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· Fourth edition

Girls and boys
have to/don't hove to • should/must · Things to wear • At the doctor's


Which of these things do you think boys have to/ don't have to
do bener than girts. and vice versa?
Look at the photo. Can you find a tiny figure? Is it a man or a woman?
11111111:: boys are better at What's happening?
. __ tfta" girls.
~ 1 UII The tiny figure is Tilly Parkins from Sydney. Australia.
She's one of the world's greatest climbers. Listen to the interview
cooking making conversation and answer the questions.
maths learning foreign languages Where does TIlly train in the week? Who is Adam Pretty1
sports playing computer games Whars her job? Why does TIlly go rock dimbing?
driving talking about feelings Was it difficult to climb Moon Hill Crag?
) Work with a partner. Complete the lines from the interview Pronunciation
with words in the box.
DO Listen to these sentences. What are
the d ifferent pronunciations of have/has/had?
I I have fhre v/ a good job.
'I'm sure you kaY. to be very fit and strong I have ihrefl lo work hard.
to go climbing: 2 He has /hrezJ a nice camera.
She has Ihresl to train a lot.
2 'How often train?'
3 We had !hred! a good time.
3 'I train every day, just
We had Ihretl to gel up early.
two or three times a week, that's enough.'
4 'Sometimes I work at the hospital DD Listen again and repeat.
at the weekend.'
S 'I climb very early in the morning.' Talking about sports
6 'You climb later in the day, it's too hot.' 1 Work with a partner. C hoose a sport from
7 'He climb with me. He took the box, but don't tell your panner. Ask and
the photo from a nearby tourist spot: an swer Yes/ No questions to find out what it is.
Use these questions to help you.

sailing 00 you .. •1
golf • do ~-/oUtside
' How often dote she have to' _ _ _ _ ?' • play hith • ball
'Two or three times a week.' • play in a team
• do ft on Willet"
2 she work at weekends?' surfing
'Yes, she does sometimes: athletics Do,... "-" ... 1
3 'Why she _ _ _ _ climb Moon Hill Crag just • wear speOal clothes
• use special equipment
after dawn?' boxing • _hanl fo<~
' Because later it gets too hot and you _ _ _ _ climb car racing , be ve<y strong
in the heat.' football • "'" fast
4 _ _ _ _ Adam have to the rock?' tennis • have a special place to do it
I'Nio'~h~eij~=~;.~H!e~t~o~O~k~t~he~Ph~o~to fro m a tourist spot",:."..-1
Can you •• .1
cycling • do ~ anywhere
skiing • do ~ with friends
skydiving • do it on you'" own
• earn a Lot of money
have to + infinitive expresses obligation.
She has to train hard.
Do you hive to work at weekends? Call you ••. ?
1 Write the question, negative. and past tense of have to.
____ you _ __ _ work late in your job? 3 Which sports do both boys and girls do?
No, 1_ _ _ _ _ _ work late usually. Are there any sports where girls and
But 1 won: late yesterday. boys compete against each other?
) Write hove to, don't hove to, can, or can't. 4 Which sports do you do?
possible ~ not possible _ _ Describe one to a partner.
necessary _ _ not necessary _ _ Us!: the ideas in exercise 2.

Un~ 8 ' Girlsand boys 63

should/ must
Do you ever read problem pages in newspapers?
\Vhat sort of things do people ask about?
1 No time for fun!
1 Work with a partner. Read the problems in I'm 14 and I do gymnastics. I have to train 30 hours a week
Dear Annie. tl-plain the headings. What advice because my mum and my coach want me to try for the next
would rO ll give? Olympics. I like gymnastics but I have no time for anything else
in my life. My school friends tell me that I am missing all the fun.
3 Read Advice f rom Annie. Match her advice with a What should I do? Tracy
problem. Write in the names.
2 I've lost my husband to a game
GRAMMAR SPOT My husband started playing online computer games last year.
Since then he has lost all interest in everything else. even me and
look at these sentences. Which sentence expresses
our baby. He starts playing as soon as he gets up, and begins
stronger advice? again when he gets back from work. He gets angry if I talk to him
He must get professional help. about it. What should I do? Paula
You should show him this letter.
3 I get so nervous
1 .5houId and must are modal verbs. Read the examples.
I'm in the army. and in my job I have to give talks to large
What should I do? groups of people. The last time was a disaster because I was
You shouldn't worry about this. so nervous. My hands shook and I spoke too fast. How can I
He must get help. control my nerves? What should I do? Mark
• How do we make the question and negative?
4 I hate him!
• Doweadd·swithhe/ she/ it?
I'm 11 and my brother is 15....1think my mum and dad love him
....... GrantrNr Referma 8.3- 8.4 p143 more than me. They've just bought him the best computer-
they say he has to have it for his exams. I don't even have my
own mobile phone, AND I have to wear all his old clothes! Bllty
4 Complete the sentences using the words in the
box. \\'ho is the advice to?

