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t,N¡vtt¡tñt'¡'v ILB§s Contents

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rsBN:9780 19 424ss8 6
rsBN: 978 o 19 463944 6
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Activities 30

ACI(NOWLEDGEMBNTS Chapter 6 To England 32

Peter Pm publishedby mmgemmtwith Great omonal Sreet HosPital
childrer's chility. Activities 38
Illwtr otiffi W: Richard MerrittEhe Orgmisation. Project A 40
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Project B 42
Grammar 45

Dominoes 52
Mrs Darling remembered One morning, Mrs Darling found some
I)et,er P¿rn lrom when she flowers in the children's room.
w¿ls young. 'Peter Pan left them,' said Wendy. 'He
'IIe lived with the comes here at night when we're sleeping.'
fairies,'she th ought.'But 'Wendy's only dreaming,' thought Mrs
he wasn't a real boy. Real Darling. But where did the flowers come from?
boys grow up.'


Later, Peter and a fairy came back for the

SrrrlrlcnlV. ful rr I)¡r lrrrli o¡rcrrctl Ilr:r shadow. Wendy woke up and saw them.
t'ycs'l'ltt' tA,irrrlr)r\'ri \A'('r,',r¡rt'tt, ltttd 'Who's your friend, Peter?' she asked.
lllt'r'r' n'lr; ;t lrol' tn lltr' t oortt. 'That's Tinkerbell,' he said, 'She's a fairy.'

fairy a ttle person ln storles, with wi¡qs fly (nasr flew) to go through the air wake up (pasr woke up) to stop
\leep ng; ro rtop )olebodv sleep no
real true, not laise shadow a dar\ 5tr¿P.^ fhat igrt
makes under or behind things Tinkerbell /'tr¡ kerbel/
grow up (pasrgrew up) to qet
bigger as you get older
r ,IW
Petcr founcl his shaclow, but, hc: 'Now thirnk nre with a hiss,' Wcndy
couldn't put it on. s¿riclwhcn shc finishccl.'l'inkcrbell
'['ll sew it on fbr you,' Wendy strirl. I'lcw herc rrncl therc rrngrily, but
l)cl,cr grrvc: 1,!sndy ¿r br¡tton. Hc
dirLr't ltnow ¿rlr«rul Iiisscs.

l1'lcr r,r,,as vcry happy rvith his shadow, and

Irc danced.
'('ome to Neverland ancl tell us stories,'hc
siricl. 'l can teach you to 11y.'
'\Vhat about my brothers?' Wendy ashecl,
'('irn you tcach them, too?'
It isn't easy to sew a shaclow onto '( )h, all right,' said Pcter. Wendy woke

somebody, but Peter didn't cry. tlrcm up.

put on (p¿r5f put on) to wear sew on (l).r5r sewed on) to jo n o Irx
\orrr(,tr ne orjo n sorlrethinq to somethinq to somethrnq olsc
voLlrse f
button ,r small roL nd th nq on
c othes
;li ,il llrii',i,r, i lili:{."i{

Correct one or two words in each sentence.

r,t ,, .,i ,,

When the children came home from school they always played in the gai.ien

ForWendy,John and Michael, Neverland was a town with pirates and Indlans.

c Wendy talked about Peter one day when Nana gave Michael his medicine
Mystery word:
Mrs Darling thought Peter wasn't a nice boy because he didn't grow up.

Use all the words from Activity 1 to complete the text.

One morning, Mrs Darling found some pens in the children's room.

Nana caught Peter's leg in her teeth thechlldrenlntobed.MrsDarlingremembersPeterPan Butshedoesnotthinkheisa

b) boy. But one night Peter Pan comes into the children's room when they are
When Mr and Mrs Darling went out, they put Nana in the children's room. c) . Wendy wakes up and sees Peter and Tinkerbell the d)
Peter flnds his e) , and Wendy sews it on for him. Then Wendy asks Peter for
Peter and Tinkerbell came when the children were asleep, but Michael woke up
a kiss, but he gives her a f) Peter wants Wendy to come to Never and. For

Peter Pan often listened to Mrs Darling's songs

Wendy and her brothers, Neverland is an g) . with angry h)

He taught Wendy and her brothers how to sew,

r,:ilt.i iiS ¡t t
What happens in the next chapter?Tick(r') the boxes.
*&{]i ffi{¡{
a Peter Pan takes the children to .

Read the clues and complete the words in the puzzle on page 7.
I a pirate ship. E 2 an island E
What is the mystery word?
b Michael nearly
a When you are in bed and dreaming at night. 1 flies into a tree. E 2 falls into the sea.
b This little person in stories can fly. < The pirates find under the ground.
C This is true, not false. 1 a house E 2 some money E
d The sun or a light makes this dark thing behind you Captain Hook is afraid of...
e You find this round thing on clothes. 1 an animal. E 2 afairy Z
t You eat or drink this when you are ill. Tinkerbell ... Wendy.
s A country in the sea 1 likes E 2 doesn't like E
One ofthe lost Boys shoots

1 Wendy. E 2 Hook E
Lll4lr¡rúcr 13 ( )rrc day, the clouds opened, and the children saw a beautiful island.
'' Neverland!' Wendy cried.
l'h at's
;\*Jycl',Iary 'Lool<
- there's the pirate ship,' called ]ohn. And those are the Indians.
'l'hcry were happy, and very excited about their new adventures!

