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Questi on 2.3
A bar of silicon is 4 cm long with a circular cross secti on. If the resistance of the bar is
240 at room temperature, what is the cross-secti onal radius of the bar?

Questi on 2.7
Determine the number of branches and nodes in the circuit of Fig. 2.71.

Fig. 2.71
Ans: 6 branches (because this circuit have 6 components) and 4 nodes (using formula
b=n+l-1 so n=b-l+1=6-3+1 =4)

Questi on 2.9
Find i1, i2, and i3 in Fig. 2.73.

Fig. 2.73
Ans: i1 = 7 A, i2 = -1 A and i3 = 5 A
Questi on 2.10
Determine i1 and i2 in the circuit of Fig. 2.74.

Fig. 2.74
Ans: i1 = -14 A, i2 = 10 A

Questi on 2.13
For the circuit in Fig. 2.77, use KCL to find the branch currents I1 to I4.

Fig. 2.77
Ans: i1 = 12 A, i2 = -10 A, i3 = 5 A, i4 = -2 A

Questi on 2.17
Obtain v1 through v3 in the circuit of Fig. 2.81.

Fig. 2.81.
Ans: v1 = 2 V, v2 = -22 V and v3 = 10 V
Questi on 2.26
For the circuit in Fig. 2.90, io = 3 A. Calculate ix and the total power absorbed by the entire circuit.

Fig. 2.90
Ans: ix = 45 A and p = 22.4 k W

Questi on 2.38
Find Req and io in the circuit of Fig. 2.102.

Fig. 2.102
Ans: Req = 10 ohm and io = 3.5 A
Questi on 2.57
Find Req and I in the circuit of Fig. 2.121.

Fig. 2.121
Ans: Req = 12.21ohm and I = 1.64 A

Questi on 2.58
The 60 W light bulb in Fig. 2.122 is rated at 120 volts. Calculate Vs to make the light bulb operate at
the rated conditions.

Fig. 2.122
Ans: R bulb = V2/P= 1202/60 =240 Ohm
Using voltage divider;
V = [(240//80)/ (40 + (240//80)] Vs
120 = [(240//80)/ (40 + (240//80)] Vs
Vs = 200 V

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