Ishouldn', should must don', thinkyou should

1 You explain how you feel to your

coach and your mother. However, in the end, the
dec:ision is yours and yours alone. You
decide your own future.

a Dear st repare well and practise

2 Tel him firmly that he change his Good preparation is the answer. You m~ P Yi hould begin
WW'fS or he'll lose his wife and family. Talk to all a lot The first 30 seconds are the most lmporta~. ou s
your friends and family about the problem - you with'a personal story. It will relax you and the audience.
suffer alone.

More and more people wOfldwide have become addicted to this.

3 Yoo WTite your speech down but
He must get professional help, but this is difficult because he won't
I read it aloud to the group. Just
accept that he has a problem. I think you should show him this
make notes to help you remember it. For more
letter. and visit the website .
help, you visit
4 Yoo talk to your parents about These feelings are very comma be
how you feel. And you feel jealous SUre your parents love n tween brothers and sisters. I'm
shouldn't Wf'\no'\, bou ~ and your ~other just the same. so you
of your brother! He's older than you, that's all! " ~"1 a t thiS. When you re Older: you'll t
phone - and your own clothes! , g e your OWn
IDI Listen and check. '--'- -
• The fact is. that to get to the lop in sport you have to train
very hard indeed: You should talk to someone else about your
doubts. I don't think you should listen to just your friends.
64 Unit 8 • Girts and boys
Giving advice Heptathlon champion

1 Work in small groups. Give advice The word Heptathlon comes from the Greek hepta (seven) and athlon
to people with these problem s. (contest). It is an athletic competition where there are seven events
1 I can't sleep at night. over two days. These are . ..
You Mud do /Mort txtrei,s. • 100 m hurdles • 800 metres • high jump • shot pot
You , houldn't drinK '0 much coffu. • 200 metres • long jump • javelin throw
2 I don't like my brother's new girlfriend. Match the events with the pictures.
3 I've got an important exam tomorrow,
and I'm really nervous.
4 Aboy in my class is bullying me.
5 I'm hopeless at all sports.
6 I fell over and I think I've twisted
my ankle.
7 My computer's behaving very strangely.
8 My car's making a funny noise.
lID Listen and compare
your answers.

What do you think?

1 Make sentences from the chart
to express your opinion.
Brita in's first world heptathlon champion!
If want to ...

1 lID Listen to an interview with Jessica Ennis. She is Britain's first women's
heptathlon champion. Underline the correct answer.
... loom fn&Ush,
... be oxmsfuI, The World Athletic Championships were in Brighton I Berlin I Brussels.
... bopftt, 2 Jessica m issed the Olympics because she injured her anklel knee l-wrist.
3 She had to work with physiotherapists for five I nine l ten months to recover.
you have to 4 Her mum works for a chemists l a charityl a painter.
you donl have to 5 Jessica's coach says that she must be more patient I detemlined l aggressive.
you should
you shouldn't 6 He told her that she shouldn't eat chocolate I get a dog I see her boyfriend.
youmu" 7 Her boyfriend is always I sometimes I never with her when she competes.
8 She keeps her gold medal I dogl javelin by her bed.
... work ha.d.
. do some sport.
] lID Listen again. Answer the questions.
... Ieam tile 1""''"''. Why did Jessica miss the Olympics in C hina?
... go to university. 2 Why does her mum have to have a lot of patience?
... buy. dlctionaly. 3 What nationality is her dad? What does he do?
•.. smoke. 4 What do Jessica and her coach fight about?
... translate every wont. 5 What are Jessica's interests other than athletics?
6 Which sports does she have to improve?
TeD a partner.

...... WRITING Letters and emai(spll1

What do you th ink?
Work in groups. Think of some successful people. What do they do!
How and why did they become successful? Tell the class.