Peter and the children flew out of the room and down the
river - then out over the sea. They flew for many days and
nights. They were hot, then cold, then hot again.

Once, Michael began to sleep. He

fell down and down to the sea.
Peter watched him and laughed!

The children couldn't fly fast, and

they often hit clouds. Sometimes
Peter was bored, so he llew away
from them and had adventures. Seconds before Michael went
Many times, he nearly forgot about into the sea, Peter flew down and
them! caught him.

cloud a biq whlte orqreythinq n fall (pasr fell) to go down suddenly kill you.
'Be careful,' Peter said. 'Pirates and Indians can
the sky
Suddenly the children were afraid. Neverland was only
adventure somethinq very exciting
that happens to you a game before. But this island was real!

'[)eter's sword took off
rny hand, and then a
crocodile ate it,'Hook
lold the pirates when
lhey walked back to their
ship. 'Now the crocodile
wants to eatmel'

Suclclcnly, there was a noise and smoke, and

'l'inl<erbell and Wendy went up into the clouds.
'll'he pirate ship is shooting at us!'Tinkerbell cried.
'Come with me!' 'But the crocodile ate
'I don't like Wendy. Now I can kill her,' she thought. a clock, too,' Hook told
them. 'So when I hear
the clock, I run away. '
Captain Hook and some pirates
'One day, that clock
were in the forest. Hook was a
is going to stop,' said
big man with a killer's smile and
a hook for his right hand. All the
pirates were afraid of him!
Later, the Lost Boys sat outside their house. Suddenly,
Tinkerbell and Wendy flew over them.
'What's that, TinkerbellT'Tootles called when he saw Wendy.

Suddenly, smohe came out of the

ground near Hook.
'The Lost Boys' house, at lastl' he
cried. 'It's under our feet.'
'Shall we attack?' a pirate called
Smee asked. 'It's a Wendy bird,' cried Tinkerbell' And
'No,'Hook said. 'Peter's away. I Peter says "Shoot Wendy birds".'
want to kill hinr!' So Tootles took an arrow and shot Wendy.

shoot (past shot) to use a gun or forest a p ace wlth a lot of trees ground we w¿lk on this sword ¿ long knife for fightinq bird an ¿nlma that can fy
hook this metal shape c¿n hold or attack to begin l'ightinq crocodile a dangerous rlver anim¿l arrow you shoot thinqs with this
captain the most import¿nt person catch things with short legs and a long tail
on ¿ ship

Complete the sentences about the story with the words in the box.

adventures attack catches crccodiie fly grorrnd Island kill shoot

a The children . over the sea for many days and niqhts
b Somctimes, Peter qoes away and has
C Petcr Michael bcfore he goes into the sea
d Whcn the clouds open, the childrcn see a beautiful
e The children are afraid because real lndians and pirates can you

Í Sn¡okc comcs out of the - it's the Lost Boys'housel

I Hook doesn't want to thc house when Peter is away

h A wants to eat Captain I look

i ' the Wendy bird,' Tinkerbell tells the Lost Boys

1 Write the words from Chapter 2.


Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences'

a Wendy, Michael ¿nd lohn flew into a .

b There is a ., in Neverland, with tall trees

C Be carefullThe captain can cut you with his

d You can the , because it ate ¿ clock'

e Toolle: think- til¿[ WcnoY '\ ¿

f te takes an and shoots her.

i fri!ii'r,ii¡ji"i
What happens in the next chapter?Tick(r') three sentences'

a shiP
The Lost Boys attack tlook's tr
b Peter is angrY with Tinkerbell ¡
c The pirates and the Indians fight tr
d Wendy and the boys live ln Peter's housc tr
e Peter helps an lndian tr
f The crocodile eats a Pirate tr
' li r l,he house!' Peter said after dinner.
n'l¡rr Lost Boys went into some hollow
lrct:s. They went down inside the
,!, lrct:s to a house under the ground.

After that, Wendy,lohn, and Michael lived

in the Lost Boys' house - and Wendy was
the Lost Boys' mother. She put them into bed
at night and told them stories, She sewed
their buttons on, and gave them medicine.
pretend to do something and believe somelh ng with an openlng
in it They had lots of adventures. Soon, Michael
n something
and John began to forget their real mother,
SlowIy the fog went away. The pirates saw
l't'lt'r on a rocl( with a sword in his hand.
'('onre and fight me,' he called to Hook.

I lrtrpirates and the Lost Boys began

ir,,lr1ing. Peter: put his sword down and
'rt'lped Hooh to get up onto the rock.
{lood form,' thought Hook, angrily.
I'lrc:n he cut Peter with his hook.

The pirates tied Tiger Lily to a rock,

"Ihe water's going to be higher soon,' Iaughed Smee.
'I must help her,' thought Peter. 'She's going to die.'

