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Annex A


Congratulations on your success in gaining admission to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the National
University of Singapore and a very warm welcome to you!

The following is a summary of some important information regarding your candidature that you should be
aware of. Details are available in the “Guide for Graduate Students”, which is available here. It is imperative
that you familiarise yourself with the requirements of your candidature.

Period of Candidature

 Your candidature will commence from the first day of the Semester, i.e., 7 August 2023.

 The maximum period of candidature is 24 months of full-time study or 48 months of part-time

study from the commencement of your candidature.

 Please note that unless granted approval by our University, no student may concurrently be a
candidate for more than one degree or register as a candidate of NUS and of another university or

Course Requirements

(a) Coursework

 Students are required to complete and pass a minimum of 40 MCs.

 At least 75% of the total modular credit (MC) requirements must be at level 5000 or 6000; and

 Up to 25% of the total MC requirements may be at level 4000, subject to the approval of your

 Please note that some departments/programmes may have stricter coursework requirements e.g.
compulsory modules, practicum/project modules. Please check directly with your

 It is important that you check with your Department/Programme after your registration of
candidature for further details including the time-table and the modules that you must read. Please
note that registration for the modules must be completed within the first two weeks of the semester.

(b) English Modules

 Your emplacement on a graduate English module offered by the Centre for English Language
Communication (CELC) depends on how you perform in the Diagnostic English Test (if required).

 Students are required to achieve an intermediate level of proficiency in the English modules.

 Students who are required to take the graduate English module need to take note that should they
need to repeat any of the module(s) offered by CELC, they will need to pay S$2,000 to do so. This cost
will be shared equally by the student and the student’s home department.

 The English modules should be taken and passed within the first two years of your candidature. If you
plan to complete your course in less than two years and are required to also complete the graduate
English modules, the taking of the English modules must be factored into your plan. Otherwise,
graduation would be affected.

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Annex A

 Students who are required to take the graduate English modules must obtain satisfactory grades (at
least grade C) in the modules.

(c) Continuation

 Where a module is required for the graduate candidature and the minimum grade is not met, a student
may repeat:
- the same module only once. The improved grade point of the repeat/replaced module will replace
the weaker one in the CAP computation in the semester in which the successful attempt is made;
- one-third of the curricular requirements not exceeding three modules, whichever is lower.

 A Masters candidate’s Cumulative Average Point (CAP) should not fall below 2.50 for two consecutive
semesters or 3.00 for three consecutive semesters.

 A student will be issued a warning/probation for any semester in which his/her CAP falls below that
required for graduation (3.00 for a Master’s degree). If, in the following semester, the student’s CAP
again falls below the graduation requirement, but not sufficiently to warrant immediate termination,
he/she will be placed on probation.

 Termination of candidature will result if a student fails to maintain the minimum CAP as stipulated.

(d) Graduation

 Complete and pass a minimum of 40 MCs;

 Obtain a minimum CAP of 3.00; and

 Where applicable, obtain satisfactory grades (at least grade C) in the graduate English modules
conducted by the Centre for English Language Communication at intermediate level.

 A student will be recommended for award of degree once he/she has met the requirements stated
above. A student may read more than the minimum necessary modules (comprising all required
modules within the curricular requirements and in the subject/related disciplines). Generally, only the
grades for the minimum necessary modules shall be considered in assessing whether the student has
met the degree requirement.


 The tuition fee for the Academic Year 2023/2024 intake is SGD $35,000 (excluding GST and miscellaneous
charges) for the entire programme for all students irrespective of nationality. Students are advised to
check with the Department for possible changes in the tuition fee. Please refer to the table below for
the fee payment schedule.

Tuition Fee Payable (SGD)

Full-time Students Part-time Students
Acceptance Fee (upon acceptance of offer) $5,000 $5,000

Year 1 – Semester 1 $19,111.52 $9,546.20

Year 1 – Semester 2 $19,288.48 $9,634.60

Year 2 – Semester 1 N/A $9,634.60

Year 2 – Semester 2 N/A $9,634.60

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Annex A

$43,400 $43,450
Total Tuition Fee

 Students, whether registered on a full-time or part-time basis, are charged mandatory miscellaneous
student fees payable on a per-semester basis. These are due at the same time as the tuition fees. The
miscellaneous student fees for students admitted in Academic Year 2023/2024 will be announced on the
Registrar’s Office website here. Please check the site regularly for the latest information and updates.