Unit 8 • Girls and boys 65

Families with all boys or all girls
Do a das:. :.urve)'. Which girls have sisters and no brothers?
\'"hich bors have brothers and no sisters? How does this
affect their family?

I Look at the adjectives in the box. Which do you think

usually describe boys, and which girls? Use your
dictionary if necessaly.

.porty gentle boisterous loud quiet

charty untidy competitive sensitive polite

3 Read the introduction to SOIlS and Daughters. What was

the aim afthe TV programme? Who were the two families?
What did they have to do?

4 \\'ork in two groups. Answer the questions.

Group A Read aboul the Catearo family and the swap.
Group B Read about the Tibbett familr and the swap.
1 What jobs do the parents do?
I 2 How long have they been married?
3 Why did they want a big family?
4 Why are the husbands happy with their fam ilies?
5 How do the children behave? Do they get o n well?

6 \\'hat were the parents' first impressions when they
swapped families?
7 What differences did they find?
8 Do they think boys or girls are harder to bring up?

5 Find a partner from the other group. Go through the

questions together and compare your families.

What do you think?

What are the pros and cons of all-girl or aU-boy families?
What is the ideal family? How many children is the ideal? Why?
Are/Were there many house rules in your family ? What do/did you
have to do? Write a list of house rules for the ideal family.

listening - Brothers and sisters

6 IIII Listen to three people talking about their families.
After each one ans\,-er these questions. Who do you think
is the happiest?
1 How man)" brothers and sisters do they have?
2 Where do they come in the family? First? Second? etc.
3 What do they like about their situation?
-1 What don't they like?
5 Do they think their parents have a favourite ch ild?
6 How many children do they want?

66 Unit 8 • Girls and boys

an all-boy family very different from having an all-C\rl family? What Is It like
to be totally outnum_ by the opposite sex In your own home? To _ the
a_r, TV's Channel 4 asked Marianne and Jon Tibbett, the parents of four
daughters to swap homes with Karen and Steve Cafearo, who have four sons.

."'0,'., lives with husband, Steve, 49, a Karen and Steve arrived at the Tibbett f am ily home. she had
manager at Jaguar Cars, and th~r sons Francis (17), to laugh. There were piles of pink ballet shoes and riding boots all
Alex (15), Joseph (U l, and Samuel (9). Karen Is an over the floor. Karen says:
8CCOUntant. She says:
' The four girls are as passionate about dancing and horseiiding as
' I married Steve when I was 21. I'm the oldest of four my boys are about football and rugby, but I was shocked by the mess.
children and I always wanted a big family. Also, I wanted J have strict ru les for my boys. They can't wear their shoes upstairs
a son for Steve, he's very sporty, loves his football, so and they have to tidy their rooms. The girls were so excited to see
he's delighted to have four sons. The boys love kicking us, they wanted to chat and ask us questions. It was fantastic. but
balls and racing around on their bikes. They don't see exhausting. They came to help me cook in the kitchen. they didn 't
danger. Steve says I mustn't worry. He says boys will be want to play in the garden. I think girls need more anemian than
boys. Sometimes I feel left out of all their sport, but boys, Another shock for me was how nice the girls were to each
r m pleased that I don't have to watch football in the other. The boys love each other but they filVlt and fall out endle$$Iy.
pouring rain. The boys see everything in
The thing I loved most was shopping with the girls. We had great tun.
btack and white. I should learn not to ask
I miss that with boys. Poor Steve had to carry the bags. I saw a big
them about their lives and feelings.
chaOJ!e in him. With girls he was so sensitive and gentle.
' Dunno' is their usual answer.
I have often wondered what a loved the chats with the girls, but I also like my own space. I think
family of girls would be like. ' gi rls are harder work. '

