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Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning

Modality of UNHS Grade 12 Students


A Research Proposal

Presented To The
Faculty of Unidad National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion

Eva A. De La Serna
Marjorie Llamas
Anajane Radam
Albert Silagan
Joel Lozada
Jhon Kiel Martizano

May 2022
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

During year 2020, the pandemic came and changing many aspects of our lives,
including  education and academic life. The COVID-19 has allowed educational
institutions to move classes online, but they may forget that there are other modes of
distance learning. Online learning is not the only modes of distnce learning, however,
the common type of distance learning under consideration is modular learning. To
make sure that learning remains not impeded, DepEd has implemented a distance
learning approach. This is a learning mode where interaction takes place between
the teacher and the students who are geographically remote from each other during
instruction. This means that the class will be delivered outside of the traditional face-
to-face. The modules contain a section of motivation and assessment that serve as a
complete guide of both teachers and students desired competencies. Teachers will
monitor learners' progress through home visits while following health protocols,
feedback mechanism, and guide those who need special attention. 
Moreover, modular distance learning is not a new fact phenomenon, its popularity
has increased the interest and visibility in distance learning as a new method of
research and learning to enhance the audiences (Gasevic, Kovanovic, Joksimovic &
Siemens, 2014). The use of self-learning modules in teaching is another form of
individual used instructions. This is called modular approach of teaching and learning
(k.Jaya sree,2004). Varieties of teaching methods that will fixate on cumulating
methods that can best realize the creative and constructive engagement with
learning activities that leads to understanding (Ramsden, 1992). Even a very well-
designed module with very well-defined learning outcomes, if the applied learning
strategy is not suitable to inspire and support the learner to achieve the desired
learning outcomes can fail. According to Toohey, S. (1999) "A teaching strategy is a
plan for learning, and it includes the presentations which the teacher might make, the
exercises and learning activities designed for students, av-aids which will be
supplied or suggested for students to work with, in which they show of their growing
understanding and capability will be collected.”
One of the new teaching and learning methods emerging today is a modular
approach with little or limited teacher intervention. This type of education and
learning is student-centric because students need to learn everything in the module
with their own efforts and phases. This study has important implications for the
existing knowledge of people, about the effectiveness of modular distance learning
modality of UNHS grade 12 students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine effectiveness of modular distance learning modality

of UNHS grade 12 students for school year 2021-2022. 
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning Modality on Grade

12 Students of UNHS?
2. What are advantages/disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning Modality?
3. What are the benefits of  on Modular Distance Learning on Grade 12 students of
UNHS during this pandemic?
4. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of students during
Modular Distance Learning?
5. How effective is Modular Distance Learning on Grade 12 students of UNHS?

Objectives of the Study 

General Objective

      This study aims to determine the effectiveness of modular distance learning

modality of UNHS grade 12 students for school year 2021-2022.

Specific Objective

Researchers will accomplish this aim by meeting the following objectives:

1. To determine the level of effectiveness of  Modular Distance Learning
Modality on Grade 12 Students of UNHS.
2. To evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of Modular Distance Learning
3. To find out the benefits of Modular Distance Learning on Grade 12 students of
UNHS during this pandemic.
4. To know if there a significant difference in the academic performance of
students during Modular Distance Learning.
5. To know how effective is Modular Distance Learning on Grade 12 students of

Significance of the Study

     This study would give the students information on the effectiveness of modular
distance learning modality of UNHS grade 12 students. The results and findings of
this study the effectiveness of modular distance learning modality of UNHS grade 12
students for school year2021-2022, to the students, teachers and also to the future
     For students to be know how effective is modular distance learning modality of
UNHS grade 12 students with the threat of the pandemic to the health of the
students. For the teachers to be aware of the effectiveness of modular distance
learning to the students with the context of new normal. 
     And lastly, for the future reseacher so that they have some referneces or ideas in
the near future if they will be going to take a research with the same topic or related
to their topic. This study demonstrate the effectiveness, benefits, advantages and
disadvantages of modular distance learning modality.

