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Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023 S111

7. Diabetes Technology: Standards Nuha A. ElSayed, Grazia Aleppo,

Vanita R. Aroda, Raveendhara R. Bannuru,
of Care in Diabetes—2023 Florence M. Brown, Dennis Bruemmer,
Billy S. Collins, Marisa E. Hilliard,
Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S111–S127 | Diana Isaacs, Eric L. Johnson, Scott Kahan,
Kamlesh Khunti, Jose Leon, Sarah K. Lyons,
Mary Lou Perry, Priya Prahalad,
Richard E. Pratley, Jane Jeffrie Seley,

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Robert C. Stanton, and Robert A. Gabbay,
on behalf of the American Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Care in Diabetes” in-

cludes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guide-
lines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional
Practice Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee, are responsible for up-
dating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a de-
tailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the
evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice recommendations and a full
list of Professional Practice Committee members, please refer to Introduction
and Methodology. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are
invited to do so at

Diabetes technology is the term used to describe the hardware, devices, and soft-
ware that people with diabetes use to assist with self-management, ranging from
lifestyle modifications to glucose monitoring and therapy adjustments. Historically,
diabetes technology has been divided into two main categories: insulin adminis-
tered by syringe, pen, or pump (also called continuous subcutaneous insulin infu-
sion), and glucose as assessed by blood glucose monitoring (BGM) or continuous
glucose monitoring (CGM). Diabetes technology has expanded to include automated
insulin delivery (AID) systems, where CGM-informed algorithms modulate insulin de-
livery, as well as diabetes self-management support software serving as medical devi-
ces. Diabetes technology, when coupled with education, follow-up, and support, can
improve the lives and health of people with diabetes; however, the complexity and
rapid evolution of the diabetes technology landscape can also be a barrier to imple-
mentation for both people with diabetes and the health care team.


7.1 The type(s) and selection of devices should be individualized based on a Disclosure information for each author is
available at
person’s specific needs, preferences, and skill level. In the setting of an
individual whose diabetes is partially or wholly managed by someone else Suggested citation: ElSayed NA, Aleppo G,
Aroda VR, et al., American Diabetes Association.
(e.g., a young child or a person with cognitive impairment or dexterity, psy- 7. Diabetes technology: Standards of Care in
chosocial, and/or physical limitations), the caregiver’s skills and preferences Diabetes—2023. Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):
are integral to the decision-making process. E S111–S127
7.2 When prescribing a device, ensure that people with diabetes/caregivers © 2022 by the American Diabetes Association.
receive initial and ongoing education and training, either in-person or Readers may use this article as long as the
remotely, and ongoing evaluation of technique, results, and their ability work is properly cited, the use is educational
to utilize data, including uploading/sharing data (if applicable), to moni- and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
tor and adjust therapy. C More information is available at https://www.
S112 Diabetes Technology Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

7.3 People with diabetes who have assessed, particularly if outcomes are not snacks, after meals, at bedtime,
been using continuous glucose being met. prior to exercise, when hypo-
monitoring, continuous sub- glycemia is suspected, after
cutaneous insulin infusion, and/ Use in Schools treating low blood glucose
or automated insulin delivery Instructions for device use should be levels until they are normo-
for diabetes management should outlined in the student’s diabetes medi- glycemic, when hyperglycemia
have continued access across cal management plan (DMMP). A backup
is suspected, and prior to and
plan should be included in the DMMP
third-party payers, regardless while performing critical tasks
for potential device failure (e.g., BGM,
of age or A1C levels. E such as driving. B
CGM, and/or insulin delivery devices).
7.4 Students should be supported 7.8 Health care professionals should
School nurses and designees should
at school in the use of diabetes be aware of the differences in
complete training to stay up to date on
technology, such as continuous accuracy among blood glucose
diabetes technologies prescribed for use

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glucose monitoring systems, meters—only meters approved
in the school setting. Updated resources
continuous subcutaneous in- to support diabetes care at school, in- by the U.S. Food and Drug
sulin infusion, connected insu- cluding training materials and a DMMP Administration (or comparable
lin pens, and automated insulin template, can be found online at diabetes. regulatory agencies for other
delivery systems, as prescribed org/safeatschool. geographical locations) with
by their health care team. E proven accuracy should be used,
7.5 Initiation of continuous glucose Initiation of Device Use with unexpired strips purchased
monitoring, continuous subcu- The use of CGM devices should be con- from a pharmacy or licensed
taneous insulin infusion, and/or sidered from the outset of the diagnosis distributor. E
automated insulin delivery early of diabetes that requires insulin manage- 7.9 Although blood glucose monitor-
in the treatment of diabetes can ment (3,4). This allows for close tracking ing in individuals on noninsulin
be beneficial depending on a of glucose levels with adjustments of therapies has not consistently
person’s/caregiver’s needs and insulin dosing and lifestyle modifications shown clinically significant re-
preferences. C and removes the burden of frequent BGM. ductions in A1C, it may be help-
In addition, early CGM initiation after diag- ful when altering nutrition plan,
nosis of type 1 diabetes in youth has been physical activity, and/or medi-
Technology is rapidly changing, but there
shown to decrease A1C and is associated cations (particularly medications
is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to tech-
with high parental satisfaction and reliance that can cause hypoglycemia)
nology use in people with diabetes. In- on this technology for diabetes manage- in conjunction with a treat-
surance coverage can lag behind device ment (5,6). In appropriate individuals, early ment adjustment program. E
availability, patient interest in devices use of AID systems or insulin pumps may 7.10 Health care professionals should
and willingness for adoption can vary, be considered. Interruption of access to be aware of medications and
and health care teams may have chal- CGM is associated with a worsening of other factors, such as high-dose
lenges keeping up with newly released outcomes (7,8); therefore, it is important vitamin C and hypoxemia, that
technology. An American Diabetes Asso- for individuals on CGM to have consis- can interfere with glucose meter
ciation resource, which can be accessed tent access to devices. accuracy and provide clinical
at, can help
management as indicated. E
health care professionals and people BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING
with diabetes make decisions as to the
initial choice of devices. Other sources, Recommendations Major clinical trials of insulin-treated peo-
including health care professionals and 7.6 People with diabetes should be ple with diabetes have included BGM as
device manufacturers, can help people provided with blood glucose part of multifactorial interventions to dem-
troubleshoot when difficulties arise. monitoring devices as indicated onstrate the benefit of intensive glycemic
by their circumstances, prefer- management on diabetes complications
Education and Training ences, and treatment. People (9). BGM is thus an integral component of
In general, no device used in diabetes using continuous glucose moni- effective therapy of individuals taking insulin.
management works optimally without toring devices must also have In recent years, CGM has emerged as a
education, training, and ongoing support. access to blood glucose moni- method for the assessment of glucose lev-
There are multiple resources for online toring at all times. A
els (discussed below). Glucose monitoring
tutorials and training videos as well as 7.7 People who are on insulin
allows people with diabetes to evaluate
written material on the use of devices. using blood glucose monitor-
their individual response to therapy and
ing should be encouraged to
People with diabetes vary in comfort level assess whether glycemic targets are being
check their blood glucose lev-
with technology, and some prefer in-person safely achieved. Integrating results into
els when appropriate based
training and support. Those with more edu- diabetes management can be a useful
on their insulin therapy. This
cation regarding device use have better tool for guiding medical nutrition therapy
may include checking when
outcomes (1,2); therefore, the need for and physical activity, preventing hypoglyce-
fasting, prior to meals and
additional education should be periodically mia, or adjusting medications (particularly Diabetes Technology S113

