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Environmental, Ecological and Eco-literacy

I. Objectives

 Define Ecological Literacy

 Discuss the importance of Ecological Literacy
 Create activities that promote development of ecological literacy

II. Subject Matter:

A. Ecological Literacy

B. Ecological Literacy. Education and the Transition to a

Postmodern World. 1992. By David W. Orr
C. Powerpoint presentation, Youtube, pictures

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
I. Prayer (Stands up)
Please all stand up to have
our prayer. Yes sir.
Vince, can you lead the
prayer? Good morning, sir
Good morning students!!

II. Energizer/Motivation
Before we formally start our class,
please remain standing to sing
and dance the song entitled “Our
Earth, Our Home”

III. Checking of Attendance

Raise your right hand and
say present when your
name is called.
"Present sir”
"Present sir”
Present sir”

IV. Recall classroom Rules

“So what is our classroom “yes, sir”
rules student? Kindly
repeat after me.
1. Be kind to your
1. Be kind to your classmates
classmates 2. Listen to the teacher
2. Listen to the teacher
3. Stay in your seat
3. Stay in your seat
4. Raise your right hand to
4. Raise your right hand to talk
5. Use your quiet voice
5. Use your quiet voice

B. Creative Activities
I. Activity
Describe the 3 pictures given

“I see people cutting trees and a

What do you see in the picture? kangaroo escaping from a forest
fire. The third one is the earth with
a tiring aura.”

What does the picture convey? “It shows that we need to protect
and preserve our nature, because
it’s our home and our life. We
need to open our eyes and take
action to heal our mother nature.”
“Good, that’s the correct answer.
That’s why we need to be literate
in handling and maintaining our
environment. Because every little
decision may cause a huge
problem to our environment. We
need to be aware of everything
that deals with the ecology.”

II. Acquiring new knowledge

- Eco literacy is the
ability to understand the
organization of natural
systems and the
processes that maintain
the healthy functioning
of living systems and
sustain life on Earth.
- An ecologically literate
individual understands
environmental realities
by specifically
identifying their
relationships. Recent
ecological literacy
frameworks also
emphasize systems
thinking, which involves
identifying the various
biophysical and social
components in a given
environmental context
and distinguishing their
interrelations, allowing
for the construction of a
“big picture” view.
Principles of Living
- Living systems are
open, self-organizing
systems that have the
special characteristic of
life and that interact
with their environment
through information and

Kindly give some examples of Examples of living systems

living systems. include the human body, or a
forest, or a river, as well as
human- created organizations,
such as communities, or schools.

Very good, let’s give her 5 claps Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap

2. Design Inspired by Nature the

goal of ecological design is to
transform how humans act in the
world to provide food, shelter,
energy, materials, and seek their
livelihood. Ecological literacy
asks what people know and how
they should learn it, given the
limits of the Earth and its
3. Systems Thinking

-Systems thinking is necessary

to understand the complex
interdependence and often
unpredictable dynamics of
ecological systems, social
systems, economic systems and
other systems on all levels.
Ecologically literate students find
connections in seemingly
disjointed problems, perceive
patterns instead of pieces, and
design communities based on
the interrelatedness of all life.
4. Ecological Paradigm and the
Transition to Sustainability -is
about a change in the human
trajectory that will require us to
rethink old assumptions and
engage the large questions of the
human condition that some
presume to have been solved
once and for all.
5. Collaboration, Community
Building and Citizenship
Ecological literacy is about
emphasizing collaboration and
partnership as a hallmark of
living systems and life. The
ability to associate, create links,
draw on collective distributed
intelligence of many individuals
is part of eco-literacy. Ultimately,
sustainability is a community
Understood! Yes sir

Let's move to the Other Ways to

develop Ecological literacy.

1. Develop empathy for all forms

of life
2. Embrace sustainability as a
community practice
3. Make the invisible visible
4. Anticipate unintended
5. Understand how nature
sustains life

III. Analysis
1. Is it important to Yes, sir because if we understand
understand our our environment, we can easily
environment? find out the solutions for certain
environmental problems. In that
way we can build relationships
with nature and to protect each

You got it! Let’s give her a bravo

clap. Clap, clap, clap, bravo!

2. Is it important to be
ecologically literate? Yes, sir because having
knowledge about our planet Earth
is an asset for us , through that
we’re able to understand the
relationships of human, Earth and
other species and it will be easier
for us to find solutions for the
IV. Activity
Answer the questions below.
1. As a student what
would be your role to help
those who don't have enough
knowledge with ecological
2. Being ecologically
literate, how can you prove
that all living organisms are
interconnected into the web
of life?
3. What is the advantage of
being literate of our
4. What are the ways on how
to develop ecological
literacy, why is it
5. What are the core aspects of
ecological literacy? Discuss.
V. Values Integration
- Appreciation,
collaboration and the
love and care for

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