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The question demanded an individual to formulate a new editorial policy for broadcast,online
and social media and communication policy for an organization by citing specific references that
are based on the laws and regulations you learned from the course.

An editorial policy is a set of guidelines that a publication,such as newspaper,magazine or

website. It follows to ensure the integrity,accuracy,and quality of the content it produces.The
editorial policy typically covers issues such as facts checking,accuracy,objectivity,fairness and
accountability.It may also outline the roles and responsibilities of the editorial staff and set
standards for the tone and style of the content. The editorial policy is an important part of the
publication’s overall mission and helps to establish its credibility and reputation.Below is the
new formulated editorial policy for media organization.


I)Our organization is committed to upholding the principles of freedom of expression and media
freedom,and there shall not be any interference and control with any person that limits their
freedom using the media, as outlined in the constitution of Tanzania.

This is editorial policy is generated from the constitution of Tanzania as it guarantees freedom of
expression and media freedom in several articles.

Article 18 of the Constitution of Tanzania states:

“Every person shall have the right to freedom of expression,which shall include freedom to
seek,receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontier.”

Article 28 of the constitution of Tanzania states:

“Every person shall the right to freedom of the press and other media,which shall include
freedom to hold opinions and to receive and communicate ideas and information without

ii)We strive to produce accurate,fair, and balance contents that serves the public interest and
reflects the diversity of the communities we serve.There shall not be any issues of defamation
and biased content.

This editorial policy is generated from the Media Service Act of 2016.
Section 15 of the media Services Act of 2016 states that:

“A media service provider shall up hold the highest standards of journalistic integrity,objectivity,
and balance in the production and dissemination of information,and shall not publish or
disseminate false, misleading or biased information.”

iii) We are commuted to upholding the highest standardrd of journalistic integrity and ethical
conducts. Also the journalist will be professionals.


i)We strive to verify all information before publishing or airing it, and to attribute information to
its proper source.This work shall be assigned to the Chief editor to ensure that proper contents
are aired.

This editorial policy is generated from the Media service Act of 2016

Section 30 of the Media service Act of 2016 states that

“No person shall disclose any information or document in relation to a source of information for
any media service provider without the consent of the source of information”

ii)If we make mistake, we will promptly correct it and publicly acknowledge the error.

iii) We will not publish or air content that is defamatory,biased or misleading .

These editorial policy is generated from the Media service Act of 2016

Section 16 of the Media Service Act of 2016 states that

“A media service provider shall respect the dignity,privacy and reputation of individuals, and
shall not publish or disseminate information or images that are intrusive,inflammatory or harmful
to the reputation of any person”


i)Our content should be written and presented in clear,concise,and objective language,and should
avoid sensationalism or exaggeration.Contents will use official languages that will be Kiswahili
and English and incase there will be other foreign lauageage use when necessary will be
translated to one of the official languages.

This editorial policy is generated from the Electronic and Postal Communication Act (EPOCA)
OF 2010

Section 108 of the Electronic and Postal Communication Act of 2010 states that

“The minister may make regulations on the use and promotion of the use of official languages in
a content provided by Content Service Licensees

ii)We will respect the privacy and dignity of individuals,and will not publish or air content that is
intrusive or inflammatory.

These editorial policies are generated from the Media Service Act of 2016

Section 16 of the Media Service Act of 2016 states that

“A media service provider shall respect the dignity,privacy and reputation of individuals, and
shall not publish or disseminate information or images that are intrusive,inflammatory or harmful
to the reputation of any person”

This section requires that media services providers to respect the dignity, privacy, and reputation
of individuals and prohibits them from publishing or disseminating information or images that
are intuivise, inflammatory or harmful to the reputation of any person.

iii)We will provide contents of an educational nature to the public that cut across all aspects of
social,economical,political,cultural and technology as well to bring impact to the public and
awareness as well.

This editorial policy is generated fro the Electronic and Postal Communication Act of 2010.