prandial insulin doses). The specific needs Surveillance Program provides information platforms (19). People with diabetes
and goals of the person with diabetes on the performance of devices used for should be taught how to use BGM data
should dictate BGM frequency and timing BGM ( to adjust food intake, physical activity,
or the consideration of CGM use. As rec- In one analysis, 6 of the top 18 glucose or pharmacologic therapy to achieve
ommended by the device manufacturers meters met the accuracy standard (12). specific goals. The ongoing need for and
and the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- In a subsequent analysis with updated frequency of BGM should be reevaluated
tion (FDA), people with diabetes using glucose meters, 14 of 18 glucose meters at each routine visit to ensure its effec-
CGM must have access to BGM for mul- met the minimum accuracy requirements tive use (17,20,21).
tiple reasons, including whenever there (13). There are single-meter studies in
is suspicion that the CGM is inaccurate, which benefits have been found with People With Diabetes on Intensive Insulin
while waiting for warm-up, for calibration individual meter systems, but few studies Therapies
(some sensors) or if a warning mes- have compared meters head-to-head. BGM is especially important for people

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sage appears, and in any clinical set- Certain meter system characteristics, such with diabetes treated with insulin to
ting where glucose levels are changing as the use of lancing devices that are less monitor for and prevent hypoglycemia
rapidly (>2 mg/dL/min), which could cause painful (14) and the ability to reapply and hyperglycemia. Most individuals on
a discrepancy between CGM and blood blood to a strip with an insufficient initial intensive insulin therapies (multiple daily
glucose. sample, may also be beneficial to people injections [MDI] or insulin pump therapy)
with diabetes (15) and may make BGM should be encouraged to assess glucose
Meter Standards less burdensome to perform. levels using BGM (and/or CGM) prior to
Glucose meters meeting FDA guidance meals and snacks, at bedtime, occasion-
for meter accuracy provide the most re- Counterfeit Strips ally postprandially, prior to physical activ-
liable data for diabetes management. People with diabetes should be advised ity, when they suspect hypoglycemia or
There are several current standards for against purchasing or reselling preowned hyperglycemia, after treating hypoglyce-
the accuracy of blood glucose meters, or secondhand test strips, as these may mia until they are normoglycemic, and
but the two most used are those of the give incorrect results. Only unopened prior to and while performing critical
International Organization for Standardi- and unexpired vials of glucose test strips tasks such as driving. For many individu-
zation (ISO) (ISO 15197:2013) and the should be used to ensure BGM accuracy. als using BGM, this requires checking up
FDA. The current ISO and FDA standards to 6–10 times daily, although individual
are compared in Table 7.1. In Europe, Optimizing Blood Glucose needs may vary. A database study of
currently marketed meters must meet Monitoring Device Use almost 27,000 children and adolescents
current ISO standards. In the U.S., cur- Optimal use of BGM devices requires with type 1 diabetes showed that, after
rently marketed meters must meet the proper review and interpretation of data adjusting for multiple confounders, in-
standard under which they were ap- by both the person with diabetes and creased daily frequency of BGM was
proved, which may not be the current the health care professional to ensure significantly associated with lower A1C
standard. Moreover, the monitoring of that data are used in an effective and ( 0.2% per additional check per day) and
current accuracy post-marketing is left timely manner. In people with type 1 with fewer acute complications (22).
to the manufacturer and not routinely diabetes, there is a correlation between
checked by an independent source. greater BGM frequency and lower A1C People With Diabetes Using Basal Insulin
People with diabetes assume their (16). Among those who check their blood and/or Oral Agents and Noninsulin
glucose meter is accurate because it is glucose at least once daily, many report Injectables
FDA cleared, but that may not be the taking no action when results are high or The evidence is insufficient regarding
case. There is substantial variation in the low (17). Some meters now provide ad- when to prescribe BGM and how often
accuracy of widely used BGM systems vice to the user in real time when moni- monitoring is needed for insulin-treated
(10,11). The Diabetes Technology Soci- toring glucose levels (18), whereas others people with diabetes who do not use in-
ety Blood Glucose Monitoring System can be used as a part of integrated health tensive insulin therapy, such as those

