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Consejos para el dolor de

cabeza y dolor de garganta Dolor de garganta consejos

Dolor de cabeza
sleep well
-sleep enough
some people sleep with their mouths open, so the wind
adults and adolescents with 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night
enters and the throat swells
it is convenient to go to bed and wake up at the same time
every day, consult your doctor if you have sleep disorders

-Reduce caffeine wrap up

Some headache medicines have caffeine in it because it Most of the young people and children at night or in the
can be beneficial in reducing pain and can also aggravate afternoon wear short-sleeved shorts and catch cold after
it. Try to minimize or eliminate caffeine from your diet. a while their throats become inflamed

don't skip meals

avoid prolonged fasts and try to eat healthy foods at Do not play with wáter
about the same time or every day, avoid sugary foods or
most children play with water or spill water and that
inflames the throat through the body

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