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No 01: Multiple Choice Questions 17 Marks (20 minutes)

i. According to Einstein’s equation E=mc 2, 1 kg mass is equivalent to energy:
(A) 3 ×106 J (B) 9 ×10 16 J (C) 3 ×108 J (D) 9 ×10 8 J
ii. The number of basic physical quantity in the SI system is:
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7
iii. One femto to equals:
(A) 10−15 (B) 10−12 (C) 1012 (D) 1015
iv. i^ . ( ^j. k^ )is equal to:
(A) k^ (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 0
v. The magnitude of rectangular components of a vector are equal, if its angle with x−¿
axis is:
(A) 0 o (B) 30o (C) 45 o (D) 90 o
vi. The range of projectile is directly proportional to:
(A) sin 2 θ (B) sin 2 θ (C) sin θ (D) 2 sin θ
vii. Change in momentum is also called as:
(A) Force (B) Acceleration (C) Torque (D) Impulse
viii. Laws of motion are not valid in a system which is:
(A) Moving with uniform velocity (B) At rest
(C) Isolated (D) Non-inertial
ix. A stone is thrown up from the surface of earth when it reaches at maximum height,
its K.E. is equal to:
1 2
(A) mgh (B) m v (C) Zero (D) 2 mgh
x. The force which cannot do work on the body on which it acts is:
(A) Elastic force (B) Frictional force
(C) Centripetal force (D) Gravitational force
xi. kW m is the unit of:
(A) Power (B) Intensity (C) Energy (D) Energy per unit area
xii. The ratio between orbital and escape velocities are
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) √ 2 (D)
xiii. SI unit for angular displacement is:
(A) Meter (B) Degree (C) Revolution (D) Radian
xiv. An object moving through a fluid experience a retarding force is called:
(A) Drag force (B) Gravitational force
(C) Terminating force (D) Frictional force
xv. Velocity of efflux is measured by relation:

(A) √ gh
√ (B)
(C) √ 2 gh
The period of revolution of geo-stationary satellite is equal to:
√ (D)

(A) 1 hour (B) 84 min. approximately

(C) 1 day (D) 1 month
xvii. The drag force F on a sphere of radius r moving slowly with speed vthrough a fluid of
viscosity η is:
(A) 6 πη r 2 v (B) 6 πηrv (C) 6 πη r 2 v 2 (D) 6 πηr v 2

Q. No 02: Attempt any EIGHT questions. ( 2 ×8=16 )

i. What are three fundamental frontiers of fundamental science?
ii. Define Radian and Steradian.
iii. Write down four convections for indicating units.
kg g
iv. Density of air is 1.2 3 . Change it into .
m c m3
v. Describe the principal of homogeneity of dimensional analysis.
m1 m2
vi. What are the dimensions and units of gravitational constant G in the formula F=G 2 .
vii. Define position vector and give its mathematical expression?
viii. Find the unit vector of vector ⃗ A=4 i^ +3 ^j .
ix. ⃗ ⃗
Prove that: A . B = A x Bx + A y B y + A z B z
x. Give two conditions of equilibrium.
xi. Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
xii. You are falling off the edge. What should you do to avoid falling?
Q. No 03: Attempt any EIGHT questions. ( 2 ×8=16 )
i. State Newton’s first and second law of motion.
ii. Show that the rate of change of momentum is equal to force.
iii. Find the velocity of a heavy body when it elastically collides with a stationary light body.
iv. What is projectile motion? In what direction acceleration is zero in this motion?
v. Define elastic and inelastic collisions.
vi. Explain the circumstances in which the velocity ⃗v and acceleration a⃗ of a car are:
i) Parallel ii) Anti-parallel
vii. Show that 1 0 kWh=3 6 ×106 J
viii. Define conservative and non-conservative fields.
ix. What is geothermal energy? How is it generated?
x. An object has one joule of potential energy. Explain what it means.
xi. A boy uses a catapult to throw a stone which accidentally smashes a greenhouse window.
What energy changes are involved?
xii. Calculate the work done in kilo joules in lifting a mass of 10 kg (at a steady velocity) through
a vertical height of 10 m.
Q. No 04: Attempt any SIX questions. ( 2 ×6=12 )
i. Show that s=rθ
ii. Why banked trackers are needed for turns?
iii. What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.
iv. Why you wear seat belts?
v. State the right-hand rule to find the direction of angular displacement.
vi. What is meant by centripetal force? Write down its formula.
vii. How is artificial gravity created?
viii. Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow.
ix. Describe the condition of an ideal fluid.
Attempt any THREE all questions. ( 3 ×8=24 )
Q. No 05: (a) Explain vector addition by rectangular components.
(b) Ten bricks each 6cm thick and mass 1.5 kg, lie flat on table. How much work is required to
stack them one on the top of another?
Q. No 06: (a) Describe the inter-conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy for a free-falling
(b) The position of two aero planes at any instant represented by points A(2,3,4 ) and B(5,6,7) from
an origin in km . Calculate the distance between two aero planes.
Q. No 07: (a) Derive the expressions for height of projectile and range of projectile along with
maximum range.
(b) A body of moment of inertia I =0.80 kg m2 about a fix axis rotates with constant angular velocity
of 100 rad s−1. Calculate its angular momentum and torque to sustain this motion.
Q. No 08: (a) What do you know about centripetal force? Also derive its expression.
(b) Prove that for angle of projection which exceed or fall short of 45° by equal amounts, the ranges
are equal.
Q. No 09: (a) State and Derive Bernoulli’s Equation.
(b) What gauge pressure is required in the city mains for a stream from a fire hose connected to the
mains to reach a vertical height of 15 m? h

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