Table 7.1—Comparison of ISO 15197:2013 and FDA blood glucose meter accuracy standards
Setting FDA (248,254) ISO 15197:2013 (255)
Home use 95% within 15% for all BG in the usable BG range† 95% within 15% for BG $100 mg/dL
99% within 20% for all BG in the usable BG range† 95% within 15 mg/dL for BG <100 mg/dL
Hospital use 95% within 12% for BG $75 mg/dL 99% in A or B region of consensus error grid‡
95% within 12 mg/dL for BG <75 mg/dL
98% within 15% for BG $75 mg/dL
98% within 15 mg/dL for BG <75 mg/dL
BG, blood glucose; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; ISO, International Organization for Standardization. To convert mg/dL to mmol/L,
see †The range of blood glucose values for which the meter has been proven accurate and
will provide readings (other than low, high, or error). ‡Values outside of the “clinically acceptable” A and B regions are considered “outlier”
readings and may be dangerous to use for therapeutic decisions (256).
S114 Diabetes Technology Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

with type 2 diabetes taking basal insulin care professionals in intensive care unit
Table 7.2—Interfering substances for
with or without oral agents and/or non- settings need to be particularly aware of glucose meter readings
insulin injectables. However, for those the potential for abnormal meter readings Glucose oxidase monitors
taking basal insulin, assessing fasting glu- during critical illness, and laboratory-based Uric acid
cose with BGM to inform dose adjust- values should be used if there is any Galactose
ments to achieve blood glucose targets doubt. Xylose
results in lower A1C (23,24). Some meters give error messages if Acetaminophen
In people with type 2 diabetes not meter readings are likely to be false (33).
taking insulin, routine glucose monitor- Ascorbic acid
ing may be of limited additional clinical Oxygen. Currently available glucose mon- Glucose dehydrogenase monitors
benefit. By itself, even when combined itors utilize an enzymatic reaction linked Icodextrin (used in peritoneal dialysis)
with education, it has shown limited im- to an electrochemical reaction, either
See Table 7.3 for definitions of types of
provement in outcomes (25–28). However, glucose oxidase or glucose dehydrogenase

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continuous glucose monitoring devices.
for some individuals, glucose monitoring (34). Glucose oxidase monitors are sensi-
can provide insight into the impact of tive to the oxygen available and should
nutrition, physical activity, and medication only be used with capillary blood in people
management on glucose levels. Glucose with normal oxygen saturation. Higher oxy- 7.12 Real-time continuous glucose
monitoring may also be useful in assess- gen tensions (i.e., arterial blood or oxygen monitoring A or intermittently
ing hypoglycemia, glucose levels during therapy) may result in false low glucose scanned continuous glucose
intercurrent illness, or discrepancies be- readings, and low oxygen tensions (i.e., monitoring C should be offered
tween measured A1C and glucose levels high altitude, hypoxia, or venous blood for diabetes management in
when there is concern an A1C result may readings) may lead to false high glucose adults with diabetes on basal
not be reliable in specific individuals. It readings. Glucose dehydrogenase–based insulin who are capable of us-
may be useful when coupled with a treat- monitors are not sensitive to oxygen. ing the devices safely (either
ment adjustment program. In a year-long by themselves or with a care-
study of insulin-naive people with diabetes Temperature. Because the reaction is sen- giver). The choice of device
with suboptimal initial glycemic outcomes, sitive to temperature, all monitors have an should be made based on the
a group trained in structured BGM (a acceptable temperature range (34). Most individual’s circumstances, pre-
paper tool was used at least quarterly will show an error if the temperature is ferences, and needs.
to collect and interpret seven-point BGM unacceptable, but a few will provide a 7.13 Real-time continuous glucose
profiles taken on 3 consecutive days) re- reading and a message indicating that monitoring B or intermittently
duced their A1C by 0.3% more than the the value may be incorrect. Humidity and scanned continuous glucose
control group (29). A trial of once-daily altitude may also alter glucose readings. monitoring E should be of-
BGM that included enhanced feedback fered for diabetes manage-
ment in youth with type 1
from people with diabetes through mes- Interfering Substances. There are a few
diabetes on multiple daily in-
saging found no clinically or statistically physiologic and pharmacologic factors that
jections or continuous subcu-
significant change in A1C at 1 year (28). interfere with glucose readings. Most inter-
taneous insulin infusion who
Meta-analyses have suggested that BGM fere only with glucose oxidase systems
are capable of using the devi-
can reduce A1C by 0.25–0.3% at 6 months (34). They are listed in Table 7.2.
ces safely (either by them-
(30–32), but the effect was attenuated at
selves or with a caregiver).
12 months in one analysis (30). Reduc-
CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE The choice of device should
tions in A1C were greater ( 0.3%) in tri-
MONITORING DEVICES be made based on the indi-
als where structured BGM data were
vidual’s circumstances, pref-
used to adjust medications, but A1C was Recommendations
erences, and needs.
not changed significantly without such 7.11 Real-time continuous glucose
7.14 Real-time continuous glucose
structured diabetes therapy adjustment monitoring A or intermittently
monitoring or intermittently
(32). A key consideration is that perform- scanned continuous glucose
scanned continuous glucose
ing BGM alone does not lower blood glu- monitoring B should be offered monitoring should be offered
cose levels. To be useful, the information for diabetes management in for diabetes management in
must be integrated into clinical and self- adults with diabetes on mul- youth with type 2 diabetes
management plans. tiple daily injections or con- on multiple daily injections or
tinuous subcutaneous insulin continuous subcutaneous in-
Glucose Meter Inaccuracy infusion who are capable of us- sulin infusion who are capable
Although many meters function well under ing the devices safely (either by of using the devices safely
various circumstances, health care profes- themselves or with a care- (either by themselves or with
sionals and people with diabetes must be giver). The choice of device a caregiver). The choice of de-
aware of factors impairing meter accuracy. should be made based on the vice should be made based
A meter reading that seems discordant individual’s circumstances, pref- on the individual’s circumstances,
with the clinical picture needs to be re- erences, and needs. preferences, and needs. E
tested or tested in a laboratory. Health Diabetes Technology S115

7.15 In people with diabetes on levels are rising or falling rapidly). There with iCGM designation and FDA approval
multiple daily injections or are two basic types of CGM devices: for use with AID systems.
continuous subcutaneous insulin those that are owned by the user, un-
infusion, real-time continuous blinded, and intended for frequent/con- Benefits of Continuous Glucose
tinuous use, including real-time CGM Monitoring
glucose monitoring devices
should be used as close to (rtCGM) and intermittently scanned CGM Data From Randomized Controlled Trials

daily as possible for maximal (isCGM), and professional CGM devices Multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
benefit. A Intermittently scanned that are owned and applied in the clinic, have been performed using rtCGM devices,
which provide data that are blinded or and the results have largely been positive
continuous glucose monitor-
unblinded for a discrete period of time. in terms of reducing A1C levels and/or
ing devices should be scanned
The types of sensors currently available episodes of hypoglycemia as long as
frequently, at a minimum once
are either disposable (rtCGM and isCGM) participants regularly wore the devices
every 8 h. A People with dia-

