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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Electrical Installation and Maintenance

(grade 11 senior high school)


At the end of the lesson, the grade 11 EIM are expected to :

1. Identify the four electrical diagram;

2. Construct electrical diagram;

3. Explain the importance of electrical diagram.

Subject Matter:

Four Electrical Diagram

Book: EIM NC II page 45-48

Materials: Ppt, Laptop, and projector.


A. Learning Activities

Teacher activity Student activity

“Good Morning class” “Good Morning Teacher”

“Before we start our lesson, let us pray first.” (One student will lead the prayer)

(Checking of attendance)

Once I call your name, say present. ( student raise their hands and say present as the
teacher calls in their name.)

Class it seems like you’ve lost your energy, let

us make stretching exercise first. Put your (Students pick up the pieces of paper)
hands up, sideward, downward, do it two times
and pick up the pieces of paper under your
B. Lesson Proper


Show illustration of four electrical diagram.


“What do you see in the illustration? “ “Teacher, the illustration shows electrical diagram
“Okay thank you mr. _____.”

“But what do you think if we install wiring in

house or establishment without electrical
diagram? It seems like it is troubled. Because
electrical diagram are guide for electrician on
how do they perform wiring installation.”
“So, that is our topic today, the four types of
electrical diagrams”
“Are going to listen to me class?” “Yes teacher”


(Teacher will show ppt and starts discussing the


There are four basic types of electrical



Schematic Diagrams
The schematic diagram , often called a ladder
diagram, is intended to be the simplest form of
an electrical circuit. This diagram shows the
circuit components on horizontal lines without
regard to their physical location. It is used for
troubleshooting because it is easy to
understand the operation of the circuit. The
loads are located on the far right of the
diagram, and the controls for each load are
located to the left. To understand the sequence
of operation, the drawing is read from the
upper left corner and then from left to right,
and from top to bottom.

Wiring diagrams
The wiring diagram shows the relative layout of
the circuit components using the appropriate
symbols and the wire connections. Although a
wiring diagram is the easiest to use for wiring
an installation, it is sometimes difficult to
understand circuit operation and is not as
applicable for troubleshooting.

“So class do you understand this schematic

“Okay very good, let’s proceed to the next
Block diagrams
The block diagram also called a functional
block diagram, is used to describe the sequence
of circuit operations. This diagram indicates by
functional descriptions, showing which
components must operate first in order to get a
final outcome. They do not refer to specifics
like device symbols or related wire connections. “Yes teacher. “
“So class do you understand this block
“Okay very good, let’s proceed to the next
Pictorial diagrams
A pictorial diagram shows the circuit
components in more detail, as they really look,
and indicates how the wiring is attached. These
diagrams can be used to locate components in
a complex system.

“yes teacher.”

“So class, do you understand the four electrical

wiring diagram?”

“Teacher, Wiring diagram Teacher”

“I have a question, what diagram that shows
the relative layout of the circuit components
using the appropriate symbols and the wire

“Okay, very good Mr._____.”


There are four types of electrical diagram and has its own function and purpose. Electrical diagram
serves as guide of the electrician when performing wiring in the establishment so that it is easier for
them to install electrical materials. Without this diagram, electrician may be in troubled when
performing wiring installation.


Individual activity, Get 1 piece of long bond paper and make/draw the four electrical diagram.


Test I. Identification

1. 2.

3. 4.

Test II. Essay

Based on your understanding, discuss briefly the importance of four electrical diagram.


Research and study the following and write it in your notebook.

What are the different electrical symbols

Draw electrical symbols

Give the importance of electrical symbol

Prepared by: Klent B. Momo

Student teacher

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