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Fourth edition

Pre-lntermediate Workbook with key
John and Liz Soars

hove to . should o ffntst . Verb + noun
. Pronunciation - sounds and spelling

hove to
I Positive, negative, question
I Complete the interview with professional football player, Tony Mancini,
using the lines in the box.

I Tony, what do you need to do to be a successful footballer?

T Well, professional footballers t havetobe very fit. Sometimes we

two matches a week.

I What 3
to keep fit?
T I go to the training ground most days. ri*alI:IJW

I What kind of training do you do? 2 Complete the questions using

T Well, at 10.00 on Monday mornings we start with a run. haye to.

I How far a
1 'What time does Tony haveto
T About five milesl That wakes you up on a Monday, I can tell you! start training on Monday
I Does everybody do that?
'10 o'clockl
T Oh, yes! Well, actually, the captain further than
anyone else!
2 'How manv miles the
players run?'
I why? -h lve.

T It's a bit of a jokel Because he's the leader, he the bestl
3 'How many days a week
On other days we do circuit training or match practice.
Tony- train?'
I Do you train every day? 'Four.'
T No. |ust four
days a week. Wednesday is usually a free day, so I 4 'What sort of food
to the ground that day. footballers eat?'
I What do you do on your day off? 'Lots of carbohydrates and

T My wife and I usually do something together - shopping, lunch or just a low-fat meatl
walk. Then in the afternoon, I often play golf. 5' -
Tonv's wife
I Do you have a special diet? watch him play?'
'No, she doesnt. But she likes tol
T I8 what I eat very carefully - lots ofcarbohydrates,
such as pasta and rice, and low-fat meat.
I Your matches are usually at the weekends. Does your wife watch?
T Yes, she does. She , but she says she enjoys it.
Unit 8 . Girls and boys 53
Possession and obligation Me and my family

Doeshaye mean possession (P) or obligation (0) in these Write ten true sentences about you and your
sentences? Write P or 0. family, using the chart.

1 job.
He has a really good P
I | | dothewashing-up
2 She has to work really hard. 0 We I I do the ironing.

3 How many hours a day does she have to work? My parents L I do the shopping.
have to
4 Does he have a lot of meetings? Mymother L'- lgotowork.
to has
My father I , I get up early.
5 I have a lot of homework tonight. doesn't have to
My brother L I So to school.
6 I have to do it before tomorrow. My sister I don't have to
I do homework.
7 How many exercises do we have to do? My grandmother | | do housework
8 When can we have a coffee break? My grandfather | | pay tax.

3 Past -had to/didn't have to 1 My grandtathor doosn't haw to go to wo*.

Complete the lines in the conversation between Beth and her 2
grandmother with a formof have to.

Correcting mistakes
Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Hebaerif to work. He's a millionaire.

B Grandma, when you were a child,

t you
2 Have you to wear a uniform in your job?

do any housework?' 3 I have study very hard because I want to get

G Of courset.12
help my mother in the kitchen! a good job.

B And ' brother help, too? 4 We not have to get up early tomorrow.
G Yes. He a work on the farm with my father. It's Saturday!
B What about school? s children do 5 When I was a child I have to help my mother
homework back then?
with the housework.
G lbs, wedid. Lots!
6 - 6 Do you have to an English lesson today?
B And 1
, ,li yoi take lots of horrible exa+s
like me?
G No,we7 do as manyexams in,those
days. Maybe life was better ttren, after all!

54 Unit 8 . Girls and boys

should hove to or should!
Complete the sentences with a form of have to
5 Advice or should.
I Give advice to these people. Use I think ... should ... or
1 ')effworks too hardl
I don't think ... should . .. and a phrase from the box.
'I agree. I really think he should slow down.'
eatsomuchcake So*ewe* feedher
2 When vou're in the armv, vou do what
go by bus instead get married go to the dentist
you're told.
take them back to the shop

Mary's got a bad cold.

I dont thitrk she should qo to work.

Tony wants to drive to work, but he hasnt got his glasses.

3 My tooth hurts.

4 ]ames and Amy are only 16, but they want to get married.

5 The baby's crying. I think she's hungry.

6 I m so fat! My trousers dont fit me anymore!

7 There's a hole in my shoe. I only bought them last weekend.

3 I'm soins to bed now. I be up verv earlv.

sot a terrible coush. You reallv

4 YouVe oo
stop smoking.
'You haven't met my bofriend, have you?'
'No. You invite him round for a drink.
I'd love to meet himl
Ask for advice in these situations. Use Do you think 'Tim doesnt want to go to school tomorrow.'
should ...?
'He go! He has no choice!'
1 Tom has asked me to marry him. I think you get your hair cut. It's getting
Do youthinkl should sat yes?
2 We want to go somewhere hot for our holiday. we - go to |enny's party?.'
Where 'Yes, we do! She's expecting usi
I can't decide whether to get a job or go to university. - expects me to do his washing
'My boyfriend
What ?
for himl
Were going to have aparty at our flat, but it's so small! 'I dont thinkyou Tell him to do it
How many people ? himselfl
Dave's parents are coming for dinner. 10 'I'm going on a driving holiday in England.'
What ?
'Remember vou drive on the left!'

