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Quarter 4 - Module 5:
Developing the Parts of the
Research Report

English 10
Quarter 4 - Module 5: Developing the Parts of the Research Report
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Marianne P. Marzan

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Belen C. Aquino, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of English

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II


Today, we can live by gaining information from various sources and this
helps us survive amidst the pandemic. Facts, which underwent much
research are worth utilizing during this time.

In this module, you are expected to:

• Develop the parts of a research report.

• Support how plagiarism occurs.


Task 1: Getting Ready to Write

Answer the writing disposition survey found below. Place a check mark
on the response that best describes how you generally feel toward writing. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither Agree nor Disagree
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

My Writing Disposition
STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5
1. I write well in English.
2. Being a proficient writer will help me succeed
academically and professionally.
3. Good writers know the rules of grammar and
4. I don’t bother rewriting my written output especially
when I am busy.
5. I don’t usually pay attention to the purpose why I’m
writing an output or to whom it is addressed.
6. It is important to reread, revise and edit my written

7. I am nervous about writing in English.
8. I find it helpful to show my written output to others
and get feedback.
9. I find it difficult to express my ideas accurately.
10. I find it hard to write fluidly.
11. I always consider the intended purpose when I
12. It is important to consider my audience when I
13. Writing is a social activity.
14. I need to engage others in my writing process.
15. Engaging in the writing process helps me become a
better writer.

Questions to answer:
1. Based on your responses, what is your view of the writing process?
2. Why should you consider your intended audience or readers when
you write?


Task 2: Arrange Me
Guess the word by identifying its letters indicated in the explanation below.
This topic as an important factor in writing will be discussed further in this
learning module.

1. The first letter is the 16th letter of the alphabet, the second is the 12th,
the third is the 1st, the fourth is the 7th, the fifth is the 9th letter, the
sixth is the same as the 3rd, the seventh letter is the 18th of the alphabet,
the eighth is the same as the fifth, the ninth letter is the 19th, and the
last letter is the 13th letter of the alphabet.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is a Research Report?

A research report is a well-crafted document that outlines the processes,

data, and findings of a systematic investigation. It is an important document
that serves as a first-hand account of the research process, and it is typically
considered as an objective and accurate source of information.

In many ways, a research report can be considered as a summary of

the research process that clearly highlights findings, recommendations, and

other important details. Reading a well-written research report should provide
you with all the information you need about the core areas of the research
Having gone through the preliminary steps in writing, this time, review
the different sections in writing or composing a research report.

Writing the Introduction

Its parts are:

1. Brief Background:

Provides an overview of the scope of the research.

2. Objectives of the Study:

Articulates what you intend to find out or achieve in the study.

Some researchers use research questions that they intend to address
in the report. Others articulate the objectives of the study. Either way,
research questions or objectives are tools to guide readers in knowing
the direction of the research.

3. Significance of the Study:

Discusses the relevance of the study to your intended audience.

Cite the specific benefits that they can get from the findings of the

4. Literature Review:

Discusses previous studies done on the chosen topic. Relate how

your research relates to these previous research.

Take note: In writing the introduction, you also must think of catchy devices
or hooks that would get the interest of your readers. This can be done using
questions, direct quotations, startling facts, and vivid descriptions.

Writing the Body:

The body of research reports contains the substantial amount of

information that needs to be clearly and accurately presented and analyzed.
The data that will be presented in this section are meant to address the
research questions or objectives.

Moreover, you need to use related studies to support or refute the

findings. You can do this by incorporating the notes (summary, quote,
paraphrase) that you have gathered in the pre-writing phase. Remember to
cite your sources using the recommended system of documentation. Also,

introduce and explain the direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary that you
have incorporated in the discussions.
Writing the Conclusion

The conclusion is important in bringing home the highlights of the

research paper. A well-written conclusion allows readers to take on a new
perspective about the thesis. Moreover, it provides readers with
recommendations that can be explored concerning the topic.

Your Guide!
Take a look at this guide in writing a draft of a research report.

I. Introduction
Discuss the following: Incorporate a grabber
A. Background or hook in this
Information segment of your
B. Objectives of the Study introduction.
C. Significance of the
II. Body Related Literature
Present and analyze your Think of catchy titles
research data or information. for the sub-headings
Incorporate the notes, of the paper.
summary, paraphrase, and
direct quotations that you wrote Remember, it is
during the pre-writing activities. perfectly fine to use
Cite your sources in order to the ideas of others as
avoid plagiarism. long as you cite their
names properly.

III. Conclusion
Summarize your findings.
Include a set of
recommendations to address
the issue of concern that you
have tackled in your research

This Helps!

In writing, it is perfectly fine to use the ideas of others if you cite their
names properly. Avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used
without proper acknowledgment of the original sources. To provide due credit,
a writer can use the APA (American Psychological Association) format.
Providing in-text citation or parenthetical documentation of a quoted,

summarized, or paraphrased text from another source is a surefire method to
avoid plagiarism.
1. Author-Date System is used when integrating a summary or paraphrase

a. Running Text

Example: According to Shane (2001), use of in-text citation shows that

the idea is not yours and that you acknowledge its rightful source.

b. Within Parenthesis

The use of in-text citation shows that the idea is not yours and that
you acknowledge its rightful source (Shane, 2001).

In the running text format, only the year of publication is found within
the parenthesis. On the other hand, both the author’s name and the year of
the publication are placed in the parenthesis for the other format.