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or implantable (rtCGM). Table 7.3 pro- (35,36,45–67). The initial studies were
betes should have uninter-
vides the definitions for the types of primarily done in adults and youth with
rupted access to their supplies
CGM devices. For people with type 1 di- type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy
to minimize gaps in continuous
abetes using CGM, frequency of sensor and/or MDI (35,36,45–48,51–61). The pri-
glucose monitoring. A
use was an important predictor of A1C mary outcome was met and showed ben-
7.16 When used as an adjunct to
lowering for all age-groups (35,36). The efit in adults of all ages (35,45,46,51,52,54,
pre- and postprandial blood
frequency of scanning with isCGM devi- 56,57,68–71) including seniors (53,72,73).
glucose monitoring, continu-
ces was also correlated with improved Data in children are less consistent; how-
ous glucose monitoring can
outcomes (37–40). ever, rtCGM in young children with type 1
help to achieve A1C targets
Some real-time systems require cali- diabetes reduced hypoglycemia; in addi-
in diabetes and pregnancy. B
bration by the user, which varies in tion, behavioral support in parents of
7.17 Periodic use of real-time or
frequency depending on the device. Ad- young children with diabetes using
intermittently scanned contin-
ditionally, some CGM systems are called rtCGM showed the benefits of reducing
uous glucose monitoring or
use of professional continuous “adjunctive,” meaning the user should hypoglycemia concerns and diabetes dis-
perform BGM for making treatment deci- tress (35,60,74). Similarly, A1C reduction
glucose monitoring can be
sions such as dosing insulin or treating was seen in adolescents and young
helpful for diabetes manage-
hypoglycemia. Devices that do not have adults with type 1 diabetes using rtCGM
ment in circumstances where
this requirement outside of certain clinical (59). RCT data on rtCGM use in individu-
continuous use of continuous
situations (see BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING als with type 2 diabetes on MDI (63),
glucose monitoring is not appro-
above) are called “nonadjunctive” (41–43). mixed therapies (64,65), and basal in-
priate, desired, or available. C
One specific isCGM device (FreeStyle sulin (66,75) have consistently shown
7.18 Skin reactions, either due to ir-
Libre 2 [no generic form available]) and reductions in A1C but not a reduction
ritation or allergy, should be
two specific rtCGM devices (Dexcom G6 in rates of hypoglycemia. The improve-
assessed and addressed to aid
[no generic form available] and FreeStyle ments in type 2 diabetes have largely
in successful use of devices. E
Libre 3 [no generic form available]) have occurred without changes in insulin doses
7.19 Continuous glucose monitoring
been designated as integrated CGM or other diabetes medications. CGM dis-
device users should be edu-
(iCGM) devices (44). This is a higher continuation in individuals with type 2
cated on potential interfering
standard set by the FDA so that these diabetes on basal insulin caused partial
substances and other factors
devices can be integrated with other reversal of A1C reduction and time in
that may affect accuracy. C
digitally connected devices. Presently, range (TIR) improvements, suggesting that
although the Medtronic Guardian 3 rtCGM continued CGM use achieves the greatest
CGM measures interstitial glucose (which (no generic available) is FDA approved benefits (8).
correlates well with plasma glucose, for use with the 670/770G AID systems, RCT data for isCGM is more limited.
although at times, it can lag if glucose Dexcom G6 rtCGM is the only system One study was performed in adults with

Table 7.3—Continuous glucose monitoring devices

Type of CGM Description
rtCGM CGM systems that measure and display glucose levels continuously
isCGM with and without alarms CGM systems that measure glucose levels continuously but require scanning for visualization and storage of
glucose values
Professional CGM CGM devices that are placed on the person with diabetes in the health care professional’s office (or with remote
instruction) and worn for a discrete period of time (generally 7–14 days). Data may be blinded or visible to the
person wearing the device. The data are used to assess glycemic patterns and trends. Unlike rtCGM and isCGM
devices, these devices are clinic-based and not owned by the person with diabetes.

CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; isCGM, intermittently scanned CGM; rtCGM, real-time CGM.
S116 Diabetes Technology Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

type 1 diabetes and met its primary In an observational study in youth with births, length of stay, and neonatal hypo-
outcome of a reduction in rates of hy- type 1 diabetes, a slight increase in A1C glycemia (97). An observational cohort
poglycemia (49). In adults with type 2 di- and weight was seen, but the device was study that evaluated the glycemic vari-
abetes on insulin, two studies were associated with a high user satisfaction ables reported using rtCGM and isCGM
done; one study did not meet its pri- rate (82). found that lower mean glucose, lower
mary end point of A1C reduction (76) Retrospective data from rtCGM use in standard deviation, and a higher percentage
but achieved a secondary end point of a Veterans Affairs population (90) with of time in target range were associated
a reduction in hypoglycemia, and the type 1 and type 2 diabetes treated with with lower risk of large-for-gestational-age
other study met its primary end point insulin showed that the use of rtCGM births and other adverse neonatal out-
of an improvement in Diabetes Treat- significantly lowered A1C and reduced comes (98). Use of the rtCGM-reported
ment Satisfaction Questionnaire score rates of emergency department visits or mean glucose is superior to use of glu-
as well as a secondary end point of hospitalizations for hypoglycemia but did cose management indicator (GMI) and
A1C reduction (77). In a study of indi- not significantly lower overall rates of other calculations to estimate A1C given