'''''',38, '''es with husband, Jon, 45, ad,a",. expected the Cafearo boys to be loud and boisterous.
and thtHr da ughlefs Annabelle (14 ), Francesca (U), In fact on the first day they were very quiet and polite. Marianne says:
Genevieve (9), and Catherine (8). They run a haulage
' They even took their shoes off before going upstairs. However.
business together. Marianne says:
I soon re alised why Karen and Steve had to have such strict house
, Jon and I met and married within sixteen months. rules. The boys were constantly on the go and wildly competitive.
He was 29. People often ask us if we have so many They raced around the garden and dived into the pool. There was
children because we were trying for a boy. But this isn't a fight between one of the little boys and his big brother. I tried to
true. I'm an only child and it was my dream to have a make them apologize. which is what I do with my girls. but it just
big family. We were delighted when Annabelle arrived made them more angry. The little one went away by himself. cried.
and equally delighted when Francesca arrived three years then forgot all about it.
&ater, followed by Genevieve and Catherine. Jon loves
But the biggest shock for me was the change in my gentle
having four girls, he is their superhero dad!
husband. He became more and more competitive . We all went
Our daughters are fabulous.
go-karting. We've never done this with our family. Jon joined in with
Most of the time they get
the boys and it was clear he wanted to win as much as they did .
•'1'"......, on really well together.
He had great fun and I loved seeing him so happy. I know he would
They're a chatty group! But
love to have had a son to continue the business. But now we've
we were fascinated to try
seen the reality of having boys! They're exhausting. I honestly think
living with boys.'
they are much harder work than girls. '

Un~ 8 • Girls and boys iii

Things to wear

\\-hat things to wear can you see on this page? ,

2 Work \\;th a partner. Read the words in Things to wear.
Where do they go on Person X? Label the parts of the
body memion as' work..

Things to wear

a jumper
a cap make-up
boots pyjamas
a blouse a watch
a ring
a dress sunglasses
earrings tights
a jacket trainers
a scarf
jeans bikini
a shirt a T-shirt

3 Answer the questions about the Things to wear.

I Whkh are usually for boys? Which for girls? Whkh both?
2 Which are lIot clothes?
3 Which are for casual wear? Which for smart? Whkh both?
4 Which do rou usually wear in winter? Which in sum mer?
5 What can the things be made or. Match these materials with them.
I leather wool denim cotton silk gold silver !

Dress Person X
4 Choose the clothes to dress Person X for one of the
situations below. Describe the outfit to the class.
Can they guess lhe sex and the situation?
a JOb Interview a beach holiday
a party • going to school
a skiing holiday

68 Unit 8 • Girlsand boys

t the doctor's

I Match the pictures with an illness fro m the box.

asoretnroat diarrhoea Ida l ~ ' ri;}1 flu an allergy a twisted ankle food poisoning

Z Read the sym ptoms and complete the diagnosis with an illness.

htMnt's sy..,mms Doctor's diaposis

I I can't stop coughing and blowing my nose. You've got _ _ __
2 I've got a fever and my whole body aches. You've got _ __ _
3 It hurts when I walk on it. You've got _ _ __
4 I keep going to the tOilet. You've got _ _ __
5 My glands are swollen. and it hurts when I swallow. You've got _ __ _
6 I keep being sick, and I've got terrible diarrhoea. You've got _ _ __
7 I start sneezing and itching when I'm near a cat. You've got _ _ __
lID listen and check. Practise saying the lines with a partner.

) IlJl listen to a conversation between a

doctor (D) and Edsom (E), a student from Ja,l ~ tke. AOC.tO'(
Brazil. Answer the questions.
,. D What seems to be the _ _ _ 1
E Wen. I haven't felt for a few days. Ive
had a bad and now I've got a _ _ __
D Any sickness or diarrhoea?
E Well, I haven't been _ _ __
D Do you feel hot ?
E Yes, especially at night. I feel hot and I start
_ _ __ when I lie down.
D OK, I' ll just your temperature. Ah, yes.
You do have a bit of a . Now. let me see your throaL

Open your
E Can you see anything?
wide. please.

What are Edsom's symptoms? o Yes. your throat looks very red. Does this '
2 What questions does the doctor ask? E Ow!
3 What does the doctor think is the matter
with Edsom?
o And your glands are . You just have a bit of an
4 What does she prescribe? infection. You need antibiotics. Are you allergiC to penicillin?
5 What advice does she give h im? E No, I'm not.
6 Does he have to pay for anything?
o Good. Now, you _ _ _ take things easy for a couple of
4 Read and complete Edsom's conversation days and you drink plenty of liquids. I'll write you
with the doctor. a prescription.
l1li Listen again and check. E Thank you. Do I have to pay you?
S Act the scene with your partner. Make similar o No, no. But you'll have to pay fo r the _ ___ . It's £7.20.
conversatio ns with other sympto ms.
E Right. Thanks very much. Goodbye.

Unit 8 • Girls and boys 69

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