Unit 8 . Girls and boys 55

must Reading
8 Obligation l0 The helicopter pilot
Complete the sentences with must and a yerb in the box, I O Read about Linda Lewis. Complete the
sentences with a word and a number.
ca[[ b*y write 8o tidy meet [ook after
Linda has worked as a pilot for more than
I Its my mother's birthday next week. I must buy her l0 vears.
a present.
2 She eot her after vears.
2 My bedroom's such a messl I it up before
You have to fly for at least
J hours to
anyone sees it.
become a oilot.
She worked in Wisconsin for _ years.
She had to transport huge _.
5 In her present job she has to work for
hours a

6 She works for days and then has

six davs

3 Mary's a Iovely sirl. You her. You'll love herl

4 I havent spoken to Sally for ages. I _ her soon.

5 You can borrow mv suit, but vou it. lt was
very expensive. Llnda Lewis is from
6 There's a great film on at the cinema. You
North Carolina in
the USA. She has
and see it! been a helicopter pilot
7 There are so many things i need from the shopsl for over ten years.
I a list or I'll forqet them.
Linda has aiways been interested in jobs usually
done by men. At first she wanted to be a firefighter,
mustn't or don't hove to? but after her first flying lesson, that was it, she
decided to become a pilot.
- the sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't haye to.
It wasn't easy. Maria had to
1 You tell lies. It's very naughty. pay for al1 her flying lessons.
She says: 'Most pilots get
2 You come with me if you dont want to.
their training in the military
3 The British Museum is free. You pay. so they don't have to pay for
their lessons'. Each lesson cost $150 an hour. tt took
Jimmv is verv ilI. He set out of bed. LindatwoyearStogether1icence'Youhavetohave

Tell vour children thev pick the flowers in at least 150 hours of flying to be a commercial piiot
so Linda spent more than $30,000 learning to fly.
my garden! - To help pay for her lessons, she sold her car, her skis,
and her camera. She also borrowed money from a
6 I have the day offtomorrow so I get up early.
7 Vanessa is very rich.She go to work. When she got her licence Linda spent six years
8 Shl The baby's asleep! You _ wake herl working in logging camps in Wisconsin. She had
to carry huge logs from the forest to trucks. Today
56 Unit 8 . Girls and boys
Read the text again. Are the sentences true (/) or ll The train driver
false (fX Correct the false sentences.
@ Listen to the interview with train driver, Sue
t E tinda always wanted to be a pilot. Hipperson. Look at the questions she is asked and
At frst she wanted lo be a firefighter._ make notes as you listen.

2E Military pilots have to pay for lessons. I How long have you been a train driver?
3I A friend lent her some money to pay for lessons.
AE She had to cut down trees in Wisconsin. 2 Do you earn a good salary?
sE She nowworks as a flying doctor.
OI She doesn't have to fly when the weather is 3 What's the best thing about the job?
very bad.
7 E fn. students at her school come from the US. 4 Are there any disadvantages?
8 E Last summer she spent some time in Italy.
9 E St e thinks that there should be more scholarships 5 How did you become a train driver?
for military pilots.

6 Do you meet any interesting people?

she works as a rescue pilot. She

carries patients to care centres 7 Do you have to wear a uniform?
and hospitals. 'The challenge
comes when you have to pick
somebody up from a difficult accident spot.' Linda has to Is it difficult for a woman in what is usually a
work 12 hours a day for six days. She waits in a bunk house
man's job?
with other pilots for a call. 'lf the weather's bad, I have to
decide if the flight is possible or not.' After six days of work,
she has six days off.
What's your advice to young women who are
Linda has also opened a helicopter school for students from
interested in the job?
all over the world. 'Training students is fun. They are so
excited about flying.' She's made friends with a lot of the
students. Last summer she spent a week in the villa of a
friend near Florence, Italy and went to Rome to a convention
for helicopter pilots.
She says: 'lt's still hard for women. They have to compete
with all the military pilots who have the advantage of
excellent training. There should be more scholarships for

Unit 8 . Girls and boys 5

l2 Verb * noun
I Write the words in the box in the correct column. 3 Write the words in the box in the correct column.

friends the housework my homework a cake a photo some music on your glasses on
the shopping an lT course call a phone your best my advice the date in my diary a long time
up my mind the washing-up me a favour a noise suncream on the children to the zoo your coat off

make do take put


Complete the sentences with the correct form of a make

or do phrase in exercise 1.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a take
Saturdav mornins is when we dolhehousework . or put phrase in exercise 3.
I do the ironing, and my husband cleans.
1 'What are you doing this weekend?'
It's Oliver's birthday tomorrow so I'm going 'I'm They love animalsl
. I need 15 candles!
2 Everyone stand together! I want to
3 i dont know if I want the steak or the fish. J 'I cant read this menu.'
I cant '- ! Then you'll be able to read it!'
Good luck in your exam. Just 'Can you come to my party on the 18th?'
I'm sure you'll pass. 'Oh, yes. I'll
-. now.
5 Could you ? Can you get me
You must be patient. It to get
some stamps when you're at the shops?
better after a serious illness.
6 It can be difficult to when you move
Do you mind if I ? lazz? Pop?
to a new area. But you soon get to know people.
I really think you should and
I'm going to the supermarket to
stop smoking.
Do you need an1'thing?
You must when you lie in the
8 Do you mind if I ? I need to ring
sun - factor 20, at least!
my boss.

58 Unit 8 . Girls and boys

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