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viduals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes emergency department visits, hospitaliza- the changes to A1C that occur in preg-
taking insulin, the primary outcome of tions, or hyperglycemia. nancy (99). Two studies employing in-
a reduction in severe hypoglycemia was termittent use of rtCGM showed no
not met (78). One study in youth with Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring difference in neonatal outcomes in women
type 1 diabetes did not show a reduction Compared With Intermittently Scanned with type 1 diabetes (100) or gestational
in A1C (79); however, the device was well Continuous Glucose Monitoring diabetes mellitus (101).
received and was associated with an in- In adults with type 1 diabetes, three RCTs
creased frequency of testing and improved have been done comparing isCGM and Use of Professional and Intermittent
diabetes treatment satisfaction (79). A re- rtCGM (91–93). In two of the studies, the Continuous Glucose Monitoring
cent randomized trial of adults with type 1 primary outcome was a reduction in Professional CGM devices, which provide
diabetes showed that the use of iCGM time spent in hypoglycemia, and rtCGM retrospective data, either blinded or
with optional alerts and alarms resulted in showed benefit compared with isCGM unblinded, for analysis, can be used to
reduction of A1C compared with BGM use (91,92). In the other study, the primary identify patterns of hypoglycemia and
(80). outcome was improved TIR, and rtCGM hyperglycemia (102,103). Professional CGM
also showed benefit compared with can be helpful to evaluate individuals when
Observational and Real-World Studies isCGM (93). A retrospective analysis also either rtCGM or isCGM is not available
isCGM has been widely available in many showed improvement in TIR, comparing to the individual or they prefer a blinded
countries for people with diabetes, and rtCGM with isCGM (94). analysis or a shorter experience with un-
this allows for the collection of large blinded data. It can be particularly use-
amounts of data across groups of people Data Analysis ful to evaluate periods of hypoglycemia
with diabetes. In adults with diabetes, The abundance of data provided by CGM in individuals on agents that can cause
these data include results from obser- offers opportunities to analyze data for hypoglycemia in order to make medica-
vational studies, retrospective studies, people with diabetes more granularly tion dose adjustments. It can also be
and analyses of registry and population than previously possible, providing addi- useful to evaluate individuals for peri-
data (81,82). In individuals with type 1 tional information to aid in achieving ods of hyperglycemia.
diabetes wearing isCGM devices, most glycemic targets. A variety of metrics have Some data have shown the benefit of
(40,81,83), but not all (84), studies have been proposed (95) and are discussed in intermittent use of CGM (rtCGM or
shown improvement in A1C levels. Re- Section 6, “Glycemic Targets.” CGM is es- isCGM) in individuals with type 2 diabetes
ductions in acute diabetes complications, sential for creating an ambulatory glucose on noninsulin and/or basal insulin thera-
such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), epi- profile and providing data on TIR, percent- pies (64,104). In these RCTs, people with
sodes of severe hypoglycemia or diabetes- age of time spent above and below range, type 2 diabetes not on intensive insulin
related coma, and hospitalizations for and glycemic variability (96). therapy used CGM intermittently com-
hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, have pared with those randomized to BGM.
been observed (40,84,85). Some retro- Real-time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Both early (64) and late improvements
spective/observational data have shown Device Use in Pregnancy in A1C were found (64,104).
an improvement in A1C levels for adults One well-designed RCT showed a reduc- Use of professional or intermittent
with type 2 diabetes on MDI (86), basal tion in A1C levels in adult women with CGM should always be coupled with anal-
insulin (87), and basal insulin or noninsulin type 1 diabetes on MDI or insulin pump ysis and interpretation for people with di-
therapies (88). In a retrospective study of therapy who were pregnant and using abetes, along with education as needed
adults with type 2 diabetes taking insulin, rtCGM in addition to standard care, in- to adjust medication and change lifestyle
a reduction in acute diabetes-related events cluding optimization of pre- and post- behaviors (105–107).
and all-cause hospitalizations was seen prandial glucose targets (97). This study
(89). Results of self-reported outcomes demonstrated the value of rtCGM in Side Effects of Continuous Glucose
varied, but where measured, people with pregnancy complicated by type 1 diabe- Monitoring Devices
diabetes had an increase in treatment tes by showing a mild improvement in Contact dermatitis (both irritant and al-
satisfaction when comparing isCGM with A1C without an increase in hypoglycemia lergic) has been reported with all devi-
BGM. and reductions in large-for-gestational-age ces that attach to the skin (108–110). In Diabetes Technology S117

Table 7.4—Continuous glucose monitoring devices interfering substances

Medication Systems affected Effect
>4 g/day Dexcom G6 Higher sensor readings than actual glucose
Any dose Medtronic Guardian Higher sensor readings than actual glucose
Alcohol Medtronic Guardian Sensor readings may be higher than actual glucose
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), >500 mg/day FreeStyle Libre Higher sensor readings than actual glucose
Hydroxyurea Dexcom G6, Medtronic Guardian Higher sensor readings than actual glucose
Mannitol Senseonics Eversense Sensor bias within therapeutic concentration ranges
Tetracycline Senseonics Eversense Sensor bias within therapeutic concentration ranges

