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Higher Education Department

Mateo Manila St. Zone 2 Poblacion
Atimonan, Quezon

Teacher Gerald A. Licayu Grade Level 1

Teaching Date Section Oxygen
Teaching Time Quarter 1

Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of shapes and texture and prints that can be repeated,
alternated and emphasized through printmaking.
Performance Standard Create print that show repetition, alternation, and emphasis object from nature and forms
object at home and school.
Learning Competencies Narrates experiences and experimenting differentiate materials ( A1PR-III g)

Learning Objectives  Narrates experiences in experimenting different art materials

 Appreciate experiences in experimenting different art materials
 Describe experiences in experimenting the different art materials
Subject Matter Different art materials
Reference MELC p. 144-145, (MELC), PIVOT p. 22-25
Materials Powerpoint presentation, pictures, sheets, real objects such as pencil, glue, scissor ,
crayon and paper. Laptop.

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Greetings
-Good morning, Teacher Gerald!
Good morning students! We are feeling great!
How are you feel for today?

B. Prayer

-Okay students Please stand up for our opening prayer. -(All stand and participating in prayer)
(Teacher Gerald lead the prayer) (In the name of the father, the son and the holy
C. Checking of the attendance

-Okay! My dear students so we will now proceed in checking your


Please say present or raise your hand if I call your first name.
Okay teacher!
D. Review

Children in our previous lesson you discovered different methods and

materials in creating art or tracing or printing - Yes Ma’am

Let's try! If you still remember ( the students will exchange their assignment )
(Answer true or false)

1. The palm is a part of the body that can be used as a print art?

1. True

That’s correct ! Verry Good!

2. The coin can be drawn on the paper?

2. True

That’s correct! Excellent!

3. The eye can be used as stenciling? 3. False | +639452436763
This is wrong, the eye is a dangerous part of body so it cannot be used.

Motivation :
(Discover artwork)
Sing it

You can read what is written on the screen so that you can follow the
Teacher. Now join me in singing.

-Now you are ready! Now come on and sing, children.

Come and discover works of art -Opo!

Almost anything can be used

A good work you can do

Just need to be creative

Full video:


1. Children in the song you heard. What do you need to do to create a good
- Very Good!


2. How about the things we called in creating arts?

-Very Good
3. Again children! Can we make a arts without used of materials?

That’s correct because, materials is the important thing we

considered in making arts and design.


Children In this lesson, you will be able to Narrates your experiences in

experimenting different art materials.
Appreciate your experiences in experimenting different art materials
And laslty you will able to describe experiences in experimenting the
different art materials.

So get ready and we will now proceed for our activity for today

ACTIVITY- Group 1 ( Identify the following art tools find inside the box how
they are used to create art write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet)

1. _______________ 2. ________________ | +639452436763
3.__________________ 4. __________________

5 ________________

A. can be B. you C. It used D. Recycled E. Used for

folded or cut can use as casting materials cutting
it as a tie steels for materials

Group 2 - Line up the following art supplies. Write the common art supplies
in the left column and the unusual ones in the right column

Pencils Trash Crayons Metal

Paper Fire Scissor

Mirror Glue Wire

Commonly/ Usual materials that Uncommonly/unusual materials

we used. that we used.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Job well done class!

Are everyone participating in the group activity? Yes teacher!

How are your feeling class? Feeling great!

Okay class ! regarding to the video we watched and sing later. Do you have -Expected answer
a clue or idea what topic we gonna discussed for today? (Teacher it’s about different art materials)

- Very good!

Based on our group activity that we do today. Do you have idea about the - Yes Teacher!
used of different materials?
If yes let’s check if the group 1 did a great job.

Let’s see the answers of group 1 | +639452436763
Robber bond is usually can used as a tie because, it easily to stretched and 1. B
flexible. So the correct answer for number 1 is letter B!
2. A
While in number 2 the correct answer is letter A because paper can easily
cut and fold like a fabric. 3. E

Number 3 is E! that’s correct because scissor can easily cut other


Okay class what do you think water bottle is part for? - It’s belong to the trash
Very good! Which we can used as? -Recycle materials

- Excellent! 4. D
5. C
So the correct answer for number is letter D. which we can used as recycled
materials and containing waters. And Lastly fire used for casting steels to
mold. But always remember students that fire is dangerous in our classroom
so always inform or ask teacher first before using it.

