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MEDAN 2011

Teaching English Language Based On Some Methods

This is a teaching English language based on some methods. The purpose of this study is to know the suitable methods of teaching English language that is used by teachers. To solve the problem the writers intend to use the theory: Brumfit and Johnson (1979), Richard and Schmidt (1983), Brumfit (1984). The conclusion of the scientific writing is showing that there are some methods of teaching English that very useful for teachers and students.

Medan, March 2011

The Writers


First of all the writers would like to express their deepest thank to the Almighty God for His blessing, guidance and protection that He given during write the scientific writing. From the bottom of their heart, they would like to express their sincere thankfulness to Dra. Erika Sinambela M.Hum and Dra. Sondang Manik M.Hum who have kindly shared their time and given their valuable attention in guiding and advising the writers. From their heart, they say gratitude to their parents and all their family who supported them to write this scientific writing. Finally, they say thanks to all their friends who can not be said one by one. They realize that they need suggestion, critics and ideas from the reader to make this scientific writing become available and useful in future.

Medan, March 2011

The Writers

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...........................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................iii INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1 Background of Study................................................................................................1 The Objective of Study............................................................................................1 The Significant of Study..........................................................................................1 REVIEW.....................................................................................................................2 Introduction to Teaching Method.............................................................................2 Definition of Teaching Method................................................................................2 Method in English Language Teaching...................................................................3 Grammar Translation Method.......................................................................6 Direct Method..................................................................................................6 Audio Visual Method....................................................................................6 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.....................................................................6 Conclusion................................................................................................................6 Suggestion................................................................................................................6 REFERENCES............................................................................6


Background Of The Study English has become an important language in the world. Language is the main means of communication use in social interaction with a community. Without langauge we can not communicate one to another properly. Sometimes teachers do not use the right methods in teaching English, it causes some problems in the teaching learning proccess in the classroom. There are some methods of teaching English language that will be explained in teaching learning proccess, they are grammar-translation method, direct method, and audio-visual method. The teacher must use the right methods when teaching English so that it is not difficult for the students to understand English.

The Objective Of The Study The objective of this study is formulated to explain the three methods (grammar-translation method, direct method and audio-visual method), and also to investigate the ability achieved by teachers who applied the three of those methods in teaching learning activity.

The Significant Of The Study It is expected that the finding of this study give some contribution to the language teaching learning. The most important thing is how to make the English teachers and students realize that the methods of teaching are important to improve knowledge about English.


Introduction to Teaching Methods The inspiring teacher is a product of his own diligence is seeking new ideas, sifting them for adoption, and applying effective ones to his own situation. The successful teacher periodically re-assesses his instructional objective and modifies and improves his methods. He gets his ideas from many schools of thought about teaching methodology. Most good teachers find effective methods by selecting what they consider the best from the numoreos sources available. When the most effective methods and techniques are put togather, they constitute a synthesis. It is major objective of this paper to present us with help toward achieving that syntesis. And also this paper is devoted to classroom procedures, the construction of teaching units, planning for individual and group instruction, developing and retaining fundamnetal skills, pupil guidance, testing and evaluating pupil progress, leading pupils towards selfdicipline, and achieving practicable classroom management. Throughout this paper, we have tried to keep in mind the need to list as many ideas as possible. In many sections there is a simple enumeration of ideas. While an effort has been made to be comprehensive, simplicity has been the prime aim. Basic practices in methology are presented and numerous examples are used to provide the reader with a concrete idea of an abstract concept in action. The reader should concern himself with the means through which the concepts and the practices presented in the classroom.

Definition of Teaching Methods Teaching methods are the means by which the teacher attempts to bring about the desired learning. Basically, method in teaching concerns the way teachers organize and techniques of teaching, subject matter, teaching tools, and teaching materials to meet teaching objectives. It consists of formulating the goals and objectives for teaching, selecting the subject matter and the teaching procedures that will best achieve those objectives, carrying out the procedures, evaluating the success of the learning activities, and following up their successes and failures.

Methods in English Language Teaching I. The Grammar- Translation Method

The Grammar Translation Method derived from traditional approaches to the teaching of Latin and Greek in the nineteenth century. It is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first thought detailed analysis of its

grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target language" (Richards and Rogers, 2002). Students in this method develop the ability to read prestigious literary texts. They also learn to read and write in the target language accurately, which is a necessity. However, this method is a particular analysis of the written target language, especially its grammar and vocabulary that are learned from bilingual word lists which can be boring as a main task. In addition, the mother tongue is used as the medium of instruction, would not work for any form of listening and speaking teaching. It is thought that if the last two points are used as a pre-task, it will be rather enjoyable. Unfortunately, this method hardly gives any attention to listening and speaking skills, and the result is usually an inability on the part of the student to use the language for communication. This method has dominated classroom in large parts of worlds. The main learning activity is translation and grammar. Teachers just emphasize the structure and meaning. This is supplemented by grammar exercises, dictation, and essay writing.