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some cases, this has been linked to the syringes may be used for insu- available for purchase as either pens or
presence of isobornyl acrylate, a skin lin delivery considering individ- vials, others may be available in only one
sensitizer that can cause an additional ual and caregiver preference, form or the other, and there may be signif-
spreading allergic reaction (111–113). insulin type, dosing therapy, icant cost differences between pens and
Patch testing can sometimes identify cost, and self-management vials (see Table 9.4 for a list of insulin
the cause of contact dermatitis (114). capabilities. C product costs with dosage forms). Insulin
Identifying and eliminating tape allergens 7.21 Insulin pens or insulin injection pens may allow people with vision im-
is important to ensure the comfortable pairment or dexterity issues to dose
aids should be considered for
use of devices and promote self-care insulin accurately (145–147), and insulin
people with dexterity issues or
(115–118). In some instances, using an injection aids are also available to
vision impairment to facilitate
implanted sensor can help avoid skin reac- help with these issues. (For a helpful
the accurate dosing and ad-
tions in those sensitive to tape (119,120). list of injection aids, see consumerguide.
ministration of insulin. C
7.22 Connected insulin pens can be In-
Substances and Factors Affecting haled insulin can be useful in people who
helpful for diabetes manage-
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Accuracy have an aversion to injection.
ment and may be used in
Sensor interference due to several medi- The most common syringe sizes are
cations/substances is a known potential people with diabetes using
1 mL, 0.5 mL, and 0.3 mL, allowing doses
source of CGM measurement errors injectable therapy. E
of up to 100 units, 50 units, and 30 units
(Table 7.4). While several of these sub- 7.23 U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
of U-100 insulin, respectively. In a few
stances have been reported in the various tration–approved insulin dose
parts of the world, insulin syringes still
CGM brands’ user manuals, additional calculators/decision support sys-
have U-80 and U-40 markings for older
interferences have been discovered after tems may be helpful for titrat-
insulin concentrations and veterinary in-
the market release of these products. Hy- ing insulin doses. C
sulin, and U-500 syringes are available
droxyurea, used for myeloproliferative dis- for the use of U-500 insulin. Syringes are
orders and hematologic conditions, is one Injecting insulin with a syringe or pen generally used once but may be reused
of the most recently identified interfer- (127–143) is the insulin delivery method by the same individual in resource-limited
ing substances that cause a temporary used by most people with diabetes settings with appropriate storage and
increase in sensor glucose values discrepant (134,144), although inhaled insulin is cleansing (147).
from actual glucose values (121–126). also available. Others use insulin pumps or Insulin pens offer added convenience
Therefore, it is crucial to routinely review AID devices (see INSULIN PUMPS AND AUTOMATED by combining the vial and syringe into a
the medication list of the person with di- INSULIN DELIVERY SYSTEMS). For people with dia- single device. Insulin pens, allowing push-
abetes to identify possible interfering betes who use insulin, insulin syringes button injections, come as disposable
substances and advise them accordingly and pens are both able to deliver insulin pens with prefilled cartridges or reusable
on the need to use additional BGM if sen- safely and effectively for the achievement insulin pens with replaceable insulin car-
sor values are unreliable due to these of glycemic targets. Individual preferences, tridges. Pens vary with respect to dosing
substances. cost, insulin type, dosing therapy, and increment and minimal dose, ranging
self-management capabilities should be from half-unit doses to 2-unit dose in-
INSULIN DELIVERY considered when choosing among delivery crements. U-500 pens come in 5-unit
Insulin Syringes and Pens systems. Trials with insulin pens generally dose increments. Some reusable pens
Recommendations show equivalence or small improvements include a memory function, which can
7.20 For people with insulin-requiring in glycemic outcomes compared with us- recall dose amounts and timing. Con-
diabetes on multiple daily injec- ing a vial and syringe. Many individuals nected insulin pens are insulin pens with
tions, insulin pens are preferred with diabetes prefer using a pen due to its the capacity to record and/or transmit in-
in most cases. Still, insulin simplicity and convenience. It is important sulin dose data. Insulin pen caps are also
to note that while many insulin types are available and are placed on existing insulin
S118 Diabetes Technology Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

pens and assist with calculating insulin 7.25 Insulin pump therapy alone with and adults (155). There is no consensus
doses. Some connected insulin pens and or without sensor-augmented to guide choosing which form of insulin
pen caps can be programmed to calculate pump low glucose suspend administration is best for a given individ-
insulin doses and provide downloadable feature and/or automated insu- ual, and research to guide this decision-
data reports. These pens and pen caps lin delivery systems should be making process is needed (155). Thus, the
are useful to people with diabetes for choice of MDI or an insulin pump is often
offered for diabetes manage-
real-time insulin dosing and allow clini- based upon the characteristics of the per-
ment to youth and adults on
cians to retrospectively review the insu- son with diabetes and which method is
multiple daily injections with
lin delivery times and in some cases most likely to benefit them. DiabetesWise
type 1 diabetes A or other
doses and glucose data in order to ( and the PANTHER
types of insulin-deficient dia-
make informed insulin dose adjustments Program ( have help-
betes E who are capable of
(148). ful websites to assist health care profes-
Needle thickness (gauge) and length using the device safely (either
sionals and people with diabetes in

Downloaded from by guest on 02 January 2023

are other considerations. Needle gauges by themselves or with a care-
choosing diabetes devices based on
range from 22 to 34, with a higher gauge giver) and are not able to use their individual needs and the features
indicating a thinner needle. A thicker or do not choose an auto- of the devices. Newer systems, such as
needle can give a dose of insulin more mated insulin delivery sys- sensor-augmented pumps and AID sys-
quickly, while a thinner needle may cause tem. The choice of device tems, are discussed below.
less pain. Needle length ranges from 4 to should be made based on Adoption of pump therapy in the U.S.
12.7 mm, with some evidence suggesting the individual’s circumstances, shows geographical variations, which
shorter needles (4–5 mm) lower the risk preferences, and needs. A may be related to health care profes-
of intramuscular injection and possibly the 7.26 Insulin pump therapy can be sional preference or center characteris-
development of lipohypertrophy. When offered for diabetes manage- tics (157,158) and socioeconomic status,
reused, needles may be duller and, thus, ment to youth and adults on as pump therapy is more common in in-
injection more painful. Proper insulin in- multiple daily injections with dividuals of higher socioeconomic status
jection technique is a requisite for receiv- type 2 diabetes who are capa- as reflected by race/ethnicity, private
ing the full dose of insulin with each ble of using the device safely health insurance, family income, and
injection. Concerns with technique and (either by themselves or with education (157,158). Given the additional
use of the proper technique are outlined a caregiver). The choice of de- barriers to optimal diabetes care ob-
in Section 9, “Pharmacologic Approaches vice should be made based served in disadvantaged groups (159),
to Glycemic Treatment.” on the individual’s circumstan- addressing the differences in access to
Bolus calculators have been devel- ces, preferences, and needs. A insulin pumps and other diabetes tech-
oped to aid dosing decisions (149–154). 7.27 Individuals with diabetes who nology may contribute to fewer health
These systems are subject to FDA ap- have been using continuous disparities.
proval to ensure safety and efficacy in subcutaneous insulin infusion Pump therapy can be successfully
terms of algorithms used and subsequent should have continued access started at the time of diagnosis (160,161).
dosing recommendations. People inter- across third-party payers. E Practical aspects of pump therapy initia-
ested in using these systems should be tion include assessment of readiness of
encouraged to use those that are FDA the person with diabetes and their family,
approved. Health care professional input Insulin Pumps if applicable (although there is no consen-
and education can be helpful for setting Insulin pumps have been available in the sus on which factors to consider in adults
the initial dosing calculations with ongo- U.S. for over 40 years. These devices de- [162] or children and adolescents with di-
ing follow-up for adjustments as needed. liver rapid-acting insulin throughout the abetes), selection of pump type and initial
day to help manage blood glucose levels. pump settings, individual/family education
Insulin Pumps and Automated Most insulin pumps use tubing to deliver on potential pump complications (e.g.,
Insulin Delivery Systems insulin through a cannula, while a few at- DKA with infusion set failure), transition
tach directly to the skin without tubing. from MDI, and introduction of advanced
AID systems, which can adjust insulin deliv- pump settings (e.g., temporary basal rates,
7.24 Automated insulin delivery sys-
ery rates based on current sensor glucose extended/square/dual wave bolus).
tems should be offered for
values, are preferred over nonautomated Older individuals with type 1 diabetes
diabetes management to youth
pumps and MDI in people with type 1 benefit from ongoing insulin pump ther-
and adults with type 1 diabetes
diabetes. apy. There are no data to suggest that
A and other types of insulin-
Most studies comparing MDI with insu- measurement of C-peptide levels or anti-
deficient diabetes E who are
lin pump therapy have been relatively bodies predicts success with insulin pump
capable of using the device
small and of short duration. However, therapy (163,164). Additionally, the fre-
safely (either by themselves or
a systematic review and meta-analysis quency of follow-up does not influence
with a caregiver). The choice
concluded that pump therapy has modest outcomes. Access to insulin pump ther-
of device should be made based
advantages for lowering A1C ( 0.30% apy, including AID systems, should be
on the individual’s circumstances,
[95% CI 0.58 to 0.02]) and for reduc- allowed or continued in older adults as
preferences, and needs.
ing severe hypoglycemia rates in children it is in younger people. Diabetes Technology S119