Peter pretended to be Hool<. Hook stood

'Cut the ropes!' he c¿rlled. Then the real Hook came, smiled.
The pirates couldn't sce Hool< in and the pirates understood. l<ill Peterl'
the fog, but Smee cut the ropes. 'Where are you, Peter ht. But she
'l'iger Lily quickly sw¿rm ¿rw¿ry. Pan?' they cried. him.

rock a very big stone fog b,rd w(..rthor whcn it's dillicult cut(pasr cut) to take ofl or open f¡ght (p¿r\¿ fought) to t'y and hit bad form notthe riqht and good
lo see somethinq wlth a knife r rrrcone aqain and aqain thlng to do
Lily /'Ll i/
tie to kcep somcth ng in onc p ace rope a very strong, thick string good form the right and good thinq
w th ropc 1)(JO


Lomplete the dialogues with the words from Activity 1.
Match the parts of the sentenGes.
Michael: How do you get into your house?
a The arrow hits. ,|
live in the Lost Boys'house Tootles: We climb down a) .. those b) trces
b Peter is angry w¡th Tinkerbe I She must 2 cut Peter with a hook when
Wendy: They're goinq to c) Trger Lily to a rock We must heip her, but how/
c Wendy and her brothers he isn't ready Peter: The pirates can't see us, so lcan d) to be Hook
d One day t\ /o prrates come with Tiger Lily 3 Smee cuts Tiqer Lily's ropes
e Peter pretends to be Hook, so .. 4 but Hook attacks him
Peter: e) the f) , Smee Tiger tily can go
Í Whcn the tog Qoes away, 5 Peter's kiss
ls that you, Captain? I can't see you in this g)

I Peter puts down his sword and 6 and tie her to a rock. ,lichael: The captain attacked Peter with his hook when he wasn't ready to
helps llook, 7 go away for one week h)
Its very bad form to 8 the pirates see Peter on a rock Th¿t w¿s i) I

I Unscramble the words from Chapter 3 on the rocks. What do you think happens in the next <hapter? Tick(r') two boxes to complete
each sentence.

I ioc¡k Peter.

IE swims away from the rock 1E ki ls the crocodile.

il 2E p ays an lndian drum 2E r,vants to go and fight the pirates,

3tr takes the Lost Boys to his ship 3E talks ¿bout whcn he went home

Wendy The lndians

1E tells the lost Boys a story t E help the Lost Boys.
2E wants to go home 2E build a houseforWendy
3E becomes friends with Tiger Lily 3E flqht with rhe pirates

a d g
b e h
c f i

ülfu¿ilp'l r 4 r )n('ckry, Wendy tolcl the boys it

,¿t t,*,Ig i i r' ü,rJ.s

I rrt' slory ¿rbout Mrs Darling'
r tr u- nr«rther leaves a rvinclor'r'
,,¡rrrr lur us,' Wendy said thc
/ ¿rt
Just then, Hooli heard a ckrch. , u,l o[ the stor:1t 'So rt'e c¿In go
'Thc crocodilel' he thoughl.
lrr )il1() Olle day.'
He fumped into the sc¿r at I rr r'ut lrome once,' Peter said
oncc, and swan to a boat.'l'he rrrir-ily, 'but the window was
other pirates \\rent alter him. ' t,;11'¡1.'l'here was ¿l new boy in
'We won the battle!' the boys ,r,, [rcd!'
rutcl Mictrael wcre ali'aid. 'Let's go horne,'
Wencly. 'llelbrc Mother closes the wirrdow!'


'Pcter s¿rved me,"l'iger Lily told

'iur \,tIC go with thcm?' the
thc [ndi¿rns.
rst l3oys ashcd.
Aller that, thc Inditrns wcre
io if' you tt'ttnt,' I)cter said
friends lr,ith the Lost Boys. Petcr
At night, the boys slept in their rrictly. 'I'm staying herc.'
was very happy - hc could tell
\\rarrr house uncler thc gror-rnd. Indians ¿¿rui Lost Boys n hat to dol
'Ihe lndians sat, waitccl, and
n atched for pirtrtes...

save to sl.rf ) sometlrrnq b.]d
'r;!¡[.-irq 1(] sorlr..o ra

Peter took his sword. but
Wendy stopped him.
'Don't go out!' she said. 'You
must stay with the boys.'

Peter stayed in the house and thought about

Wendy. She vvanted to go home, and he was sad.

r\/lrcn Wendy and the boys came

,,rrI of their trees, the pirates caught
lrcrn. Hook took of'f his hat to
i('ndy, because it was good [orm.

'l'¿rke them to the ship,' Hook told his men.

'Wendy can be our mother, but thc boys
¡rrc all going to die!'
Smee was by a hollovv tree, and
Hook w¿rited for l'eter,
bravely without berlq ¿lra d
he heard the boys. Next to him .rd rot happv
but he didn't comc out.
drum you hitthis Lo play music Tinherbell sat in a tree and
was a dcad Indian and a drum!
watched Hook.

