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In this era of technology, where we receive information on events all around the world from the

news, can we really consider this to be a non-biased and trustworthy source of knowledge,
untouched by the editorials views? I don’t believe so. In my eyes, the days of honest journalism,
where news existed exclusively to allow people to know what was happening around them in an
unbiased manner have long since passed.

To begin with, journalists no longer seem to care about the accuracy of the story they present, as
long as they are the first to publish it. Due to the large amount of news sources, speed has become
the most important factor, while credibility and truth seem to have been forgotten. This can also
be noticed as most journalists don’t bother double checking the veracity of their story, even if it
will wrongfully ruin someone else’s reputation in their pursuit of a quick and catchy story, all while
defending their actions under the guise of so called “freedom of speech and press”

Furthermore, depending on the news outlet you get your information from, you will notice how
the same story has different versions and the facts seem to change. Journalists nowadays seem
quite happy to cheat, lie and manipulate their readers by presenting the news in a light that is
beneficial to the beliefs and views of their political ideology, while doing the same to attack or
discredit the political views they do not agree with.

However, some people argue that news is the most trustworthy source of information available at
present, as other sources to learn about events occurring round the world, such as social media,
have been completely infested with fake news and political propaganda. Some consider the
solution to be reading news articles from editorials with different political views so as to offset or
balance out the political manipulation injected into the story and find the truth.

In conclusion, as journalists have long since abandoned the pursuit of truth and well written,
accurate stories, in favour of quick and unverified “tall tales”, or extremely filtered and politically
biased information; I will stick to my guns and say we cannot fully trust journalists, as they have a
history of being dishonest, and as we all know, a leopard cant change its spots

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