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Test Bank For Nursing Research: Generating

and Assessing Evidence for Nursing

Practice, 9th edition: Denise F. Polit
Full download chapter at:

1. A pediatric RN undertakes a study of the effect of low birth weight on infants' cognitive
development. A developmental psychologist collaborates on the study. A second RN
helps by recruiting families into the study. A graduate student is asked to give statistical
advice in analyzing the data. This is an example of what type of study?
A) Multisite research
B) Qualitative research
C) Funded research
D) Collaborative research

2. Which term is not used by qualitative researchers to refer to people who participate in a
A) Informants
B) Key informants
C) Study participants
D) Subjects

3. Which term is used by both qualitative and quantitative researchers to refer to the
abstractions under study?
A) Concept
B) Construct
C) Phenomenon
D) Variable

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4. The RN is reading a research article. The article talks about constructs. Which would
most likely be called a construct?
A) Gender
B) Body temperature
C) Uncertainty in illness
D) Blood type

5. What is the dependent variable(s) in the research question “Is the quality of life of
nursing home residents affected by their functional ability or hearing acuity”?
A) Quality of life
B) Functional ability
C) Hearing acuity
D) Nursing home residents

6. What is the independent variable in the hypothesis “Baccalaureate degree prepared

nurses will practice more rehabilitative nursing measures on a client in an ICU than will
associate degree prepared nurses”?
A) Associate degree prepared nurses
B) Baccalaureate degree prepared nurses
C) Rehabilitative nursing measures
D) Type of educational background of nurses

7. What is the purpose of an operational definition in a quantitative study?

A) State the theoretical meaning of the concept.
B) Specify how a variable will be defined and measured.
C) State the expected relationship between the variables under investigation.
D) Designate the conceptual underpinnings of the variable.

8. Which is a datum from a quantitative study of the labor and delivery experiences of
women over age 40?
A) Length of time in labor
B) 107 ounces
C) Infant's Apgar score
D) Vaginal versus cesarean delivery

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9. Which is a datum from a qualitative research study on the labor and delivery
experiences of women over age 40?
A) 14.6 hours in labor
B) 60-minute interviews 1 day after delivery
C) “It was a lot more painful than I ever imagined.”
D) 15 women with a vaginal delivery

10. Which pair of variables is there most likely to be a relationship that could be described
as causal?
A) Degree of physical activity and heart rate
B) Stress and coping style
C) Age and health beliefs
D) Parity and postpartum depression

11. What is the basic distinction in quantitative studies?

A) Quantitative and qualitative research
B) Empirical and nonempirical research
C) Experimental and nonexperimental research
D) Population-based and sample-based research

12. Which is widely used by quantitative nurse researchers?

A) Ask research questions
B) Phenomenological
C) Ethnographic
D) Grounded theory

13. What is the research tradition that focuses on understanding phenomena within a
cultural context?
A) Experimental
B) Phenomenological
C) Ethnographic
D) Grounded theory

14. What is the research tradition that is an approach to understanding people's life
A) Experimental
B) Phenomenological
C) Ethnographic
D) Grounded theory

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15. What is the statement of the researcher's expectations or predictions about relationships
among study variables?
A) Hypothesis
B) Framework
C) Research question
D) Conceptual definition

16. What is the overall plan for answering the research question?
A) Sampling plan
B) Proposal
C) Problem statement
D) Research design

17. What is the aggregate of those to whom a researcher wishes to generalize study results
A) Gate keepers
B) Population
C) Sample
D) Consumers

18. What is the research design in qualitative studies called?

A) Experimental
B) Narrative
C) Interpretive
D) Emergent

19. Where are registered nurses most likely to find research results?
A) Conference presentations
B) Journal articles
C) Books
D) Dissertations

20. What is included in the methods section of a study?

A) Review of the literature.
B) Names of the statistical tests that are going to be used.
C) Strategies used to address the problem.
D) Discussion including recommendations for the research.

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Answer Key
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. C

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