SCL Worksheet Week 11 (205782)

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Components of a concluding paragraph – Author’s opinion

Complete the activities and submit by the due date.

Activity 1

Identify the type of author’ opinions in the table below.

Suggestion Prediction Call for action

No. Author’s opinion Type

1 Clearly, elementary school-aged children are not emotionally Call for action
mature enough to understand the responsibility of handling a
smart phone, and the use of a parent's cell phone must be strictly
monitored to ensure safe and healthful usage.

2 Financial literacy should be taught to students while they are still Suggestion
in high school so that they are prepared to go out on their own
and make positive contributions to society.

3 If no action is done quickly, there will soon be no rainforest left to Prediction

speak of, and the inhabitants of the area will be even worse than
before the introduction of logging practices.

4 The school administration should increase bus routes and Call for action
crossing guards immediately so that parents can be assured that
their kids are reaching school safely.

5 If one wants to have the most beautiful experience that anyone Suggestion
can ever have, one should try snorkeling for a day.

6 When more funds and supports are given by the government and Prediction
the communities, the new park will give each child a chance to
learn and grow.


Activity 2

Choose the best author’s opinion to replace the underlined author’s opinion in the concluding
paragraph below.

Concluding paragraph 1

In conclusion, public schooling and home schooling have similar aim in delivering knowledge
in an environment that is conducive for students; however, they differ in resources and social
interactions. Both public schooling and homeschooling do provide suitable learning
environment to make sure that students can have comfortable places to study. On the
contrary, fewer resources such as technology that may be available in public schooling are
not provided in home schooling. Furthermore, children lose out on social interaction with peers
and diversity of people while home schooled. Besides, home schooling can provide a wide
variety of courses and curriculums that are not available with public school.

A. Parents must wisely choose either to send their children to public schools or be ready to
handle home schooling for their children.

B. Being in a friendly environment, having less distraction from students, and becoming more
self-motivated and independent are all aspects of home schooling.

C. Parents or people in general are afraid of the negativity that is exposed to children in public

Concluding paragraph 2

To conclude, alternative and conventional medicines have similar goals to cure diseases, but
they differ in the approaches when it comes to understanding diseases. Both alternative and
conventional medicines have the same intention to help patients to become better after facing
certain diseases. In comparison, conventional medicine focuses on the factors that cause
diseases and remedying their symptoms. Unlike its counterpart, alternative medicine sees a
body as equilibrium of interrelations between a body and its environment; therefore, a disease
is thought to be caused by an imbalance between them. Furthermore, conventional medicine
is thus more effective for treating critical situations, but less suitable for managing chronic
diseases compared to alternative medicine. Alternative medicine yields gradual results, but
they are usually more stable and long-lasting, as they often involve the change of an
individual’s lifestyle.


A. Alternative medicine relies mostly on natural components and ancient techniques,

whereas conventional medicine prefers chemical drugs and scientifically-approved
methods of diagnosis and treatment.

B. Conventional medicine often sees a disease as an independent clause, and focuses more
on a quick-fix than on systematic approaches, whereas alternative medicine sees a body
and its environment as a holistic system.

C. Indeed, both alternative and conventional medicines have their own features suitable for
curing different types of diseases; therefore, people have to understand these features
before choosing which kind of medicine is suitable for them.

Concluding paragraph 3

In conclusion, eastern and western yoga are similar as a form of exercise; however, both yoga
systems differ in their focus and practice. In the West, yoga practitioners focus more on
physical shape; they tend to pay more attention on postures and breathing techniques, which
can take them away from the meditative aspects of yoga practice. In addition, western systems
often incorporate music and other outer element. On the other hand, eastern yoga system
tends to concentrate more on the meditative aspects of practicing yoga; they pay more
attention to the exploration of the inner self of a practitioner and see postures and other
techniques mostly as methods, not as goals. Due to the peculiarities of the western mentality,
people who try to practice yoga on their own can get serious injuries.

A. Besides, unlike eastern yoga, where a great focus is made on being attentive to you and
your body signals, in the West, yoga classes often incorporate such elements as music or

B. Nonetheless, if people are trying to lose weight and reduce stress, practising yoga is a
good alternative to be fit and to relax their mind.

C. While for westerners, postures become a way to reach a close-to-perfect physical shape,
in the East, health and the ideal body condition often are side effects of a deeper practice
of self-exploration and meditation.


Concluding paragraph 4

As a conclusion, although wolves and huskies may share some similarities as canines under
the same ancestry, both species exhibit ecological and biological differences. Wolves have
been known to thrive in various types of climates, like temperate zones, mountains, tundra,
taiga and grasslands due to their biological ability to adapt, but huskies have thick fur that
protects them from cold weather, and they cannot survive in areas with high temperatures.
Other than that, wolves are also known to be found in packs while huskies are more

A. Wolves should be treated as pets the same way huskies are being treated as they, too,
deserve some love and compassion.

B. From the information above, it can be said that both species are very similar in terms of
adaptability and biology.

C. Even though wolves and huskies share some similarities and differences, they are still
aggressive and wild in nature and should be approached carefully.

Concluding paragraph 5

In conclusion, communism and socialism may have similarly grown out of exploitation of
workers during the Industrial Revolution, but they have differences in terms of governance.
Under communism, the government provides the basic necessities such as food and clothing
equally to the people, while socialism is based on the premise that the people will be
compensated based on their level of individual contribution to the economy. Moreover, effort
and innovation are rewarded under socialism.

A. Capitalism should be employed by all countries so that traders can achieve fairness in a
free market environment.

B. Although there may be advantages to communism and socialism, they have hardly ever
been successfully demonstrated.

C. Based on the comparison, the members of the state collectively own the means of
production in communism as opposed to socialism where the means of production are
owned by the citizens.

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