2. Author-Date Page Number System is used when incorporating direct


According to Campbell, Ballou, and Slade (1990) “Direct quotation can be

a waste of time if you do not plan to use the quotations in the paper or if
you merely copy information without addressing or digesting it” (p.16).


Task 3: Plagiarism Quick Test

Write Yes or No.

_____ 1. Is it plagiarism if you submit a paper your friend wrote- with his or
her permission, of course as your own?
_____ 2. Is it plagiarism if you turn in the same paper for two different
_____ 3. Is it plagiarism if you take a passage from a source and use a
thesaurus to change every fifth or sixth word?
_____ 4. Is it plagiarism if you give the name of the original author but fail to
use quotation marks around the exact words you took from that
_____ 5. Is it always wrong to copy and paste from a web page into your paper?

Learn more about plagiarism and its pitfalls through Grammar Bytes video
on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUSaQ5-mDRI

Task 4: Cite It Right!
Review what you have learned about academic honesty. Read the statements
below and write A if the act shows academic honesty or P if otherwise.

A student:
1. submits the same paper to two teachers without the
knowledge of both
2. copies paragraph from a source, uses quotation marks, and
neglects to cite the source
3. changes the structure of copied sentences from a source,
and cites the source of the sentences
4. forgets the original source of the copied material and creates
a fictional author’s name
5. copies the passage verbatim, encloses it in the submitted
work, and fails to cite the source
6. grabs the photo from the internet, includes it in the
submitted work, and fails to cite the source
7. uses another concept from a source, rephrases the idea and
provides proper citation
8. purchases an essay from the internet and submits it to the
9. paraphrases a paragraph completely, and claims it as hers
or his
10. asks a family member to write his or her class
requirement, and submits it to the professor

Task 5: Make Me Match!
Get to know some research terms. Match the descriptions in Column A with
the corresponding section names listed in Column B


___ 1. Presents background information, A. Methodology

scope, and focus of the research


___ 2. Provides a review of what others have B. Literature Review

written or researched on concerning

the topic

___ 3. Explains how the research was conducted C. Introduction

___ 4. Presents the information gathered through D. Reference

the research

___ 5. Evaluates the results of the study or E. Discussion


___ 6. Provides the summary of the research F. Conclusion

___ 7. Lists all the sources used in the research G. Results

___ 8. Contains other related information H. Research

such as graphs, charts, tables, lists

___ 9. Summarizes all sections and I. Abstract

helps readers decide whether

or not to read the entire report

___ 10. A systematic investigation to J. Appendix

contribute to an existing body

of knowledge


Task 6: Let us Simplify!

Due to the absence of face-to-face instruction which impeded you to undergo

actual research, take this simple activity to practice your research and writing
capabilities. Answer the questions below. Consider this familiar issue for a
research report:

Coronavirus (COVID 19)

1. How well do you know Coronavirus (COVID 19)? Write 2 insights.

a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________

2. If you are going to take this issue for a research, what is the significance
of taking this study?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________

3. Who will benefit from your study? Who is your audience?


4. What specific benefits can they get from the findings of your research?

5. In writing the introduction of your research report regarding an issue on

COVID 19, you must think of catchy devices that would get the interest of
your readers. This can be done using questions, direct quotations, startling
facts, and vivid descriptions. Choose and create one among these devices.


Task 7: Avoid Plagiarism

Consider the given information from a book.

Title of the Book:

The COVID 19 Pandemic: The Deadly Coronavirus Outbreak
Published September 1, 2020

Tapas Kumar Koley and Monika Dhole

Text or Paragraph (on page 1):

The new strain of coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2 by International
Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei
province, China, in December 2019 and has now rapidly spread across almost
all the countries of the world.

A. Refer to the in-text citation format. From the information above, create the

1. Running Text
2. Within Parenthesis

3. Author-Date Page Number System


B. Read each statement or question and write the letter of the correct answer
on the blank.

_____ 1. Which of the following cannot be found under the Introduction of a

research report?
A. Recommendations C. Objectives of the Study
B. Background Information D. Significance of the Study

_____ 2. Which part of the research provides an overview of the scope of the
A. Introduction B. References C. Body D. Conclusion

_____ 3. It allows readers to take on a new perspective about the thesis.

A. Abstract B. Body C. Conclusion D. Result

_____ 4. It provides readers with recommendations that can be explored

concerning the topic.
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Thesis Statement

_____ 5. Which can be found in the Body of a research report?

A. Scope of the research C. Recommendations
B. Substantial amount of information D. Previous studies done

_____ 6. Which can address the issue of concern that you have tackled in
your research paper.
A. Previous studies C. Recommendations
B. Intended audience D. Objectives of the study

_____ 7. An in-text citation that incorporates direct quotations.

A. Running Text C. Author-Date Page Number System
B. Within Parenthesis D. American Psychological Association

_____ 8. Both the author’s name and the year of the publication are placed
in this in-text citation
A. Running Text C. Author-Date Page Number System
B. Within Parenthesis D. American Psychological Association

_____ 9. It discusses previous studies done on the chosen topic.

A. Literature Review C. Significance of the Study
B. Objectives of the Study D. Background Information

_____ 10. It Articulates what you intend to find out or achieve in the study.
A. Literature Review C. Significance of the Study
B. Objectives of the Study D. Background Information

Key to Answers



Almonte, L.R., et al. (2015). Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature-

English Learner’s Module 10. Pasig City: REX Bookstore, Inc.




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