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 Summary of the main points and conclusions in chapter 1

 Outline of chapter 2.

This chapter discusses literature review with a general overview of related theories on the
purchasing decision of Millennials. The previous studies related to car purchasing decisions
or purchasing decisions of Millennials will be mentioned for better overall understanding.
Previous studies serve as a guide leading to the research gap that allows this study to step in
and fulfil the space.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Leadership Theories (note: review of other theories related to your independent variable) Contingency Theory. (Mention the proponent of the theory) Fred Edward
Fiedler is the proponent of the theory. (Explain the theory) The theory proposes that there is no
best leadership style but there are specific situations that determines which style is the best, given
the context of the situation (Wolinksi, 2010). (Explain how the theory is related to your study) In
this study, the researcher considers the contingency theory as an alternative way to look at
potential finding and results which my not be explained by the main theories used in this study Trait Theory. (Mention the proponent of the theory) Fred Edward Fiedler
is the proponent of the theory. (Explain the theory) The theory proposes that there is no best
leadership style but there are specific situations that determines which style is the best, given the
context of the situation (Wolinksi, 2010). (Explain how the theory is related to your study) In this
study, the researcher considers the contingency theory as an alternative way to look at potential
finding and results which my not be explained by the main theories used in this study
2.1.2 Employee Satisfaction (note: review of other theories related to your dependent
variable) Motivator-hygiene theory Theory. (Mention the proponent of the theory)

Herzberg is the proponent of the theory. (Explain the theory) The theory
proposes that there is no best leadership style but there are specific situations
that determines which style is the best, given the context of the situation
(Wolinksi, 2010). (Explain how the theory is related to your study) In this
study, the researcher considers the contingency theory as an alternative way to
look at potential finding and results which my not be explained by the main
theories used in this study
2.1.3 Conclusions
Discuss your conclusions highlighting the key points of your reviewed theories related to
your IV and DV

2.2 Previous Studies

2.2.1 Employee Knowledge and E-government Adoption (review of previous studies related
to your IV)

Present atleast 4-5 review of previous studies

In a quantitative (method) study by Prieto & Caemmerer (2013), (findings)they found out that
most government employees in Nigeria faced difficulties in adopting the e-government program
due to lack of knowledge on the use of technology related to the adoption program. This is
consistent with the findings of Zamora (2016) who used qualitative method to explore the
challenges of 15 key government implementor of e-government program in the Philippines
where results indicates that older people experience difficulty adopting e-government program
due to lack of knowledge. This is further supported by the study of Heng (2020) who quantitative
method to explore the level of knowledge of government employees with the ministry of Finance
in Cambodia and found that 87% of the respondents indicated experiencing difficulty of adopting
the e-government system due to lack of knowledge. These findings however are contrary to the
finding of Smith (2016) who found that Canadian government employees from all levels had no
problem adopting the e-government program as they feel they are equipped with necessary

2.2.2 Employee Readiness and E-government Adoption (review of previous studies related to
your IV)

Present atleast 4-5 review of previous studies

In a quantitative (method) study by Prieto & Caemmerer (2013), (findings)they found out that
most government employees in Nigeria faced difficulties in adopting the e-government program
due to lack of knowledge on the use of technology related to the adoption program. This is
consistent with the findings of Zamora (2016) who used qualitative method to explore the
challenges of 15 key government implementor of e-government program in the Philippines
where results indicates that older people experience difficulty adopting e-government program
due to lack of knowledge. This is further supported by the study of Heng (2020) who quantitative
method to explore the level of knowledge of government employees with the ministry of Finance
in Cambodia and found that 87% of the respondents indicated experiencing difficulty of adopting
the e-government system due to lack of knowledge. These findings however are contrary to the
finding of Smith (2016) who found that Canadian government employees from all levels had no
problem adopting the e-government program as they feel they are equipped with necessary

2.2.3 Relationship of Employee Knowledge and Employee Readiness on E-government


Present atleast 4-5 review of previous studies

In a quantitative (method) study by Prieto & Caemmerer (2013), (findings)they found out that
most government employees in Nigeria faced difficulties in adopting the e-government program
due to lack of knowledge on the use of technology related to the adoption program. This is
consistent with the findings of Zamora (2016) who used qualitative method to explore the
challenges of 15 key government implementor of e-government program in the Philippines
where results indicates that older people experience difficulty adopting e-government program
due to lack of knowledge. This is further supported by the study of Heng (2020) who quantitative
method to explore the level of knowledge of government employees with the ministry of Finance
in Cambodia and found that 87% of the respondents indicated experiencing difficulty of adopting
the e-government system due to lack of knowledge. These findings however are contrary to the
finding of Smith (2016) who found that Canadian government employees from all levels had no
problem adopting the e-government program as they feel they are equipped with necessary

2.2.4 Conclusions

Most of the reviewed studies indicate that lack of knowledge is a challenge to e-government
adoption. In is concluded that employees from third world countries experience lack of
knowledge in adopting e-government system which is not a challenge for those in the first world

2.3 Research Gaps

After reviewing the previous studies, there are 3 gaps that this research intends to fill in. First,
there is a methodology gap. This is evident in the fact that majority of the previous studies
conducted use the qualitative method of exploring the relationship between level of knowledge
and employee readiness in adopting e-government system. In this case, findings can not be said
to be true to the rest of the population the interviewed participants represent. Thus it is but
appropriate to pursue a study using the quantitative method. Second there is an empirical gap as
evidenced by the fact that there seem to be very limited if zero previous studies on the
relationship of knowledge level and employee readiness in adopting e-government system in
Cambodia. Thus this study is aimed at addressing such gap

2.4 Summary and Conclusions

Summarize key points of chapter 2 and relate it to and introduce chapter 3 which is your

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