!¿fl,q ¡iis fl,¡"i[(fi / Use the correct form of the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.
Correct nine more mistakes in the chapter summary. a l'r,Ier $evgd Tiger Lily from the pirates.
clock b I ktok into the sea and swam awaY
Hook wanted to kill Peter, but then he heard a Hook was afraid, so he jumped into the sea
c l\'terwasvery..... ... whenWendywantedtogohome'
and swam to a beach The other pirates went after him.The Lost Boys were very happy after d rrllans and pirates fought
lr the Lost Boys'house'

they won their game with the piratesl

e llre lndians fought verY
f ln the end theY Iost the

l Later, Tiqer Lily told the Indians,'Peter saved mei After that, the lndians were friends with the q llre Lost Boys were happy when they heard the
Lost Boys At nlght when the Lost Boys were in their house, the lndians sat, slept, and waited
t,; tii ñ{ {'
for the fairies
which two things do you think happen in chapter 5? choose two pictures.
One day, Wendy told the boys a story about their mother. After that, Michael and John were tr
afraid - they wanted to go home. Peter was happy because he didnt want Wendy to leave lust

then they heard music above them lt was a battle between the Indians and the pirates, and the

lndianswon.TheLostBoysdidn'tknowthisbecausetheyheardasong Butwhentheycame

out of their hollow trees, the pirates shot them,

\#rlsÉJ #$tu
Unscramble the words and match them to the defin¡t¡ons.

a to stop bad things happening to someone ,5,1;{,Y.q

b you hit these to make music. . .

c abigfight.......
d to use your feet to move suddenly
e not happy
f without being a[raid
g over something

Pol sor
/ 'l)etcr's in the house,'Hook thought,
\ 'l'.,ut hon, cnn I go clorn n there? Hollort,
trees arc for little boys, not big pirtrtes.

'tt'r, rvake upl' Tinkerbc'll cried.

lr¿rt is it?' Peter asl<ed.
irc pirates tooh Wcndy and thc
'r's to their ship!'

't'ter jumped out of' bed.'I must save them,' he

ricd, 'but lirst I must tahe my medicine!'
l inkerbell saw thc poison bottle and cried'Stop!'
lrrrt l)eter didn't unclerstand. He took the cup.

I inherbell flew across the room and

¡rut her mouth in front ol the cup.
'You drank my medicine,' Petcr said
I t r,vasn't medicine,' Tinkerbel I

¿¡nswercd. 'It was poison.'

'Why did you do th¿rt?' Peter asked.
po¡son thi! kIs prop w re¡ trey
'Now you're going to die.'
(,¿t or dlnk tr 'l)on't you understand?' Tinkcrbell
(up you or nk ironr t¡is
said, sadly.

Tinkerbell began to feel very cold,
and Peter began crying.
'Perhaps you can save me,' she
told him quietly. 'Fairies only die
when children don't trelieve they
¿rre real. Ask the children, Peter.'

Children dream of Neverland

all the time. So Peter spoke to
all the children of the world.
'Clap,' he told them in their
dreams. 'Do you believe fairies
are real? Then clap!'

,1'1,cr came to the beach and saw

; lrc pirate ship. He began swimming.
I'hc crocodile was bchind him.
ll1 r


Some bad children laughed, but
believe tofee sure that someth nq is many, many children clapped. ike r'¡ear y the sar¡e as
[e¿l or true
Soon, Tinkerbell felt better again. each land next to the sea; you c¿n
clap to hit your hands toqether when ,m here
you like or agree with sornethrnq She flew around the room happily.
,iank a long, straight piece of wood
iir:rir.i..]iiil, L. lr.t'i i ií
Choose the words to complete the sentences. How do you th¡nk the story ends? Tick the pictures.

a Tootles is a biq / short boy. a Wlrat does Hook hear?

b lt's good I bad form to kill a sleeping boy.

< Perer / Tinl'erbelldrinks some poisol
d Chi dren dream of A/everland I Peter Pan al the time
e n the forest, Peter makes a noise like a clap / clock.
f Peter swims I f/ies to the pirate ship
Who dies in a battle?
Are the sentences true or false? Tick (t/) the boxes. True False

a Hook can't go down Tootles's tree. tr¡

b Tinkerbell tells Peter about the Lost Boys. trtr
c Most chiidren don't believe fairies are real trtr
d Tinkerbelldies trtr
e The pirates run away when they hear Peter trtr Who becomes Captain of the pirate ship?

'':i ;'i :'';i'l ¡aiI j: i I :ii

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with words from Chapter 5.

a Hook wants to kill Peter with

d What happens when Wendy and her brothcrs arrive home?

b Tinkerbell drinks from Peter's

c Tinkerbel feels better afte nd the world begin to


e Who comes to ive with N/r and Mrs Darling?

d Peter goes to the and sees the pirate ship

e Michael, John and the Lost Boys are going to walk the
t.ti.1..:r"\ .4,:: .,.

,':;t -
\:tr' /,t
i. §J


lirrddenly, the clock noise stopped.

I io and look!' Hook told a pirate.
l'lrc pirate wallced across the
,lt:ck, then he fell. He was dead.

'Six of you must walk the plank,'Hook said, 'But

two of you can live, I need two pirates for my ship.
'No!'Michael cried.
'Never!' called Tootles.
'Mother doesn't want us tobe pirates!' said lohn.
Suddenly Peter jumped up.
'Then walk the plank 'Fight well, boys!' he cried.
- all of you!' Hook told The pirates looked around
them. Pirates pushed the first boy onto the
plank. Then they heard a clock... them - the Lost Boys were free!
'It's the crocodile - hide me!' Hook told them.

Hooh hid behind his

'I killed Peter Pan
ñr with poison,'he
thought. 'That was 'Now you're goirg to
push to move something or someone hide (pas¡ hid)
to stop people from bad form. So now the ,lieck where you wa k on a sh P die, Peter!' Hook called.
away from you with your hands seeing someone or something; to go
where peop e can't see you crocodile is coming !un a person can fight with this ¿nd
root lt
for me.'
Hook's long sword moved here and there, but Peter l'lrc pirates jumped into the
was fast. Every time the pirate captain attacked, ,,,'rr ¿rnd swam away.
Peter jumped away. Then Hook lost his sword - but 'Wc won!' the boys cried.

