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STATUS : TERAKREDITASI NSM : 111235030073 NPSN : 60714433
Jl. Trenggalek – Ponorogo Km. 07, RT 12 RW 03 Ds. Gondang Kec. Tugu Kab. Trenggalek, e

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Kelas : 1(Satu) Waktu :
Hari/Tanggal :

Choose the correct answer below!

1. Today is Sunday. Yesterday is ....
a. Thursday
b. Monday
c. Saturday
2. “Jumat” in English is ....
a. Saturday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday
3. A_ gu_t
The correct word is ....
a. August
b. Agustus
c. Agustust

I have ... skirt.

a. Nine
b. Four
c. Five
5. This is an .....

a. Socks
b. Shoes
c. Pnts
6. The meaning of “Eye” is ....
a. Hidung
b. Telinga
c. Mata
7. State true (T) or false (F) on the statement below!
“Tomorrow is Wednesday” means Besok adalah hari Kamis (T – F)
8. Look at the list below!
1) Tiger 3) Crocodile 5) Snake
2) Goat 4) Cat
From the list items above, the wild animals .... (Pilih jawaban lebih dari satu)
9. State true (T) or false (F) on the statement below!
a) “Giraffe” means jerapah (T – F)
b) “Goat” means kucing (T – F)
c) “Rabbit” means kelinci (T – F)
10. This is a ....
a. Lego
b. Guitar
c. Jigsaw
11. Put a tick (v) or a cross (x)!
a) One Bus

b) Two bicycle

c) Three helicopter

d) Four ship

12. Match them!

1) Knife (...) a. Kereta api
2) Glass (...) b. Mobil
3) Plate (...) c. Gelas
4) Car (...) d. Piring
5) Train (...) e. Pisau
13. State true (T) or false (F) on the statement below!
a) “Lima harimau” in English is five tiger (T – F)
b) “Sepuluh ular” in English is ten snake (T – F)
c) “Six crocodile” means delapan buaya (T – F)
14. Match it with the meaning!
1) Nice to meet you too ... a) Perkenalkan diri saya
2) Introduce my self ... b) Nama saya Aqeela
3) My name is Aqeela ... c) Senang bertemu juga denganmu
15. Match them!
1. Bag (...) a. Tas
2. Shoes (...) b. Pensil
3. Ballpoint (...) c. Sepatu
4. Pencil (...) d. Bolpoin
5. Eraser (...) e. Penghapus
16. Cooking in Indonesian is ….
17. Horse in Indonesian is ....
18. Write down 5 kinds of daily activities!
Answer : ....................................................................................................................................
19. Rabbits, cow, chicken, and cat are?
Answer : ....................................................................................................................................
20. What is English Rubik?
Answer : ............................................................................................................................................

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