Complications of the pump can be quality of life, and preventing long-term systems eventually may be truly auto-
caused by issues with infusion sets (dis- complications. Based on shared decision- mated, currently used hybrid closed-
lodgement, occlusion), which place indi- making by people with diabetes and loop systems require the manual entry
viduals at risk for ketosis and DKA and health care professionals, insulin pumps of carbohydrates consumed to calcu-
thus must be recognized and managed may be considered in all children and late prandial doses, and adjustments for
early (165). Other pump skin issues adolescents with type 1 diabetes. In partic- physical activity must be announced. Mul-
included lipohypertrophy or, less fre- ular, pump therapy may be the preferred tiple studies using various systems with
quently, lipoatrophy (166,167) and pump mode of insulin delivery for children under varying algorithms, pumps, and sensors
site infection (168). Discontinuation of 7 years of age (185). Because of a paucity have been performed in adults and chil-
pump therapy is relatively uncommon of data in adolescents and youth with dren (191–200). Evidence suggests AID sys-
today; the frequency has decreased over type 2 diabetes, there is insufficient ev- tems may reduce A1C levels and improve
the past few decades, and its causes idence to make recommendations. TIR (201–205). They may also lower the

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have changed (168,169). Current reasons Common barriers to pump therapy risk of exercise-related hypoglycemia
for attrition are problems with cost or adoption in children and adolescents are (206) and may have psychosocial benefits
wearability, dislike for the pump, sub- concerns regarding the physical inter- (207–210). The use of AID systems de-
optimal glycemic outcomes, or mood dis- ference of the device, discomfort with pends on the preference of the person
orders (e.g., anxiety or depression) (170). the idea of having a device on the body, with diabetes and the selection of individ-
therapeutic effectiveness, and financial uals (and/or caregivers) who are capa-
Insulin Pumps in Youth burden (175,186). ble of safely and effectively using the
The safety of insulin pumps in youth devices.
has been established for over 15 years Sensor-Augmented Pumps
(171). Studying the effectiveness of in- Sensor-augmented pumps that suspend Insulin Pumps in People With Type 2 and
sulin pump therapy in lowering A1C has insulin when glucose is low or are pre- Other Types of Diabetes
been challenging because of the potential dicted to go low within the next 30 min Traditional insulin pumps can be con-
selection bias of observational studies. have been approved by the FDA. The sidered for the treatment of people with
Participants on insulin pump therapy Automation to Simulate Pancreatic Insulin type 2 diabetes who are on MDI as well
may have a higher socioeconomic status Response (ASPIRE) trial of 247 people as those who have other types of dia-
that may facilitate better glycemic out- with type 1 diabetes showed that sensor- betes resulting in insulin deficiency, for
comes (172) versus MDI. In addition, the augmented insulin pump therapy with a instance, those who have had a pancre-
fast pace of development of new insulins low glucose suspend function signifi- atectomy and/or individuals with cystic
and technologies quickly renders compar- cantly reduced nocturnal hypoglycemia fibrosis (211–215). Similar to data on in-
isons obsolete. However, RCTs comparing over 3 months without increasing A1C lev- sulin pump use in people with type 1 di-
insulin pumps and MDI with rapid-acting els (55). In a different sensor-augmented abetes, reductions in A1C levels are not
insulin analogs demonstrate a modest im- pump, predictive low glucose suspend re- consistently seen in individuals with type 2
provement in A1C in participants on insu- duced time spent with glucose <70 mg/dL diabetes when compared with MDI, al-
lin pump therapy (173,174). Observational from 3.6% at baseline to 2.6% (3.2% with though this has been seen in some stud-
studies, registry data, and meta-analysis sensor-augmented pump therapy without ies (213,216). Use of insulin pumps in
have also suggested an improvement in predictive low glucose suspend) without insulin-requiring people with any type
glycemic outcomes in participants on insu- rebound hyperglycemia during a 6-week of diabetes may improve patient satis-
lin pump therapy (175–177). Although randomized crossover trial (187). These faction and simplify therapy (164,211).
hypoglycemia was a major adverse effect devices may offer the opportunity to re- For people with diabetes judged to be
of intensified insulin therapy in the Diabe- duce hypoglycemia for those with a history clinically insulin deficient who are treated
tes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) of nocturnal hypoglycemia. Additional with an intensive insulin therapy, the pres-
(178), data suggest that insulin pumps may studies have been performed in adults ence or absence of measurable C-peptide
reduce the rates of severe hypoglycemia and children, showing the benefits of levels does not correlate with response to
compared with MDI (177,179–181). this technology (188–190). therapy (164). Alternative pump options in
There is also evidence that insulin pump people with type 2 diabetes may include
therapy may reduce DKA risk (177,182) and Automated Insulin Delivery Systems disposable patch-like devices, which pro-
diabetes complications, particularly reti- AID systems increase and decrease insu- vide either a continuous subcutaneous
nopathy and peripheral neuropathy in lin delivery based on sensor-derived glu- infusion of rapid-acting insulin (basal) with
youth, compared with MDI (162). In addi- cose levels to mimic physiologic insulin bolus insulin in 2-unit increments at the
tion, treatment satisfaction and quality- delivery. These systems consist of three press of a button or bolus insulin only
of-life measures improved on insulin pump components: an insulin pump, a contin- delivered in 2-unit increments used in
therapy compared with MDI (183,184). uous glucose monitoring system, and an conjunction with basal insulin injections
Therefore, insulin pumps can be used algorithm that calculates insulin delivery. (212,214,217,218). Use of an insulin pump
safely and effectively in youth with type 1 All AID systems on the market today ad- as a means of insulin delivery is an individ-
diabetes to assist with achieving targeted just basal delivery in real time, and some ual choice for people with diabetes and
glycemic outcomes while reducing the risk deliver correction doses automatically. should be considered an option in those
of hypoglycemia and DKA, improving While insulin delivery in closed-loop who are capable of safely using the device.
S120 Diabetes Technology Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