I Peter stopped fighting and gave it to him.

'Good form,' thought llook, angrily.
"lb lingland!' Peter told
llrcrn. He was their captain

I rrow and they were his

ri rrrtes.


They sailed the ship for manY daYs

and many nights. But one daY,

I Peter said, 'Let's fly from here.'

Peter and Tinkerbell flew faster
than Wendy and the boys. TheY
soon lost Peter in the clouds.

At the Darlings' house, Peter and Tinkerbell flew into the bedroom'
'Quick!' said Peter. 'Close the window behind you.'
'Wendy can't come home now' he thought. 'She must stay with me'
4 Hook was tired. He fought worse and worse, 'I can't
kick to hit with vour fool win now,'he thought, so he walked onto the plank. sail to use the wind to move a sh P
Then Peter kicked him in the back. 'Bad form!'Hook
cried happily - and he fell into the crocodile's mouth.
34 35
Wcndy and her brothers flew into t';rn they live with us?' Wendy ashed her mother
thc room. , lrcn the Lost Boys arrived,

'Let's w¿il<e Mother up,' said the boys. t)l course!' said Mrs Darling, and she hugged them.
'No,' saicl Wendy. 'Let's go to bed
and pretend to sleep.'

'You can live with us, too,' Mrs Darling told Peter'
But Peter didn't want to live in a house'.' and go
to school... and grow up!
When Mrs Darling woke up, she
saw the children in their beds. 'I'm 'Wendy can visit you,'Mother said.
dreaming,' she thought. But they
So every spring, Peter took WendY
jumped out of bed and hugged her.
t,o Neverland.

Peter never grew up, but every

yeat Wendy was older. Then, one
spring, Wendy waited, but Peter
didn't come.
hug to put your ¡rrns ¿round 'I'm not a little girl now,' she
thought. 'Peter's with new friends
in Neverland.'

ftfi,{{ § ü ,{ii{tü{
Match the words with the characters who say them.

r A pirate falls dead on the gun of the d Tootles has got a deck and a sword.

pirate ship.

-- -.,,"'''.. " tr
El Come
: a..,n"y -'..," tr *..¿rcan
Quiry ourch,ldrm i**iill.,ltr
rv".. ¡
renomel I .'"
l.l t ::

I Before he dies, Captain Hook says this to peter

2 Peter says this to the Lost Boys.
3 Mrs Darling cries this to Nana and Mr Darling.
Peter hugs Hook, and f After the battle, they g Wendy, John, and
4 John and Michael say this to Wendy.
the captain falls into the push the ship to England Michael hide their
5 Wendy asks her mother this
sea mother
6 lohn.ea;,s thirto €aptaiir HoOi<.

rl 7 Mrs Darling says this to Peter. i i* 3" h.:rllif

8 Peter says this to Tinkerbell. What do you think happens after the story ends? Write Yes or No.
9 Captain Hook says this to the pirates
a Does Peter Pan leave Neverland again?

rÍi{}fi§} {3*t{ b Does Wendy ever see him again?

c Does Peter Pan ever grow up?
I The words don't match the sentences. Correct them.
d Do the pirates stay in Neverland after the batt e?

e Do Tinkerbell and Peter become good friends again?

Í Does the crocodile's clock stop?

Complete the senten<es with ideas of your own.

h[ a Mr and A/rs Darlinq are very happy because

b Every morning, Nana

c The Lost Boys remember Neverland, but they

a The pirate is go¡ng to;¡ji a boy onto the b Hook wants to kick from the crocodile d Peter and linkerbell.
plank ¡tt,t.ii; .

a itre girl And oneday

e WhenWendy is oldershe has

I @D writing and performing a dialogue Without looking back at the story, wr¡te suitable statements and questions to
complete the dialogues.

1 Complete the dialogue between Peter Pan and Wendy with the words in the box. Mrs Darling: Who left these flowers in the room?
f" Wendy: a).
I n'ta ofte n ri

i J._3S -:--_.wl:t Michael: Look that's Neverlandl And there's the pirate ship!
Wendy: Who's your a) .. . ., Peter?
Peter: b) . .. Tinkerbell She's a fairy
Wendy: Did you c) . . ., back for your shadow?
Tootles: c)

Peter: Yes, but i d). put it on.

Tinkerbell: lt's a Wendy bird. And Peter says'shoot Wendy birdsl

Wendy: l'll e) it on for you. There, now Wendy: Ou r mother leaves a window open for us - so we can go home
f) me with a kiss Peter: d)
I g) come and listen to your mother's h)
them to the Lost Boys. John: e)

Wendy: ¡) .. are they?

Peter: I don't know We must listen for the drums

Peter: They are boys j) . . .. . .. .. .. . mothers.

¿ Choose one of the pictures and write a short dialogue. Then find a partner and act
Wendy: k).
Do they . .. with you in Neverland? .
out your dialogues.
Peter: Yes-comeandl) usstorles lcanm). ... . ..youtofly
Wendy: n) about my brothers? Can you teach them too?
Peter: Oh, all o) . .. .

