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The term “Modern Living” in this context is being referred as “ACTIVE

LIVING” (precisely Active Daily Lifestyle -ADL).

i. Nature and Types of Physical Activities

Physical Activity means performing some structured or planned or unplanned

activities, and not remaining ‘Inactive’.

Less structured or incidental activities may include going up using stairs instead of
using a lift or escalator. In other instances, doing household activities like -
sweeping, washing clothes etc, walking to the bus-stop, riding a bike to college or
work etc.

Structured physical activity may be defined as bodily movement produced by

skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure. Examples of such activities
may include, doing exercise in the gym, or performing aerobics etc. At
recreational and leisure levels, those could be dancing playing recreational sports -
badminton, table-tennis etc., and at organised level, could be playing soccer,
cricket in a group.

There are basically five different types of Physical activities -

1. Flexibility - Stretching activities (Two types: Static & Dynamic or Ballistic

stretching exercise).
2. Endurance or Aerobic activities - Walking, Brisk walking, Jogging,
Running, Cycling, Swimming etc.
3. Anaerobic or strengthening activities, which could be done using own
bodyweights, using gym-balls, medicine balls, resistance machines, Resistance
bands and by lifting weights as well. These exercises could be done in three
ways - isotonic, isometric and isokinetic resistance activities.
4. Balance activities.
5. Martial Art training

ii. Significance and Benefits of Physical Activities in Modern lifestyle

Disease Prevention
Long-term benefits of living a healthier lifestyle is the prevention of diseases such
as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. However, the benefit is the prevention of
arthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, diabetes and other immune-mediated illnesses and
even certain types of cancer, which are affected by the faulty dietary habits and
inactive lifestyle choices of majority individuals of modern days.

Injury Prevention
Living a healthy lifestyle includes paying close attention to live and work in more
safer ways, which prevents us from injuries. Other smart lifestyle choices include
wearing a helmet when bike riding, wearing seatbelts in the car and using
appropriate safety gear when playing sports. Lots of people in this world are
Accident-Prone. Regular exercise habits help them to reduce their accident -

Increased Energy
Active lifestyle does not mean becoming extremely thin. It is more important to
have more energy and staying as healthy as possible. Regular exercise plays a
significant role in increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue. When lots of
people feel tired and may not want to exercise, a bit more activity may often help
to reduce feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
Healthy Weight
Regular physical activity helps in reducing weight and to maintain weight within
normal limits. Here, the aspect of normal weight refers to maintenance of adequate
or required extent of bodyweight. Individuals with lower bodyweight can get their
exact extent of bodyweight, while over-weight individuals may get benefitted by
reduction of their extra or unwanted levels of adipose tissue (non-essential fat), can
get back to required extent of bodyweight.

Good Mental Health

Regulated physical activity stabilizes and improves mood, and reduces emotional
crises, such as - anxiety & depression. Apart from that, exercise also helps in
maintain attentional focus, improves memory and helps in faster decision making.
Furthermore, exercise also boosts confidence level and improves in personal self-
image and a better outlook on life.

Additional Benefits
Regular exercise also helps in reducing bad habits of smoking, and consumption of
alcohol. Further to that, exercise activities promote sense of responsibility and
improves attitude towards avoiding junk or fast foods, eating healthy, having good
sleep-hygiene, which in turn results in better longevity.
iii. Benefits of Stretching Exercise:

1. Increases your flexibility

2. Increases your range of motion
3. Improves your performance in physical activities
4. Increases blood flow to your muscles
5. Improves your posture
6. Helps to heal and prevent back pain
7. Is great for stress relief
8. Can calm your mind
9. Helps decrease tension headaches

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