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A. Name : Shahwiran Shahrany bin Awang Sahari

B. Organisation : School Management Sector, Sabah State Education Department
C. Service Group : Assistant Director
D. Information :


1. Title 1 Minute Manager
2. Author Ken Blanchard and Spencer John
3. Date Published 3RD October 1982
4. Published by William Morrow & Co
5. Synopsis The One Minute Manager book by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a
compelling read in so many words. At first, glancing at several topics regarding
the three techniques or in other words known as the three secrets of an effective
manager in the book made me thinking of a company in Malaysia named Secret
Recipe. Unintentional pun went through my mind every time I see the word

The book highlights three secrets of the one minute manager namely: one minute
goals, one minute praisings and one minuted reprimands. It makes worth while
reading this book as it helps one to reassess and review perodically his or her
approach taken in leadership.

First Part:
The one minute which is known as the first secret emphasizes the importance of
working side-by-side with people. Implementing such approach makes it clear to
everyone regarding their role and responsibilities. Despite the fact in achieving
goals, not only the manager but together with the team must agree on the goals
laid down.

Second Part:
Secondly, as most of us are familiar with the phrase “a pat on the back”, this
second secret in the book mentions how vital it is by giving even just a small pat
on the back of an employee to make them feel reassured. Best of all, it only takes
a minute.

Third Part:
The third secret namely: one minute reprimands, exphasizes on improvisation
and success. People tend to make mistakes in carrying out their duties.
Explaining what went wrong and how to rectify the issues in a positive manner is
very cruical when it comes to success and achieving goals. I quote Ken
Blanchard “ Everyone is a potentional winner. Some people are disguised as
loser. Don’t let their appearance fool you” captivated my mind.

In this era, where everything moves and chages rapidly, the world needs more
leaders with a mindset and leadership like the one minute manager.

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