ADVANTAGE OF GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD The advantage of this method is Student know the structure well. Students cannot pronounce the language fluently. Example : Teacher teaches the present continuous tense. The teacher here just gives the pattern

S + tobe (is, am, are) + verb + ing + complement

e.g. Johan is reading a magazine in the library Note: After teacher gives the pattern and the example, teacher doesnt give a chance for the students to practice the sentences in speaking.

DISADVANTAGES OF GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD 1. Even if learning a language by Grammar-Translation method trained mind in logical thought, there is little evidence to suggest that this faculty is transferable to other walks of life beyond the language classroom.When is written translation of actual use to the learner? Only perhaps after school in industry, commerce, foreign correspondence, advertising, export orders - European market. But how many pupils of modern languages will actually end up here?

2. This method gives pupils the wrong idea of what language is and of the relationship between languages. Language is seen as a collection or words which are isolated and independent and there must be a corresponding word in the native tongue for each foreign word he learns. 3. Deplorable to assume that language is only acquired through translation skills, and this at the expense of oral skills (imagine disaster in, comprehensive schools with mixed ability classes)
4. Low translation standard - caused by grammaticaltechniques which force learner

to deduce FL sentences 'by selecting from a multiplicity of rules and exceptions and individualised words. Inevitable that language learning process should fall down. In 5 year 'O' level courses, candidate faced over 1000 rules, together with exceptions, in preparation for examination based on translation. After 5 years learning a language, the average '0' level candidate could make up to 160 errors in translation paper and fail this part of the exam. 5. IQ of average grammar school child not high enough to cope with this method (imagine response of mixed-ability group in comprehensive school!) 6. Worst effect of this method is on pupil's motivation. Because (s)he cannot succeed - leads to frustration, boredom and indiscipline. Even among more able pupils who may be able to achieve a higher level of success, there is feeling that this is all there is to language learning. Not a rewarding or satisfying activity.. Language learning should be fun and bring some joy and pride in achievement with it.


The Direct Method / Naturalistic

The Direct Method is the learning of language in a relevant setting. This method has one basic rule and that is that no translation is allowed. The meaning of the name "Direct Method" comes from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly into the second language through demonstration and visual aids. The basic premise of this method is that the Second Language Learning should be more like first language: Richard and Rogers (1986:9-10) summarize the principle of direct methods are:
1. Classroom Instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.

Teacher gives instruction to students. Example: when teacher teaches about paragraph teacher give the procedure to make a good paragraph. 2. Everyday vocabularies were taught.

3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression

organized around questions and answers exchanges between teacher and students in small, intensive classes. Teacher should be active; teacher gives some questions to the students. 4. The class should be in small number. 5. Grammar was taught inductively 6. New teaching points were taught through modelling and practice. 7. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration of objects and pictures. Abstract vocabulary was taught through association of ideas. 8. Correct pronunciation and Grammar were stressed by teacher. 9. The student should in high motivation and teacher should have good knowledge and well prepared.

Strategies using the direct method

1. Q & A The teacher asks questions of any nature and the students answer. In preparation for this activity the teacher models, extensively, the use of complete answers to questions. Once doing this activity the teacher expects full sentences as answers to each question. Students can also be given the opportunity to ask the questions. Objective: Experiment with words and sentence patterns to create interest and variety. 2. Dictation The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage from a book and reads the text aloud three times. The first time the passage is read the students only listen. The second time the passage is read it is read phrase by phrase, with the teacher pausing long enough for students to write down what they have heard. The third time the text is read, it is read at normal speed and the students check their work. Objective: Listen attentively, courteously, and purposefully to a range of texts from a variety of cultural traditions for pleasure and information. 3. Reading Aloud Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialog out loud. At the end of each student's turn the teacher uses gestures, pictures, examples, or role play to help the students make meaning of the text. Objective: Orally and silently read a range of contemporary and classical grade appropriate texts for enjoyment and information.