Do-It-Yourself Closed-Loop Systems diabetes clinic have been published (224). programs, which vary in terms of their
Recommendation The FDA approves and monitors clinically effectiveness (236,237). There are lim-
7.28 Individuals with diabetes may validated, digital, and usually online ited RCT data for many of these inter-
be using systems not approved health technologies intended to treat a ventions, and long-term follow-up is
by the U.S. Food and Drug medical or psychological condition; these lacking. However, for an individual with
Administration, such as do-it- are known as digital therapeutics or diabetes, opting into one of these pro-
“digiceuticals” ( grams can be helpful in providing support
yourself closed-loop systems
digital-health-center-excellence/device- and, for many, is an attractive option.
and others; health care profes-
sionals cannot prescribe these
applications) (225). Other applications, Inpatient Care
systems but should assist in
such as those that assist in displaying or
diabetes management to en- Recommendation
storing data, encourage a healthy life-
sure the safety of people with 7.30 People with diabetes who are
style or provide limited clinical data sup-

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diabetes. E competent to safely use dia-
port. Therefore, it is possible to find
apps that have been fully reviewed and betes devices such as insulin
approved by the FDA and others de- pumps and continuous glucose
Some people with type 1 diabetes have
signed and promoted by people with monitoring systems should be
been using “do-it-yourself” (DIY) systems
relatively little skill or knowledge in the supported to continue using
that combine an insulin pump and an
clinical treatment of diabetes. There is them in an inpatient setting
rtCGM with a controller and an algo-
insufficient data to provide recommen- or during outpatient procedures,
rithm designed to automate insulin de-
dations for specific apps for diabetes once competency is estab-
livery (219–223). These systems are not
management, education, and support in lished and proper supervision
approved by the FDA, although efforts
the absence of RCTs and validations of is available. E
are underway to obtain regulatory ap-
proval for some of them. The informa- apps unless they are FDA cleared.
tion on how to set up and manage these An area of particular importance is
Individuals who are comfortable using
systems is freely available on the internet, that of online privacy and security. Estab-
their diabetes devices, such as insulin
and there are internet groups where peo- lished cloud-based data aggregator pro-
pumps and CGM, should be allowed to
ple inform each other as to how to set up grams, such as Tidepool, Glooko, and
use them in an inpatient setting if they
others, have been developed with appro-
and use them. Although health care pro- are well enough to take care of the de-
priate data security features and are
fessionals cannot prescribe these systems, vices and have brought the necessary
compliant with the U.S. Health Insur-
it is crucial to keep people with diabetes supplies (238–242). People with diabe-
ance Portability and Accountability Act
safe if they are using these methods for tes who are familiar with treating their
of 1996. These programs can help moni-
automated insulin delivery. Part of this own glucose levels can often adjust in-
tor people with diabetes and provide
entails ensuring people have a backup sulin doses more knowledgeably than
access to their health care team (226).
plan in case of pump failure. Addition- inpatient staff who do not personally
Consumers should read the policy re-
ally, in most DIY systems, insulin doses know the individual or their manage-
garding data privacy and sharing before
are adjusted based on the pump settings ment style. However, this should occur
entering data into an application and
for basal rates, carbohydrate ratios, cor- based on the hospital’s policies for dia-
learn how they can control the way
rection doses, and insulin activity. There- betes management and use of diabetes
their data will be used (some programs
fore, these settings can be evaluated and technology, and there should be super-
offer the ability to share more or less in-
modified based on the individual’s insu- vision to ensure that the individual is
formation, such as being part of a regis-
lin requirements. achieving and maintaining glycemic tar-
try or data repository or not).
Many online programs offer lifestyle gets during acute illness in a hospitalized
Digital Health Technology counseling to aid with weight loss and setting where factors such as infection,
Recommendation increase physical activity (227). Many in- certain medications, immobility, changes
7.29 Systems that combine technol- clude a health coach and can create in nutrition, and other factors can im-
ogy and online coaching can small groups of similar participants on pact insulin sensitivity and the insulin
be beneficial in treating pre- social networks. Some programs aim to response.
diabetes and diabetes for some treat prediabetes and prevent progres- With the advent of the coronavirus
individuals. B sion to diabetes, often following the disease 2019 pandemic, the FDA exer-
model of the Diabetes Prevention Program cised enforcement discretion by allow-
(228,229). Others assist in improving dia- ing CGM device use temporarily in the
Increasingly, people are turning to the betes outcomes by remotely monitoring hospital for patient monitoring (243).
internet for advice, coaching, connection, clinical data (for instance, wireless monitor- This approach has been used to reduce
and health care. Diabetes, partly because ing of glucose levels, weight, or blood the use of personal protective equip-
it is both common and numeric, lends pressure) and providing feedback and ment and more closely monitor patients
itself to the development of apps and coaching (230–235). There are text mes- so that health care personnel do not
online programs. Recommendations for saging approaches that tie into a variety of have to go into a patient room solely to
developing and implementing a digital different types of lifestyle and treatment measure a glucose level (244–246). Studies Diabetes Technology S121

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