser in our society. I will not abandon
my family’s mandate. It is a mandate that has stemmed from a long blood line of pastors, preachers,
principals, teachers, professors, rocket scientists, mathematics, laborers, maids, chefs, entrepreneurs
and others who have worked to ensure a better life for my generation. I believe my contributions can
only be enhanced by attending a Historical Black University (HBU). I want to hear from others who share
my experiences and understand the struggle is real for people of color and are empathic to the goals
and aspirations of our community. It is so important to hear from thought leaders and change agents
who look like me and are making a difference. Until these things happen the world will remain in the
state it is in. I, too, want to make a difference. I have a passion that is burning within to help, uplift and
educate. I want that for my life and continuing my studies at Tuskegee University is my first choice to
help me become and keep the flame lit throughout this journey to complete freedom and total world
peace. My career goals clearly align to the mission of Tuskegee.

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