2 Complete the dialogue with Hook3 words.

ii;;dki;-P;i.;;;ffi ;rr;ñ;d rd;;dil;*, ñ;,.'*l
i- -_ -__--*-EEl.:ey%l lrl[elrly- _i
Smee: Shall we attack, Captain?
Hook: No, a)

Smee: Why?

Hook: Because b) , and a crocodile ate it.

Smee: A crocodile?
Hook Yes. c) . . , but it isn't going to catch me.
Smee: Why not?
Hook d)........ . .. ..Soe)
Smee: One day that clock is going to stop.
@f) character back-stories compSete Peter's back-story with the words
in the box.

A back-story is what happened in a character's Iife before a book begins. Can you rlqin boy fly grow up home important :

remember which characters in Peter Pan talk about the¡r past? ' net oflice onte .'ad lalked wirdow
Read these back-stories and match them with the characters from PeterPan. rrl a mother and father a) , too But

day when I was young, they b)

,!t me and I heard them.
lr's going to c) school next Yeari
, mother said d)
'He'l soonl
: going to be an e) man one

vi my father said He's going to work in an

| , ike mel
I rL didn't want to go to school, and grow up, and work in an oflice - so I earned how to
j) I One day, I flew out ol my bedroom window and went to Kensington

,rrdens There h) a fairy called Tinkerbel . Tinkerbell took me to Neverland

'\rd that's where we i) now.
trredaya ongtimeaqo,lwantedtogobackj),solflewtoEngand Butwhen
,rrrived, my bedroom was c osed.There was another l) . in
One day, Hook's pirates attacked our ship We couldn't fight them After they caught us, Hook ry bed! I was very m) and I never went home

said,'l need men for my ship You must become pirates, or walk the planklSo that's how I
l(:l¿ n

became a pirate We're all afraid of our captain - his hook can kill a man with one cut!
Complete Mrs Darling's back-story with your own ideas.
Peter met me in Kensington Gardens I didn't have a mother, so he helped me He took me to
Neverland, and now I ive with him in a house under the ground We climb down to it inside When I was a little girl, I a)
hollow trees. We have a lot of adventures here and we fight pirates and lndians all the time in London with my mother and father. often
I was born on this island. When I was very young, I earned to shoot arrows, swim, and catch when I came
animals I fight very well in battlesl You must be good at these things ln Neverland, or you rome from school, so knew Peter Pan. Sometimes he
won't live very long! c) at night, too, when
Ofcourse,weknewPeter'snamebeforewemethim becauseweplayedinNeverland At everyone was asleep.
& first I didnt believe Peter was real, but then he began leaving things for us He sits on our Peter Pan taught me d)
beds sometimes, too My brothers and I aren't afraid of him and one day he e) After that, often went there

Mr Darling found me on the street one day, and he took me to his house.Then I met Mrs with Peter I f) in Neverland. But in the end, I

Dading and the children Now I live with them They love me, and I help them a ot, 1 usually e) and I forgot how to fly l've got three children
sleep in the children's room, but sometimes Mr Darling puts me in the garden now At the moment, they're h) . in their room.
42 43

4 Write three sentences about three different characters in the story, beginning with,l,. lri¡\f\llM&R e §e p{

I 'i*iíe -iner i:iiiiürer-, -i c¡ ,sctt¡,rol {tver\.t dc\ con, can't and must
We use can + inflnitive without to to talk about things that are possible, or that we are
5 work in pairs. Read your sentences to a partner. can your partner guess which ,rble to do. C-art w,e go with them? You r ttn live with us, too.
character you are? We use can't + infinitive without to to talk about things that aren't possible, or that we
-\ rren't able to do. Smee t¡.tt'it see Hook in the fog.

( You're Nana.) .,---.
\ -__--l ('fhat,s
' -,:_-
. t
use must + infinitive without to to talk about things that we have to do.
t . stay with the boys.

6 lmagine the back-stories of Tinkerbell and Captain Hook. Look at the questions and I Complete the sentences.
write notes. B---'
E ---'-*'-"''--=
tr"--*--- /\
. i)rrr mot ner leav window' ,
| .. ili:\,-,.. ,'' No* 1.. . . .

! open for us, so we, ;

,,rch you how to fly.,,'l '\..., kill wendy. go home Ooy .. ,-/

save \,

l' F¡ wtn now. r:

alk the plank, but two of you ;

9 '__-,
- -.;

Match the sentences in Activity 1 with these events. home now. She

E Uook says this to the Lost Boys on his ship

1 t?

2 E Uook says this to the pirates after they catch the Lost Boys

E look thinks this when fighting Peter

tr"c",{"{r vrlh¿rs did 1ou go Io schoo\?

Peter says this to Tinkerbell before she drinks the poison.