Scope and Limitation

     This study focuses on the effectiveness of modular distance learning on grades

12 students of UNHS. The data collection conducted to the students in grade 12
students Unidad National High School. The researchers will conduct survey used by
means of answering questions. The respondents of this study will be the random
grade 12 students of UNHS. There will be a research instrument prepare by the
researchers applying the random sampling method. It is up to the respondents if he
or she wants to remain anonymous as long as the necessary answers from the
questionnaire will be answer.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical underpinning of this study is the theory of John Dewey (1938)
described progressive education as “a product of discontent with traditional
education” which imposes adult standards, subject matter, and methodologies (no
page number). He believed that traditional education as just described, was beyond
the scope of young learners. Progressive education as described by Dewey should
include socially engaging learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate
for young children (Dewey, 1938). Dewey thought that effective education came
primarily through social interactions and that the school setting should be considered
a social institution (Flinders & Thornton, 2013). He considered education to be a
“process of living and not a preparation for future living” (Flinders & Thornton, 2013,
p.35; Gutek, 2014). This set of beliefs set Dewey apart from philosophers that
supported traditional classroom settings.
In contrast to traditional classrooms, Dewey thought that schools and classrooms
should be representative of real life situations, allowing children to participate in
learning activities interchangeably and flexibly in a variety of social settings (Dewey,
1938; Gutek, 2014). He was of the idea that abruptly introducing too much academic
content, out of context with children’s social lives, bordered on unethical teaching
behavior (Flinders & Thornton, 2013). This notion would be a point of conflict in
education today, as it is vastly different from what is happening in classrooms with
the strong emphasis on implementing the Common Core standards. The strong
focus on increasing academic achievement through the use of Common Core
standards in today’s classrooms makes finding evidence of John Dewey’s
philosophies in classrooms less common than it used to be (Theobald, 2009).
Learner-centered educators believe that Dewey’s work is supportive of many of their
beliefs about how students learn (Schiro, 2013). In learner-centered classrooms, one
can see much of John Dewey’s social learning theory and educational beliefs in
action. He viewed the classroom as a social entity for children to learn and problem-
solve together as a community. In these classrooms children are viewed as unique
individuals; students can be found busy at work constructing their own knowledge
through personal meaning, rather than teacher-imposed knowledge and teacher-
directed activities (Schiro, 2013). Children will be seen learning-by-doing in these
classrooms and they will be solving problems through hands-on approaches.
When teachers plan for instruction, student interests will be taken into
consideration and curricular subjects will be integrated with an emphasis on project
learning. The educational experience encompasses the intellectual, social,
emotional, physical, and spiritual growth of the whole child, not just academic growth
(Schiro, 2013). Although Dewey’s work seems to have fallen out of favor, at least as
far as current educational policy is concerned, his work remains fundamental in
many departments of education (Theobald, 2009). John Dewey’s philosophies and
work in the field of education have been very influential to educators over the years
(Theobald, 2009). His philosophy that children, not content, should be the focus of
the educational process, has left a lasting impression on educators who share in his
beliefs and philosophies about education and how children learn most effectively
(Schiro, 2013).

Definition of Terms

The following terms are essential to understanding the complete context:

 COVID-19 - A coronavirus is a type of virus that affects both humans and

animals. The term refers to the virus's crown-like spikes that protrude from the
surface and resemble the sun's corona. The condition caused by the new
coronavirus is known as coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19.

 Distance Learning - a form of learning in which students do not need to

attend a school or college since lectures are broadcast or classes are
completed via mail or the internet. Also known as online education.
 Academic Life - as defined by her or his work, refers to life experienced while
working or studying in the academy higher education institutions.

 Modular Learning - is a type of distant education that makes use of self-

study modules. These self-learning modules are based on the Department of
Education's most essential learning competencies (MELCS).

 Face-to-Face Learning - is an educational method in which a group of

students is taught course content and learning material in person. This allows
a learner and an instructor to engage in real time. It is the most common
method of educational instruction.

 DepEd - The Department of Education is the Philippine government's

executive department in charge of providing basic education access, fostering
equity, and increasing quality. It is the major agency in charge of managing
and governing the Philippine basic education system.

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