IT-10-MTP-2 (AnswerKey) Watermark

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CLASS X (2022-23)


Q. 1 Answer any 4 of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. (1 x 4 = 4 marks)

i. (c) Self-motivation 1
ii. (d) All of these 1
iii. (d) Both (b) and (c) 1
iv. (d) Both (a) and (b) 1
v. (d) None of these 1
vi. (d) Self-employment 1

Q. 2 Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions: (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. (a) Datasheet View 1
ii. (c) Sound Sentry 1
iii. (b) desc 1
iv. (b) Main document 1
v. (d) Watermark 1
vi. (b) Will always work 1

Q3. Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions: (1 x 5 = 5 marks) 1

i. (a) Update Candidates set study_centre = “Ahmedabad” where study_centre = “Surat”; 1

ii. (c) Toggle keys 1
iii. (b) One-to-many 1

iv. (b) Goal Seek 1

v. (a) Filter keys 1

vi. (d) All of these 1

Q. 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. (c) Data 1

ii. (b) and (c) 1

iii. (d) Ease of Access Center 1

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iv. (b) Alias 1

v. (c) Select 1

vi. (b) Style 1

Q5. Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions: (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. (a) Reports 1

ii. (a) Character 1

iii. (b) Modem 1

iv. (c) Create report 1

v. (c) Database servers 1

vi. (c) Macro 1


6. (i) The misconception associated with the given statement is - A person needs to have a big 2
business to be called an entrepreneur.
(ii) The misconception associated with the given statement is - A person needs a lot of money to
start a business.
7. There are two types of stress: 2
(a) Positive Stress: Stress which is used to describe positive, exciting, motivating and enhanced
functioning is called positive stress. It is also known as eustress. A little stress is important to
keep us going. It gives a zing to life.
(b) Negative Stress: Negative stress refers to bad, negative and overwhelming stress that impairs
functioning. It stems from the fear of losing, failing, overworking or not being able to cope with a
situation. Such stress affects us in a harmful manner. It is also known as distress.

8. Self-regulation inculcates discipline that helps in consistent efforts to move towards the goal. It 2
teaches self-control and well-directed efforts to reach the goal. It makes people more
independent and leads them to better decision-making. It helps in managing stress. Self-
regulation helps us cope with strong feelings and to remain calm during difficult times and under
strenuous situations.
9. Four measures to protect our computers from online theft and viruses are: 2
(a) Use passwords to log in to your computer.
(b) Install Antivirus and Firewall.
(c) Use Data Encryption.
(d) Give details of your credit card or bank account only on a secure site.

10. Four functions of an entrepreneur are: 2

(a) Making decisions
(b) Managing the business
(c) Taking risks
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(d) Creating new products and ideas for the business to grow

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each. (2 × 4 = 8)

11. The steps to remove the relationship between tables in OpenOffice Base are: 2

1. Right-click the line connecting the Date fields in the two table lists to open a
context menu.
2. Select Delete option to remove the relationship.

12. Update cascade: The values modified in the key of the parent table will automatically 2
update the matching values in the child table. This is termed as Update cascade.
Delete cascade: Deleting records from a primary key or parent table will automatically
lead to deletion of the matching records from the child table. This is termed as Delete

13. Referential integrity refers to the relationship between tables. Four features of 2
referential integrity are:

(a) It is used to maintain the accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship.

(b) It saves time as there is no need to enter the same data in separate tables.

(c) It reduces data-entry errors.

(d) It summarizes data from related tables.

14. DDL stands for Data Definition Language. Example – Create Table, Alter Table, etc. 2

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. Example- Insert Into, Update, Delete, etc.

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15. Four clauses used with Select command are: 2

(a) Where clause - to specify conditions.

(b) Between.. and clause - to display records between specified ranges.

(c) Like clause - to match string patterns.

(d) Order by clause - to display records in ascending or descending order.

16. (i) Select * from Exam_results Where Stream = ‘Commerce’; 2

(ii) Select * from Exam_results Order By Total_Marks;

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50 – 80 words each. (4 × 3 = 12)

17. 4
(i) OpenOffice Base, Microsoft Access
(ii) DBMS stands for Database Management System. It is a software package with a set of
computer programs that controls the operations, maintenance, and use of a database. It is an
integrated collection of data records, files and other objects.
(iii) Two advantages of DBMS are:
(a) Reduces Data Redundancy: The database reduces data redundancy
(duplication of data) by storing all necessary files and data items integrated
together at a central location. This removes duplication of data on multiple files,
saves storage space and makes the database consistent.

(b) Sharing of Data: In a database, the users of the database can share the data among
themselves. It allows multi-users to operate the database at a single time, making it
more efficient. New applications can be easily developed with minimal modifications
and cost.

18. (i) Local Area Network (LAN) will be formed. 4

(ii) Web browser is required to browse the internet. Examples are Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
(iii) Two advantages of a computer network are:
(a) Data Sharing: It allows the sharing of data such as text files, spreadsheets, documents,
presentations, audio files, video files, etc., to other users.
(b) Internet Access Sharing: We can purchase a single Internet connection and share it among
other computers in a network instead of purchasing multiple Internet connections for each
(iv) Two ISPs are – Airtel, MTNL.

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19. (i) Two basic fire-safety rules in an organization are: 4

(a) Provide adequate means of escape

(b) Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals

(ii) First Aid is the immediate assistance provided to the injured to save lives and
minimize health loss till the proper medical aid/facility is provided.

(iii) An occupational hazard is an illness one may acquire due to their occupation. For
example, people working in a chemical factory may get affected due to the presence of
certain chemicals. Some types of occupational hazards are:
(a) Physical hazards
(b) Chemical hazards
(c) Behavioural hazards
(d) Radiological hazards

(iv) To avoid occupational hazards, the following precautions should be taken:

(a) Every organization must follow SOP for accident handling
(b) Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents.
(c) The medical team must immediately be called in case of any injury.
(d) Attention must be paid to emergency drills and they must be followed.

20. (i) Select * from Employee Where Salary > 50000; 4

(ii) Select Salary/2 From Employee;

(iii) Select * from Employee Where Designation = ‘Manager’;

(iv) Update Employee Set Salary=Salary+4000

Where Name= ‘Atul’;

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21. Some of the etiquette to be followed while chatting are: 4

1. Message to be conveyed should be short, simple and concise.

2. Introduce yourself by name if your account doesn’t reveal your name.
3. Ask whether the other person has any free time for chatting or not.
4. Convey the exact message that you want to convey.
5. While chatting during business dealings, you should be clear and know exactly what you
want to discuss.
6. Don’t type your entire message in capital letters, as it is considered as shouting and
aggressive in chatting terms.
7. Give people time to respond. Wait for their reply, only then send another message.
8. Always say thank you or end your chat conversation with proper messages.

For Visually Impaired Students

21. Cookies are meant for storing data based on the activity performed during our earlier visit such 4
as login details, visited pages in a website, etc., which can be tracked by unauthorized users and
help them gain access to our personal information. The steps to clear browser cookies from the
computer are:

1. Open your browser, say “Chrome”.

2. At the top-right, click More.
3. Click More tools > Clear browsing data.
4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
5. Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the
6. Click Clear data.

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