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1. What are the best things in life?

2. What are the most important things in life?
- money
- famous
- success
- happiness
- friends
- healthy
3. Do you think some brands like CocaCola, Samsung, Nokia,
….will become famous because of depending on advertisement or
another factor? Why?
4. Which factors help some famous brands to become successful?

5. Tourism is a kind of entertainment but some people who haven’t

still gone to many places in Vietnam while they have visited some
foreign countries? So what problems in here?
6. What is eco-tourism? Do you think our country should develop
this kind of tourism, and why? Is that a new kind of tourism?
7. Do you think personal characteristics affect success?

8. When do we need to choose the right person and right time? So

how were you if we had just one?
9. What imagination will help you in your life? Why people often
waste a lot of time to imagine?
10. Have you ever thought a lot about your further education after
graduating University?
11. Why is/was this covid epidemic – bệnh dịch - spreading so fast?
Mutated – biến chủng; curse – chửi; outbreak – bùng phát


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