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清洁 术前清洁:将脸上妆容清洁干净,使用小气泡或 焕氧

大气泡均可(皮肤敏感的顾客建议温和洁 面),凝胶涂抹
调节参数 调节仪器参数,治疗头先酒精后生理盐水擦拭消
三遍, 光斑3/1叠加,全脸治疗15-25分钟左右,避开毛发
及黑痣类。建议先操作 一半脸颊10分钟,再操作 另一半脸
颊10分钟最后额头5-10 分钟结束
临床终点 1.刮开冷凝胶后手背轻触操作部位有微热感 2.少
部位有微微泛红的感觉 3.可以明显的看到皮肤的改善
术后 操作完成后,凝胶清理干净后,立即敷可立肤医 用冷
DPL精准嫩肤建议参数 因个人感受程度不同,仪器参数调节
可根据客户感受由低向高 增加,最终以实际客户感受为主

调节参数 调节仪器参数能量2起调(色素较浅可能6起调)
, 先做一半脸颊,观察2-3分钟, 看是否出现临床终点(皮
肤发红,斑的颜色加深,有浮出表皮的感觉),若没有 出
现临床终点,另半张脸加2个能量,同样的方式做一 遍观察
3分钟,是否有出现临床终点。若能量合适出现 临床终点,
按这个能量将另一侧同样方式操作完;额头 在此基础上减2
个能量。若没有 此现象则依次类推到临 床终点为止。垂直
贴紧压实,定点操作,光斑不要重叠, 避开毛发及黑痣类

Pre-operative cleansing: use Hydra Facial to remove the makeup on the face(gentle
and non-abrasive cleansers are recommend to customers with sensitive skin), and
then apply the cooling gel with the thickness of a dime evenly to the targeted area.

Set the appropriate parameters for the device. The head of the handpiece shall be
disinfected with diluted alcohol first and then saline.
Press the handpiece on the targeted area vertically. It is recommended to use Stamp
Mode on the face and perform three passes from the jaw upwards. The energy can be
lowered by a third when treating the area around the cheekbone. It is the same on the
other side. It needs about 15-25 minutes for a full facial treatment, during which hair,
moles and any other skin diseases shall be bypassed. Each cheek needs 10 minutes.
The forehead 5 minutes.

Clinical endpoints:
1. After scraping off the cooling gel, the back of the hand will feel slightly warm when
touching the treated area.
2. There is a slight redness in a few areas.
3. The improvement of the skin can be clearly seen.

After the operation is completed and the gel is cleaned, immediately apply a skin-
calming mask, and gently press it to the form of the patient's face until it's sticking
Clean the handpiece and put it back in place.
During the treatment, the energy can be increased from low to high according to the
customer's real-time feedback.

Pre-operative cleansing: use Hydra Facial to remove the makeup on the face(gentle
and non-abrasive cleansers are recommend to customers with sensitive skin), and
then apply the cooling gel with the thickness of a dime evenly to the targeted area.

Press the handpiece on the targeted area vertically. The energy can be 2J as a start
(light pigment can start from 6J), do half of the cheek first, and observe for 2-3
minutes to see if the clinical endpoint (skin redness, darkening of the spot, pigment
surfacing) appears. If there is no sign of it, increase the energy to 4J for the other half
of the face and do it again in the same way to observe for 3 minutes to see if there is a
clinical endpoint. If the energy is strong enough to bring out the clinical endpoint, the
other side shall be treated again in the same based on the secong energy setting.
The energy for the forehead shall be reduced by 2J on this basis. If there is no such
immediate redness or pigment surfacing, the treatment shall go on until the clinical
endpoint appears. During the treatment, moles and any other skin diseases shall be

After the operation is completed and the gel is cleaned, immediately apply a skin-
calming mask, and gently press it to the form of the patient's face until it's sticking
Clean the handpiece and put it back in place.
During the treatment, the energy can be increased from low to high according to the
customer's real-time feedback.

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