Whon and whero wrro 1ou born? How did lou,brcome a piratr? 5 E Peter says this when the pirates attack.
How did you rneet ?etvr? uthl did \ou 6ail your 6hip "to
6 E Peter thinks this afterTinkerbell closes the children's wlndow
W\ did \oü cotrto to Nav¿rland? Navarland?
7 E Peter says this to Wendy in the children's room.
Wh1 did you inf to kill u.lendl? ulhl do 1ou wani to Kil[ P¿t¿r? 8 E Wendy says this when she tells a story.
9 E Peter thinks this before he goes to the pirate ship

7 Now write a back-story for Tinkerbell or Captain Hook. 10 E tinkerbell thinks this after the plrates shoot at them
44 45

ffi#tffi &ffi (§"$ffiü${ ,

Prepositions of movement
Possessive forms
Prepositions of movement tell us where something moves to.
We use possessive pronouns to show who owns or has something.
Peter flew out t¡l the window.
i'ltt)a caught iti., shadow in ltt't teeth
Hook jumped it)t() the sea at ance.
We use 's or 'to talk about possession. We use t after singular nouns, and names and plural
rrouns without s. Peter,, sword took off my hand.
/ \ We can use 's or 'after names and plural nouns ending in s. The Lost Boys' house, at last!
up down over
Complete the sentences. Use possessive adjectives, 3 or'.
,, O --------->
a 'Tootles.1. . . . . arrow hit my kissi Peter said.
I under around through across away b Hook was the pirates...... captain, and they were all afraid of ...... hook.

C Peter...... sword took off Hook..... hand.

Choose the correct words to complete the text.
d 'One day the crocodile. ..... clock is going to stopi Smee told ...... captain
Peter and the children flew al down
the room and b) out of / under the window. They e Wendy became the Lost Boys. ... .. mother She lived in .. ... . house with,. .. .. brothers.
went c) around / up the town, then they flew down the river and out dl over / through
the sea.
i Wendy...... brothers soon forgot about...... mother.
They flew for many days. They were hot, then cold, then hot again, and they went I After Peter saved Tiqer Lily, Peter and the Lost Boys became the lndians. . . . . . friends. The

el through / over rain and sunny weather wendy and her brothers weren,t very good at flyjng, so Indians watched .. ... house at night.

they often flew il across /inro clouds Peter was bored sometimes, so he went g) away
/ through
and had adventures. Once Michael fell asleep, and he began to fall h) down / around to Complete the text. Use possessive adjectives, 3 or'.
the sea.
Peter watched Michael and laughed.Then he caught Michael seconds before he
went After Smee played the dead Indian a) .§ . drum, the boys went up
il up / into the seal b) . hollow trees, and the pirates cauqht them.

One day, the children looked j) over / 'Take them to c) . shipi Hook told d) . pirates. Then he
doyyn between the clouds and saw an waited for Peter. But Peter didn't come out of the house ln the end, Hook went down
island. lt was Neverlandl They flew Tootles e) .. .. . . tree into the house. lt was dark, but Hook could see the
kl out of/ over a pirate ship, and they boys f) beds, and g) . medicine cups. Peter was asleep on
could see lndians, too. The lndians walked h) bed, so Hook put some poison in Peter i). .cup and left.
l) through / over the forest, m) away / When Tlnkerbell arrived, she woke Peter up and told him everything. Peter wanted to take
under fhe trees. Suddenly, there was a j) , . , medicine, but just then Tinkerbell saw Hook k) . .. . poison bottle

T big noise and smoke, and Wendy and Tinkerbell flew across the room and put l) . .. mouth in front of the cup.
Tinkerbell went n) up / through into rhe 'You drank m) medicinel'Peter said angrily
clouds 'lt wasn't medicineiTinkerbell sald 'lt was poisonl
'The pirates are shooting at usi Tinkerbell

cried.'Come with me!'

{$$fl,& &ffi q.$'ñffi{$(
''rt .& (${§{,

lmperatives Adjectives and adverbs of manner

we use the imperative to give instructions or order someone to do something. Weuseadjectivestodescribepeopleorthings. ii.,ii, ril lreesareforiti¡it:boys,noti't, tp¡rates
For affirmative instructions we use the infinitive without to. trVe use adverbs to talk about how we do something. Ttger Lily ¡1ti ¡it, 5,,n1ctrn 6w6y.
Now ihctnk me with a kiss (to awal I don't want to see you aqa¡n. to make adverbs from adjectives, we usually add ly. But for adjectives that end in a
For negative instructions we use do not,/don't + infinitive without to. onsonant and y, we change y to ily. 'Good form,'thought Hook, irngnl¡'.

l)oti[ lt¡.tve us, Peter. ,ome adverbs are irregular. Fight wt'll, boys! The children couldn't fly fttsL

6 complete the speech bubbles with imperatives. use the verbs in the box. ihoose the correct adverbs or adjectives to complete the sentences.

a For Wendy and her brothers, Neverland was a beautifully / beautifut island
b Peter Pan wasn't a real / really boy, Mrs Darling thought.
OUl"''1' C Peler quick / quickly flew out of the window
n6 fighrlyou r-ru\t sLdy d ll tsn'l easy / easily to sew a shadow onto somebody.
wilh tr-c bovs. e Wendy and her brothers couldn't fly very good / well.
f The children were very excited / excitedly about their new adventure.
g The pirates walked slow / slowly through the forest.
h Its badly / bad form to kill a sleeping boy.

