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Electrical Transportation System

Harshil Usadadiya -8830183

Electrical Vehicles Pro and Cons

Prof. Mahmoud Ahmed

Electric vehicles (EVs) have taken a major role in determining how transportation will develop in the
future, offering a world that is cleaner and more sustainable. However, its rise also brings with it some
difficulties that must be recognised and resolved. I will evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of electric
vehicles in this article and provide three strong arguments for each. It is important to emphasise that the
analysis that follows reflects only my own opinions and ideas on the topic.

Benefits of electric cars:

 Environmental Sustainability:
The main benefit of electric cars is that they make a big difference in environmental
sustainability. Unlike vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE), electric vehicles
(EVs) have no exhaust emissions, which helps to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions. We can combat climate change and enhance air quality overall by switching to
electric vehicles. The environmental advantages of EVs are also increased when they are charged
with clean energy, such solar or wind power.

 Energy Efficiency:
Electric cars are more energy efficient than conventional vehicles. Electric automobiles can put
as much as 90% of the energy stored in their batteries into motion, whereas internal combustion
engines (ICE) only convert roughly twenty percent of fuel energy into practical power. Since they
use less energy and have a longer range thanks to their higher efficiency, EVs are a viable option
for both short commutes and lengthy road trips. We can maximise our use of energy resources
and reduce waste by embracing electric vehicles.

 Lower Operating Costs:

Over the course of their lives, electric vehicles have lower operating costs. The cost of charging
an electric vehicle is typically less than that of refuelling a petrol vehicle, even though the initial
cost of an EV may be more than that of a conventional car. Additionally, since EVs lack
complicated engine components, maintenance costs are frequently lower. With fewer moving
components and no need for oil changes, electric cars frequently require less regular upkeep,
which might save owners money over time.

Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles:

 Limited Range and Charging Infrastructure:

The restricted driving range of electric vehicles and the lack of charging infrastructure are two
major problems. Although technological developments have increased the driving range of EVs,
long-distance travel still necessitates careful preparation and access to a reliable charging
network. Finding convenient locations for recharging might be difficult for EV owners due to the
existing dearth of broad charging stations, especially in rural or underdeveloped areas.

 Charging Time:
The considerably longer charging time needed for electric vehicles is another drawback. A
regular car may be filled with petrol in only a few minutes, but depending on the charging
technique and battery capacity, an electric car can take much longer to charge. Although fast-
charging stations have developed to some extent, the time needed for a full charge still outpaces
the time needed to refuel ICE vehicles. For people who frequently need to travel over great
distances or who have trouble accessing a charging station, this can be a problem.

 Battery Technology and Environmental Impact:

The production, disposal, and recycling of batteries raise some environmental concerns, while
electric vehicles heavily rely on battery technology. Lithium and cobalt extraction for the
manufacture of batteries can have detrimental effects on the environment and society.
Additionally, careful management is necessary when disposing of spent batteries to reduce
environmental damage. To overcome these obstacles and increase battery efficiency, longevity,
and sustainability, research and development are always being done.

In conclusion, electric cars provide enticing benefits like energy efficiency, environmental sustainability,
and cheaper running costs. By utilising energy resources to their full potential and lowering reliance on
fossil fuels, they help create a cleaner, greener future. However, issues with battery technology, charging
infrastructure, charging times, and restricted range still exist. To fully realise the promise of electric
vehicles as the EV sector develops, it is essential to make investments in charging infrastructure, progress
battery technology, and encourage sustainable practises.

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