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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Siargao
Union, Dapa Surigao Del Norte


Union National High School
Name of Teacher Sandra S. Camingue Section Johannes Kepler
Leaning Area Math Time 10:50-11:50AM
Grade Level 9 Date 04/19/2023

Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of parallelograms and triangle
A. Content Standards
Investigate, analyze, and solve problems involving parallelograms and
B. Performance Standards
triangle similarity through appropriate and accurate representation.
illustrates similarity of figures. (M9GE-IIIg-1)
C. Learning
1. define and illustrate similar triangles;
2. differentiate triangle similarity and triangle congruence; and
Write for the LC code for each 3. find the similarity ratio and scale factor of similar triangles.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pp. 227-235
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Pp. 354-368
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Power point Slides, Worksheets, Visual Aids
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Before the Lesson

-Good morning class -Good morning Ma’am Camingue,

good morning classmates.

- okay, let us pray, Kyla kindly lead the -Students bow their heads and
prayer. pray.

- Checking of attendance. Is there any -None Ma’am

absent today?

-The teacher will display a clipart about

ratio and proportion on the screen and
ask students what they remember and if
A. Review previous lesson or they have any question and further
presenting the new lesson clarification regarding our past lesson. - None Ma’am

Elicit: (5 minutes)

Class, let us have a game entitled “4

Pics, 1 Word” I will display four pictures
linked by one word – your aim is to
work out what the word is, from a set of
letters given below the pictures.

Points will be given to whoever will The students will analyze the
guess the word correctly. given pictures and guess the
word correctly.
Are you ready class? -yes , Ma’am!
1. 1. Triangle
2. Uniform
3. Similar



Engage: (5 minutes)
Making Meaning (Frayer’s Model)
Direction: Observe the following
pictures below and answer the Frayer’s The students will analyze the
model that will serve as your guide in given pictures and answer the
defining the word “SIMILARITY”. Frayer’s model template.

B. Establishing a purpose for the

Using the Frayer’s Model Template,
make your own meaning of “similarity”
and describe its characteristics and give
some examples and how you can
determine whether it is similar or not.

C. Presenting examples/instances (Students answer may vary)

of the new lesson

Explore: (10 minutes) (Students will participate the

Find My Match! activity)

The teacher will distribute 15 pairs of

congruent and similar figures randomly to
the students. Each student will have one
piece of figure and they will find their
During the Lesson matching piece by looking and asking
D. Discussing new concepts and their classmates.
practicing new skills #1
On the other hand, there will be two
columns on the board. One for congruent
figures and the other one for similar
figures. Once they find their match, they
need to study their figures and paste the
figures on the correct column on the board
where they belong.
Process questions: 1. Figures having the same
1. How do you define congruent size and shape are
figures? congruent.
E. Discussing new concepts and 2. How do you define similar 2. Figures that have the
practicing new skills #2 figures? same shape but are not
3. What are the conditions to say necessarily of the same
that two figures are similar? size are similar.
3. If the figures are the same
regardless the size.
Explain: (10 minutes) (Students will listen and
participate in answering the
The teacher will briefly discuss Similar questions that are asked during
F. Developing Mastery Triangle vs. Congruent Triangle and give discussion)
illustrative examples on Similarity Ratio
and Scale Factor.

G. Finding practical applications Elaborate:( 10 minutes) Students will volunteer to

of concepts and skills in daily answer the activity correctly.
living Similar or Not

Direction: Identify the following

triangles whether it belongs to Similar
or not Similar. Paste only the letter on
the box provided on the board.
(5 minutes)
History and Biology Integration

The teacher will share the concept of Students will listen attentively.
similarity figures being used by Thales in
determining the height of the Egyptian
pyramids and will share the concept of
scaling in biology.
The students will perform the
From this and from all the other activities, activity.
the teacher will distribute index cards or
paper to each student and ask them to
write down a key concept, idea or real-
word application related to the concept of
After the Lesson similarity of figures and paste it around
H. Making generalizations and the main concept “Similarity of Figures”
abstractions about the lesson in the center of the chart paper on the

Process question: Possible Answer:

Why is the concept of "similarity of The concept of similarity of
figures" important? figures is an important part of
geometry and has a wide range of
applications in various fields. By
understanding similarity, we can
recognize relationships between
shapes and proportions, solve
problems in real-world contexts,
create balance and harmony in
art and design, and prepare for
further study in mathematics.
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate: (5 minutes) Learners will play the quiz online
QUIZ ON QUIZIZZ and answer the questions correctly.
DIRECTION: The learners will answer
this activity by pair using a cellphone. The Answer:
1. B
teacher will provide a link, number code
2. A
or QR code of the live quiz on Quizizz 3. B
where all their scores will be shown on a 4. B
dashboard. Each learner will register their 5. D
names on the platform and answer the quiz 6. B
on similar figures. The learners that will 7. A
get the 3 highest score will receive a 8. B
9. D
10. A

1. Two objects that are the same shape

but not the same size are _______.
A. Complementary B. Similar
C. Vertical C. Congruent

2. All angles in similar figures are

A. True B. False


Are these triangles similar?

A. No B. Yes

4. Two shapes that are similar are also

A. True B. False

5. Sides that are in the same position are

called _______.
A. Congruent Sides
B. The Same
C. Corresponding Angles
D. Corresponding Sides

Are these figures similar?

A. No B. Yes


Are these figures similar?

A. No B. Yes


Are these figures similar?

A. No B. Yes


The pair of figures is similar. Find the

missing side.
A. x = 3 B. x = 4
C. x = 40 D. x = 12


Find the missing side.

A. 7 B. 9 C. 11 D. 5
Extend: (5 minutes) The students will perform and
Activity: Choose Your Station answer the activity correctly.

Direction: The class will be grouped into

3. There will be 3 stations with 3
J. Additional activities for different problems each. Every group
application or remediation will tour around 3 stations for them to
choose which problem they are
interested in answering. They will stay
at the said station to answer the
After answering, every group will
choose their representative to present
their answer to the whole class.

Station 1: Sierpinski Triangles

Direction: Study and answer the
following questions below.

The figure shows the Sierpinski

triangles of decreasing sizes below and
create your image of stage 4.

Process Questions:
1. Are the triangles of each of the
Sierpinski triangles similar? Explain.
2. What is the scale factor used to
reduce each triangle of the Sierpinski
triangle to the next one in size? Explain.
3. Construct and explain your Stage 4.

Station 2: Solve Me!

Station 3: The Symmetry Making

Direction: Choose one of the following
emblems either fire, water, air, earth, or
universe. Then, in a 1 piece of bond
paper, examine and research on how
you can recreate your chosen emblem.
Hence, you can use any application to
further visualize the making.
1. What certain
challenge that
you encounter
during the
2. How did you perform the activity?
What are the steps that you follow?
3. Why is the activity called the
symmetry making? Elaborate your idea.

Assignment: Study in advance about

Triangle Similarity Theorem (50 points).

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher -I/ Math Teacher

Checked and Approved by:

School Principal IV

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