Very Good Group 1 you got a perfect score! Trash

Now Let’s proceed to group 2 Fire
What do you think some unusual or uncommon materials that we can used? Mirror

Correct the trash, metal, fire , wire, mirror are those materials that are not -Recycled materials
commonly used in classroom. Yet can create beautiful arts by recycling

Again what do we called the material that no longer used but can create
beautiful arts with the used of our creativeness?

-Very good! Pencil

Now let’s check the other column Scissor
How about the column that are usual or common materials that we used? crayon

Pencil, paper, Scissor, Glue and crayon are correct! Because those
materials are usual and common for students of making art! -Yes teacher!

Excellent group1 and 2 give yourself a 3x claps!

Now let us proceed to Discover new things! So that you will really
understand our lesson for today! Are you ready?

Then will now proceed

Many things can be used to create art. The usual materials is pencil, paper,
coloring, scissors and glue

Pencil - It can be used as a Paper - drawn and able to make

writing and drawing things. different shapes. | +639452436763
Crayon - gives color to your art Scissors- Scissors are used
for cutting various thin materials,
such as paper, cardboard, metal
foil, cloth, rope, and wire. 

Glue- used for sticking objects or

materials together.

Again what are the usual materials in creating arts?

Here are some examples of things that are not commonly used materials in
art. But can also be used to create it.

Trash - Things that are thrown Metal - reinforcing a sculpture

away but can be recycled.
- Expected answers
(The usual materials in creating arts are pencil,
paper,crayons, scissor, and glue).

Mirror - gives additional shape, Fire -casting steel and glass by

form and shine melting

Robber bonds - use to tie things. Wire - Used for cable and tie
electricity. | +639452436763
How about the things that not commonly used materials?


"Since we finished our discussion earlier, students, did you all understand
the topic we discussed?"
The materials that’s not commonly used are -
what did you learn our discussion? (Trash, metal, mirror fire, robber bonds and Wire)
Again students what are some usual materials that we can used making an
art? - Yes teacher
How about uncommon or unusual material that we can also used making an -We learn different art materials
-Some usual materials that we can used making
an arts are pencil, paper scissor crayon and glue.

-Some unusual materials that we can used are

trash, metal, mirror, fire robber bonds and wire.
Why do you think it’s important for us to recycled materials which is no
longer used ?
- Recycled materials is important in the creation
Very good students! You really understand our lesson for today. Clap of arts because it help us to be resourceful,
yourself 3x creative and help our mother nature as well.

build a picture using different materials and recycle or natural materials
around you. see the following example.

What did you think?

why did you build it?

Give a name for it?


Let's see if you can describe what your experience was when you made the artwork through the questions.

Now let's answer! | +639452436763
1. What feelings did you experience while you were making your artwork?

A. Happy B. Sad C. Angry

2. What qualities do you display when you perform your artwork?

A. Creative B. Non-creative C. None

3. What is the name of the art equipment you used in your work?

A. Materials B. Stencils C. Drawing

4. The pencil is the material I used for writing and making other arts

A. Yes B. No C. None

5. I can show my creativity in using materials

A. Yes B. No C. None

fill in the blanks with the correct words to form meaningful thoughts about the lesson | +639452436763
almost anything can be used as an art tool. It is not necessary to buy new ______ to create a good work masterpiece
what is important is to be creative ______and originality in creation.

also remember that in the use of artistic tools the guide needs more _____, especially in the use of
_____ or mirrors

Resourceful Materials Scissor Teacher

Narrates your own experiences in experimenting different art materials. Make it brief in your sheet paper.

I’ve experience in experimenting different art materials that I can be creative and recycled other materials
………………………………………………… so on)

Other example

I can now easily make arts using recycled materials……………… on) | +639452436763

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