1. All fee amounts quoted above are inclusive of the prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST).

2. Fees indicated above are subject to change at any time.

3. Students who wish to take additional modules or who need to repeat a module will be charged based
on the workload of a module. A student must pay SGD $5,400 for a 4-MC module in the Academic Year
2023/2024. Note that students will be conferred their degree after the semester when they
complete all graduation requirements, and will not be able to take any courses beyond that
semester. Fee is subject to change at any time.

4. If you are sponsored by your employer who will be paying for your fees, please arrange with the Office
of Finance to make payment.

5. To avoid having to pay a late fee of S$25, all fees must be paid by the stipulated deadlines. All students
will be informed via email notice sent to their NUS email account to view their Student Bill online at
least two weeks prior to scheduled deadline for fee payment. Students are encouraged to pay their
fees through interbank GIRO. Information on this facility can be obtained from here.

6. Should you have any queries on issues pertaining to fees, you may wish to first refer to the FAQs.
If your question is not covered in the FAQ, you may send an email to

Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA) (for Singapore Citizens)

 Singapore citizens who wish to make use of the funds in their own or their siblings’ Post-Secondary
Education Account (PSEA) to pay for their NUS fees must complete the PSEA Standing Order Form and
submit to the NUS Graduate School. For more details on the PSEA scheme for graduate students,
please refer to here.

Medical Insurance Scheme

 It is compulsory for all full-time graduate students (including those on leave of absence) to subscribe
to the medical insurance scheme.

 Details on the insurance scheme are available here.

Education Records (EduRec) System

 The Education Records (EduRec) System is a student administrative system that integrates key
activities of a student’s academic life cycle from admissions, module registration, student financials
and progression to graduation. You will be able to access EduRec and the user guides here after you
register your candidature with NUS.


 Full-time students who wish to apply for accommodation at the University’s hostels must do so online
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 Please note that to apply for accommodation online, you must have accepted our offer of admission
online here.

 Application periods for Academic Year 2023-2024 can be found here.

 Please note that you will have to accept the accommodation offer online and pay the acceptance fee
by the stipulated deadline.

 If you are applying for accommodation with your spouse and/or children, you are required to produce
documentary evidence, eg, marriage certificate, passport and relevant Singapore passes of

 If you have any further queries regarding NUS application for accommodation and admission, you can
contact Hostel Admission Services for online feedback here; or contact number: (65) 6516 1384. For
queries regarding room and facilities matters e.g. location, operating hours, check in/out dates or
procedures, payment of accommodation fees, amenities/facilities and maintenance issues etc, please
contact the respective Management Offices. Their contact details can be found here.

 As demand for accommodation far exceeds availability, primary consideration will be accorded to full-
time graduate research students, particularly new students and final-year students. Graduate
coursework students will be offered housing if there are still vacancies thereafter. As graduate
coursework students are unlikely to be offered campus accommodation, you are strongly encouraged
to budget and source for off-campus private accommodation which may cost twice as much as on-
campus accommodations. More information on off-campus housing can be found here.

Academic Calendar

 The academic calendar consists of two main semesters in any academic year. Each semester normally
includes 13 weeks of instruction and 2 weeks of examinations. The special term takes place during the
Semester 2 vacation period. It comprises two parts, each of which lasts 6 weeks and is inclusive of an
examination period.

Guides and Papers

 You must familiarise yourself with the requirements of your candidature as set out in:

(i) Statutes and Regulations of the National University of Singapore

(ii) Code of Student Conduct

(iii) NUS Intellectual Property Policy

(iv) Student Guide for Graduate Coursework Students

(v) The Registrar's Office website here

Graduate Students’ Society (GSS)

 The GSS caters to graduate student needs across the University. Every year it organises more than 20
events with participation from over 3,000 students from various faculties/schools.

 Students can join the GSS here, after receiving your NUS userid and password. Membership is free.

The information here is correct as of the date of the offer letter.

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August 2023 intake

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