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1 Merchan Street, Lucena City

Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

A Term Paper

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987)

By Pope John Paul II

John Lester F. Botor

SocSci104-Social Problems, Issues and Concerns

Rev. Fr. George R. Vargas

2nd Semester S.Y 2022-2023

May 16, 2023

1 Merchan Street, Lucena City
Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

Pope John Paul II

The encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On Social Concern) was issued by Pope John

Paul II in 1987. It is the second of his three major social encyclicals, and it focuses on the

concept of solidarity as a moral value and a social principle. The encyclical examines the

implications of solidarity for the world’s economic, political, and social systems, arguing that

it should be a guiding principle in all aspects of human life. The encyclical also emphasizes

the importance of the human person and the dignity of the human person in the face of the

ever-increasing challenges posed by modern society.

The encyclical begins by noting the world’s need for solidarity, given the many divisions that

exist among the world’s people and among the various nations and cultures. It then moves on

to discuss the concept of solidarity itself, noting that it is not merely a feeling of compassion

but rather a moral value and a social principle. Solidarity is seen as a fundamental part of the

Christian social doctrine and is important to understand the contemporary world. The

encyclical then identifies several areas in which solidarity is important, including human

rights, the economy, labor, and the environment.

The encyclical argues that solidarity should be a guiding principle in economic and social

life, and it should be the foundation for the development of a just society. It also emphasizes

the importance of the human person, arguing that the respect of human rights is essential to

solidarity. It also notes the importance of the common good, noting that a society’s economic

and social systems should be developed in such a way that the common good is served.
1 Merchan Street, Lucena City
Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

The encyclical also examines the relationship between solidarity and peace, arguing that

peace is not only desirable but necessary in a world divided by conflict. It argues that

solidarity should be the basis for peace, noting that it can help to bring about a just and

lasting peace. The encyclical also emphasizes the importance of social justice, which is

essential for the development of a fair society.

Finally, the encyclical examines the relationship between solidarity and the environment,

noting that a just and sustainable environment is necessary for human development.

Overall, the encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis emphasizes the importance of solidarity as a

moral value and a social principle. It argues that solidarity should be the basis for the

development of a just society, and it should be the foundation for peace and social justice. It

also emphasizes the importance of the human person and the importance of the common

good. In this way, the encyclical provides a valuable framework for understanding the

contemporary world and for working toward a more just and equitable society.

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis is a papal encyclical issued by Pope John Paul II in 1987. It is

a social encyclical that addresses the global economic and political situation in the wake of

the Cold War and the increasing disparity between the wealthy and the poor. The encyclical

calls for social justice and a renewed commitment to human dignity and solidarity. In

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Pope John Paul II reminds us of our obligation as Christians to care

for the poor, the disadvantaged, and the vulnerable. He emphasizes the importance of

working together to

promote the common good and to build a world of justice, peace, and solidarity.
1 Merchan Street, Lucena City
Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)

The encyclical begins by affirming the Church’s commitment to the promotion of peace and

justice and to the defense of human rights. It then turns to the current situation of the world,

highlighting the poverty, inequality, and injustice that still exist in many parts of the world.

Pope John Paul II calls for a renewed commitment to solidarity and a reevaluation of our

economic and political systems to ensure that they serve the needs of all people, not just the

wealthy few.

The encyclical outlines several specific areas in which work must be done to promote social

justice. These include: the need to foster economic development that is sustainable and

equitable; the need to respect and protect the rights of workers and to ensure that they receive

a just wage; the need to promote international cooperation and solidarity; and the need to

protect the environment. The encyclical also offers a critique of certain economic systems,

such as capitalism, which the pope believes can lead to the exploitation of the poor and


Finally, the encyclical calls for a renewal of the Church’s commitment to the promotion of

justice, peace, and human dignity. It emphasizes the need for Christians to be active in the

struggle for social justice and to work together to build a more just and equitable world.

In Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Pope John Paul II offers a powerful reminder of the Church’s

commitment to social justice and human dignity. His call to action is an urgent reminder that

we must continue to strive for justice and peace in our world. We must commit ourselves to
1 Merchan Street, Lucena City
Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
building a world of justice, peace, and solidarity, and to ensuring that all people are treated
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)
with the dignity and respect they deserve.

The Church has been a major player in the development of the United Nations and its

resolutions, particularly when it comes to the protection of human rights. The Church has

long advocated for the protection of human rights, and its teachings have been incorporated

into the 17 United Nations (UN) resolutions. In the decades since the UN resolutions were

adopted, the Church has actively responded to them through its various encyclicals, which are

documents issued by the Catholic Church.

The Church's earliest response to the UN resolutions was the encyclical Populorum

Progressio, which was issued in 1967. This encyclical was a response to the UN's call for

greater economic and social progress for all of humanity. Populorum Progressio not only

endorsed the UN's call, but it also proposed ways in which the Church could help bring about

this progress. The encyclical proposed that the Church should promote the development of a

global economy that would provide for the basic needs of all people, as well as the need for

solidarity between all nations.

The Church's next response to the UN resolutions was the encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis,

which was issued in 1987. This encyclical was a response to the UN's call for the elimination

of poverty, hunger, and other forms of exploitation. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis proposed that the

Church should promote the development of a just economic system that would ensure that all

people had access to basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. It also proposed ways

in which the Church could help promote a culture of peace and respect for human rights.
1 Merchan Street, Lucena City
Contact Numbers: (042) 7103888 / (042) 7102505
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC-SLMES)
The Church has continued to respond to the UN resolutions in recent years, particularly in the

encyclical Laudato Si, which was issued in 2015. This encyclical was a response to the UN's

call for greater action on climate change and environmental degradation. Laudato Si proposed

that the Church should promote the development of sustainable economic and social systems

that would preserve the environment and promote human flourishing.

The Church's response to the UN resolutions demonstrates its commitment to the protection

of human rights and its desire to bring about economic and social progress for all people. The

Church's encyclicals have provided guidance on how to implement the UN resolutions and

promote the development of a just and sustainable global society. By responding to the UN

resolutions, the Church has demonstrated its commitment to the protection of human rights

and its desire to bring about a better world for all people.

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