4. Getting Students to Self-Correct The teacher when provided with the opportunity should have the students self-correct by offering them a choice between what they said and the proper pronunciation. For example if the student says, "I have cree apples," the teacher should say, "Do you have cree apples or three apples?" Objective: Reflect on speaking behaviors and strategies.
5. Map Drawing

Students are provided with a blank map of Canada. The teacher gives specific instructions to the students. Once they are finished, their map will be completely labeled. The teacher takes the same map on an overhead and the students give the teacher instructions on how to label the map. Objectives: Listen purposefully to determine the main ideas and important details; use language appropriate to audience, purpose, and situation.

For example : The early lessons might begin with the learners answering the question What is this? with a single word (A pen), then with the form It is a pen, which can later be expanded to It is a blue pen. Soon they can answer the question Is it a pen? with No, it is not a pen, it is a book, and soon. Later the language will become less context bound, more use will be made of reading texts as a source of language, and the oral sequences will allow more scope for creative expression.


The Audio- Visual Method

The audio visual method draws its main psychological inspiration from behaviourism, so that learners spend a lot of time in habit forming activities such as repeating dialogues and performing pattern drills. The core materials of an audio visual course are a set of audio-tapes and accompanying visuals, usually filmstrips. The visuals are intended to create a situational context for the language and to represent the meanings of individual utterances in the dialogs. And also help the learners to remember the language by associating it with concrete images and serve as stimuli for them to reproduce it.

Audio visual is an audio of usual device used by a teacher to help learning. These are three kinds of visual, they are: Visual aids : Pictures, chart, flash card, etc Auditory aids : Radio, records, tape recorder, etc

Audio visual aids : Film, Television, LCD, Laptop, Note Book, etc. A method of a foreign language teaching in The Audio Visual are: 1. Teacher teaches speaking and listening before reading and writing. 2. Student is avoided to use mother tongue in classroom. 3. Teacher teaches material by using recording dialogue, film, picture and music. a. Film The teacher shows a movie in the audio visual room to the students. After they have watched the movie, here are some suggestion that the teacher can do: The teacher gives some questions to the students. For example: what is your opinion about this movie? or can you mention who are the protagonist and the antagonist of this movie?. The teacher asks the student to retell the movie with their own words to improve their vocabulary and their ability in speaking.

b. Picture

4. Use drills to teach basic grammar and vocabulary.

Teachers ask the student to repeat the grammar or vocabulary that they have learnt. It will help student to remember the grammar and vocabulary for a long time. 5. Choice of items for teaching should be based on a careful analysis of the language is taught. 6. Language is learnt through communication.


The Conclusion There are three methods of teaching English language, they are: 1. Grammar translation method The main learning activity is translation and grammar. Teachers just emphasize the structure and meaning. This is supplemented by grammar exercises, dictation, and essay writing. The advantage of this method is Student know the structure well. Students cannot pronounce the language fluently. 2. Direct method ` The interaction is mainly in the form of a structured conversation in which the members of the class are exposed to large amounts of language from the teacher and use it themselves by responding to questions.

3. Audio Visual method Language is learned by communication. Teacher teaches material by using recording dialogue, film, picture and music.

The three methods above should used by the teachers according to the students ability and the material of the study.

Suggestions Based on the conclusion the writer gives some suggestions related with the three methods of teaching which are needed in teaching English language: 1. Teachers should prepare themselves before teaching, do not teach the material if they do not really know it. 2. Teachers should prepare themselves to teach student based on the certain method that suitable to the student. 3. By using the method of teaching English language, the teaching English classroom become effectively where teacher and student are active, not passive.


Chan.Julie M.T. & Korostoff.Marylin. 1984. Teaching guide to designing classroom. London:Sage Publications. Clark. Leonard H & Starr. Irving S. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods, 5th Edition. New York:Macmillan Publishing Company. Clark. Leonard H & Starr. Irving S. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods, 6th Edition. New York:Macmillan Publishing Company.

Gronlund. Norman E. 1976. Measurement and Evaluation In Teaching. New York:Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. Harley. 1973. Teaching Methods. Sydney:McGRAW-Hill Book Company. Lorber. Michael A. & Pierce. Walter D. 1983. Objectives, Methods, and Evaluation For Secondary Teaching. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall. Moore. Kenneth D. Middle and Secondary School Instructional Methods. Sydney:McGraw Hill College Saragih W. & Simatupang Rita Clara. 2010. Course material for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Walter Wittich & Charles Schuller. 1963. Audio Visual Materials, 4th Edition. New York:Harper & Row.

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