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Bautista, Kevin Arthur P.

What is Katatagan

Katatagan or Resilience, this is the ability of a person on how he/she can adapt or cope to a different
situations that he/she may face both physically and psychologically.

When I Experienced Resilience

In 2017, when I was in 8th grade my classmate accidentally pushed me and I fell down in the stares that cause me lame
on my both legs. My immune system broke down after a three days and I started to have a high fever. My body got
thin after a week of having a fever they brought me into a private hospital in Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya, I spend a day
here without proper consultation and attention coming from the hospital’s doctor that is why they immediately transfer
me in NVPH Bambang. I was diagnose with tuberculosis and due to the accident my both legs got lame that is why I
spend two months sitting on a wheel chair and lying on the hospital bed. It was hard for me at that time, physically
and mentally. Thank God I am fully recovered.
In 2019, when I was in 10th grade, my mother engage into a traffic accident that makes her left foot fractured. She
couldn’t walk for two months and as the oldest son I took care of her since my father is working in Bulacan. With the
help of my brother Azrael we took all the chores, the laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.; we also took care with out baby
brother Austin. At night I am the one who slept with our baby brother and I am responsible for him like his bath, etc.
I have showed remarkable resilience in dealing with my illness until I recovered, and being responsible as the oldest
son when my mother had an accident.
Bautista, Kevin Arthur P.
Internal and External Strengths To Move Forward
Myself God

External Strengths
Internal Strengths
Spirituality Family

Persistence Friends

Creativity Relatives

Authenticity Classmates

Resilient Teachers

Love Other People

Positive Characteristics or Inner Strengths that have help me during difficult times…
Believe in yourself that you can get through that difficult times it just need courage and patience together with the help of our
Almighty Father and from the person like are family and friends that who always there guiding and helping us.

Learned About Myself while doing this activity…

In this activity I have learned that I’ve showed remarkable resilience in dealing with the difficult situation in my life. That I got
this ability to cope and recover in a kind of difficult situation in my life that I surpass.

I am grateful for…
For everything, for making up to this day at this very moment that I have surpasses those hard situations in my life.

In one weeks, I will try to take care of myself by having a jogging in the clisoc field every night at least 30 min to one hour,
taking my regular meal a day, and to have 8 hours sleep. So I can reward myself for working so hard.

oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
8pm jogging 8pm jogging 8pm jogging 8pm jogging 8pm jogging 8pm jogging 8pm jogging
10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/ 10pm-6am/
(8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep (8hrs)sleep

Bautista, Kevin Arthur P.

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