I Complete the text. Use the adjectives in the box or change them into adverbs.

afraid angry brave closed dead happy new open

quick sad sudden truc
,.. window,
Tinkerbell One day, Wendy told the boys a a)
- ---. " \ i
7 complete the text with the imperative form of the verbs in the box. 'Mother leaves a window b) for usi she said

cut fight
'l went home oncei Peter said c) .. . . ,'but the window was d) . and
ck make take tie
there was a e). . boy in my bed!
Hook J*"'i,, ,,,,. ,r"* o .or,.n ,,0, the ground rn. Lo* aoyi house is Michael and John werefl .......when they heard this.Theywanted to go home
under our feetl b) . , this place, so we can come back here
S). .. . - before Mother
. closed the window! The Lost Boys wanted to come too.
Hook: c). . . the boys'arms and legs with ropes and d) them 'Go if youwanttoiPetersaid h) ..... .. . Buthedidn'twantWendytogo home.
into the sea now e) Wendy here first, so she can watch ¡). .. . .. .. ... . .., they heard cries above them.The pirates attacked the Indians, and Tiger
Tootles: Quick, Peterl f) , our ropes! j)
Lily's Indians fouqht .. .. ., but the pirates were better than them. Soon most of
Peter: Shh,g) .. anoisel the lndians were k) In the house under the ground, the boys listened to the
Peter: Now you're free. h) . quietly and i) guns and swords, fighting. Then they heard a drum.

Michael: n that dead,pirate's knife, Toorles, 'Tiger Lily saved usl'the boys cried !)

ü${Á ,&ffi C$'{{r(U ,irlf{. ffi lLHHrtl

lnformation questions and Ies / /Vo questions Going to future: affirmative and negative
We use question words in information questions, and answer them by giving information. We use the going to future to make predictions.
The question word comes before the auxiliary verb. ' lhe water,, i.1r t¡ii¡ 1 ¡¡; i;. higher soon,' laughed smee
t/tii¡L,t¡'tii:i the flowers come from?
Wecanalsousefhegoing fofuturetotalkaboutplans. /r,./, ,rir,/1i,.,, t',"her.
when the question is about the subject of a sentence, we don't need an auxiliary verb. We make the going to future with the correct form of be + qoinq to + in íinitivc
", .'itL15 gsi1g to win?' John asked.
\hp He .

Yes / No questions start w¡th the verb or auxiliary verb.

i. itt you teach my brothers to fly? Yes, I ¡ , itt Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

10 complete the questions with one or two words. use question words or verbs in the ay¿d( be catch st-9[ gp-.--!-yt p!:l].--:yr"n" lgLl"-i
present simple tense. Tick (r/) the information questions. a We must be careful The pirates +1.9. flflr.r.:}r.i l.(¿ .ql.i. i¿ l:f .. us soonl

a .\:i i¡ l. .. does Peter leave in the children's room? tr b The crocodile . ,

. me because I can hear it.

C Wendy. .....the children a story

b sews Peter's shadow on for him? tr
d The pirates
C .Tinkerbell happy when Wendy asks Peter for a klss? tr .. the boys into the sea.

e I .. ....totheshipbecauselcan'tflythere.
d do the children fly to? tr
e lndians live on the island? tr f Mother very happy when we arrive home.

Í . does Hook want to klll Peter? tr I The Lost Boys with Mr and Mrs Darling,

I does Peter save from the pirates? tr h Peter .. . and become a man

h the lndians win the battle with the pirates? tr
I . does Hook take the Lost Boys after he catches them? tr l3 Complete Wendy's diary with the correct going to forms of the words in the box.
j does Peter get onto the pirate ship? tr
11 Match the answers with the questions in Activity 10. Tl^eLoslboys a) .tI.I.9. 2it.'{'..)) 11-.¡ f-191i1,',^, 5cioolloáa1. Nana b)
with lo sc\ool think lle lostbols cl aná be
I 1 He swims there and then climbs up a rope tr vs
Tlne'y're good brys, Vnow tt"el )
I sclnool l^a77.¡ lV,e"t

2 They go to Neverland. tr Lo .l f
. ^^f ,?roblevvt
3 To the ship tr It e) 5lrtng 5oo^, a^á ?eter f) v.e to Neverland
4 Yes, they do, I I g) . ..'tn?tler'| Aovsefo. two w€€k5, and we h)
5 Some flowers. E a),venlvreslTinl.e"bell does^'l l\Ve w,e , so sV,ei) Aa771!
6 No, they don't. tr
7 Tiger Lily tr I jl . . by the window fo" ?ele" lontgV^|. ver,¡ exctled, bvf
l,w, l,w,
8 Because Peter cut off his hand tr afra\d loo becarse l'vm gr.o,N\ng old¿r ¿vpr.¡ ytar.perVtays k)

9 Wendy. r how to fly thtt lear. Or ye"l^ays l^ell {o" v-e!

s0 10 No, she isn't. tr 51

Peter Pan
Peter Pan is the boy who never grows up. He lives
in Neverland, an island with fair¡es and pirates -
and he isn't real.0r is he?
Wendy and her brothers learn the truth when
Peter and the fairy Tinkerbell come and take them
all to Neverland. Neverland is wonderful - and
dangerous. Peter Pan is real, but so are the pirates,
and their terrible leader, Captain Hook. Peter cut
off Hook's hand, and now Hook wants revenge.
Who willwin - Pan or Hook? And willWendy and
her brothers ever go home to London?

Text adaptation by Alex Raynham

lllustrated by Richard Merritt
Dramatized audio available
Word count 2,578


s HAP I N G i,' :.:.i. :-i'1'... :.: TO G ETH E R


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