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Running head: MAKING A CHANGE

Making a Change Kristina Olson NorQuest College 253455 HEED 1000

Running head: MAKING A CHANGE Making a Change

Health as defined in the text An Invitation to Health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, pp.4-5) According to the results I received from the Holistic Lifestyle Questionnaire my lowest dimension of health is physical. Hales & Lauzon (2004) state that physical wellness is not only fitness but also nutrition, self-care and safety (p.10). In viewing all areas of my results I realized I am not as healthy as I thought I was. I believe there are many changes within my lifestyle that I would personally benefit from. However, physical fitness is the area that I scored the lowest in and need to work the most on. I plan to eat healthier and engage in a 45 to 60 minute walk in the evenings, after supper. Also, I plan to participate in more active pastimes such as swimming, frisbee, or playing catch with friends. In stating that, my goal over the next four weeks is to lose five pounds by increasing the amount of exercise I take on a daily basis. There are many reasons exercise is beneficial to our overall health. It reduces the risk of heart disease,increases muscle strength and tone,improves circulation, and the most obvious lowers body fat and reduces your weight (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.75). Although most people are well aware of its benefits, we manage to come up with excuses as to why we can't exercise. Whether its because exercise is tiring, it's hard work, you get fatigued by it, it takes too much of your personal time, or family members do not encourage you (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.75). Personally, my excuses are there's not enough time in the day, and the lack of energy (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.75). I believe many can relate that work and/or school plays a role in our energy level. I have worked in a long term care facility for the past four years and the last thing on my mind after a long, physically, and sometimes mentally exhausting day was exercising. I

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considered work as my source of exercise as I would be on my feet, walking all day. Perhaps my food choices were not always the greatest while working shift work which defeated the purpose. I have chosen to increase my activity level because I know how important it is, and I know it's something I need to work on. I have been putting my physical health on hold for a while, thinking to myself there is always tomorrow. Diabetes is a very common disease that runs in my family. Being overweight, I am at a higher risk of developing this disease also. Poor circulation is also very common on my mother's side. Three of my great-uncles lost one of their legs due to venous ulcers which can result from poor circulation. My grandmother also lost her leg but for different reasons, however she had poor circulation, diabetes and also had gangrene on her toes. My mother now suffers from blood clots and a venous leg ulcer which required surgery once but has since reopened. Also, my father was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago. This has given me a lot to think about, and it's always been in the back of my mind. However, I need to take a step into changing my behaviors today. If I focus on the immediate rewards of my new behavior, (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.17) I will be increasing blood circulation in my legs which will decrease my chance of developing venous ulcers. Also, by watching what I eat and exercising more frequently I have faith I will reach my goal of dropping five pounds in four weeks, I will feel better and have more energy. Hales & Lauzon express that physical activity can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 50 percent (p.79). Now that I live within the City of Camrose I have access to the swimming pool, walking trails and live within a block of a very close friend. Where as growing up on a farm I didn't always have the option of going to the swimming pool, or meeting up with friends that easily as the commute to get to those places was often 45 minutes or more. My parents and I regularly had different work schedules when I lived at home, so I lacked encouragement from family (Hales,

Running head: MAKING A CHANGE Lauzon, 2004, p.75). I am more likely to be successful and dedicated in achieving my goal with encouragement and support from the important people in my life. It is crucial that I reward myself regularly with small but meaningful things as an incentive, for every week that I stick to my new behaviour (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.17). This

will help keep me motivated and looking ahead to an even bigger reward (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.17). I don't usually buy a lot of things for myself, therefore my weekly rewards can be a type of perfume I like, a new pair of shoes, or some jewelery. These items aren't too expensive and will be something I will appreciate and enjoy. If I achieve my goal in four weeks my reward will be a new outfit for working out. I love clothes, so buying a new outfit is always exciting for me, but at the same time it's something that I will wear as I keep pushing myself in improving my health. I must also remember to commend myself and acknowledge new as well as past accomplishments (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.17) as this is positive reinforcement (Hales, Lauzon, 2004, p.16). I have to keep reminding myself that I have achieved many things in the past and for every day I successfully work towards my goal it is an accomplishment. Of course there will days where everyone feels discouraged and frustrated. Friends or family may not always be available as a support group, therefore it will be a personal commitment I have to make. I will have to take responsibility, be my own incentive and create active pastimes for myself. It could be something as simple as turning on some music and dancing for a while instead of watching television. Weather may not always cooperate with outdoor activities; dressing to compliment such weather may be sufficient. If not, there are gyms available and some places are equipped with indoor walking tracks. Although money might be an issue for some, going to the gym may not always be an option but there are many activities you could do within your own home such as the wii fit or a simple workout routine. Another

Running head: MAKING A CHANGE disabling factor is being so close to many fast food restaurants. The convenience can be tempting. This is where willpower will come into play and also the importance of establishing a better routine and using time more effectively, which allows more opportunity to cook a nutritious meal instead of eating out. According to the Canadian food guide for an adult female between the ages of 19-50 years you should aim to have 7-8 servings of fruits & vegetables, 6-7 servings of grain products, and 2 servings of milk, meat and alternatives daily (2007). I definitely don't meet these standards. Perhaps my first step in adopting my new behaviour and achieving my goal would be to start with a more balanced diet. In conclusion, it is very important to take your health seriously and make any attempt

possible to change unhealthy behaviours. Many, including myself sometimes take these kinds of things for granted. Unfortunately you don't always acknowledge this until it's too late. I will work hard towards my goal of losing five pounds in four weeks and will continue to strive for more once it's achieved. As an incentive I have asked my friends to join me on my evening walks. However, it will solely be my responsibility to watch what I eat and establish a new routine with exercising regularly and eating healthier incorporated into it. I am dedicated to start small, for every small change leads to an even bigger one.

Running head: MAKING A CHANGE References Hales, D., & Lauzon, L. (2004). An Invitation to Health (2nd ed.). Toronto, ON: Nelson Health Canada. (2007).Canada's Food Guide. Retrieved from

Running head: MAKING A CHANGE

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