Section 110 of the EPOCA states that;

“110.-(i) The rules made by the Authority in relation to provisions of contents of an educational
nature may impose an obligation on contents service liences or on a certain specified classes of
Content services license ,to ensure that a specified proportion of content provided by each one
constitute contents of an educational nature”
iii)The typographical layout of the Group's news platforms, including the online editions, must of
necessity change from time to time, but the fundamental principle, which applies to print,
broadcasting and to online presentations, is to present editorial content in an attractive but
disciplined, sober, consistent and non-sensationalist


i)We are committed to representing a wide range of voices and perspectives in our contents and
promoting diversity and inclusivity in the organization.

ii) We will strive to ensure that our contents reflect the diversity of communities we serve, to
match with the social,political,cultural and economic changes and make efforts to seek out and
amplify underrepresented voice.


i)We will disclose any conflict of interest that may affect the objectivity of our content .

ii) We will not accept gifts or any other forms of inducements that could compromise our
editorial independence and dissemination of information .

These editorial policies are generated from the Media service Act of 2016 .

Section 18 of the Media Service Act of 2018 states that,

“A media service provider or media worker shall not accept any gift,benefit, payment or other
inducement that may compromise the media service provider’s or media worker’s editorial
independence and objectivity”

This section prohibits media service providers and media workers from accepting any kind of
gift that will act as corruption to compromise any acces to information that will be an obstacle to
journalist effective work.


i)We will apply the same editorial standards to our online and social media contents as we do to
our broadcast and print content .

ii) We will be transparent about the source of our online and social media contents, and we will
not publish or amplify content that is false or misleading.

These editorial policies are generated from the Electronic and Postal Communication Act
(EPOCA) of Tanzania.

Section 7 of the Electronic and Postal Communication Act of Tanzania states;

“No person shall use any electronic communication for the transimmion of any message that is
offensive or of an incident, obscene or menacing character”


i)We will be responsive to inquires and complaints from the public, and will strive to address any
concerns in timely and transparent manner.

ii)We will respect the privacy of our stakeholders, and will not disclose personal information
without consents.

These editorial policies are generated from Media service Act of 2016

Section 20 of the Act states that;

“20.(1)A media service provider shall,at all time ,ensure that the media service provided is
transparent and accountable.

(2) A media service provider shall not disclose any personal data of a user of a media
service except with the consent of the user or as may be required by law.

(3) A media service provider shall ensure that any personal data of a user of a media service
is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with the provision of the Data Protection Act and
other relevant law.

(4) A media service provider shall ensure the security of personal data of the user of a media
service against unauthorized or unlawful processing,accidental loss,destruction or damage.”

Generally, our editorial policy aims at making sure that our media presents the best of the
contents provided and make sure that they do not interfere with the rights of individuals and and
other organization but to serve the mass with accurate and fair news and access to information .
2.Discuss the legal requirements of starting and running a freelance media practice,media
business company,PR or communication or Advertising consulting company.

Companies have legal requirements in order to be started and runned based on the category or
type of the company. For one to establish a media company there legal requrements that are
needed to be followed to allow a person to own a media business company . In Tanzania,
Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority(TCRA) is responsible for premimmiting the
start of media company in a large percent. The Media Service Act of 2016 ,PART II of
INFORMATION SERVICES (b) Ownership, Rights and Obligations of Media Houses number 6
and 7 this parts states that (1) For purpose of licensing under this Act and licensing of electronic
media under tge Electronic and Postal Communications Act , there shall be two categories of
media houses ownership, namely (a) public owned media houses and (b) private owned media
house. (2) Conditions for ownership of media houses shall be as prescribed in the regulations.

The following are the Legal requirements of starting and running a media business company.

Application for licenses ; for anyone to start a media business needs to have a license ,The
Electronic and Postal Communication (Licensing ) Regulations 2018 PART III 20-(1) states
that , the authority shall time to time, through a competitive process invites applications for
network facilities , network services and content services license which require spectrum.Also an
application 0f individual lances shall be submitted to the Authority .

A certificate of registration ;This is the second legal requirement of starting and running media
business Company as provided in the law where by according to section 6(2) of Electronic and
Postal Communication Act of 2010(EPOCA) explain that An applicant for a license shall be
required to submit information like A certificate of registration, Where by a certificate of
registration of a media business Company is provided by Business Registration and Licensing
Agency(BRELA) this means BRELA is the one who make registration of any business Company
in Tanzania.So due to this Media Xtra apply for registration and finally we get a certificate of
registration as private media Company as provided in the law.

Transmittal letter; The applicant who wants to start a media business company should submit a
short letter in the applications stating intentions , objectives, market analysis and services
demand for services applied for addressed to:

The Director General

Tnanzania Communication Regulatory Authority

Mawasiliano Towers

20 Sam Nujoma Road

P.O.Box 474



The applicant should offer the certified copies or legal documents of the registered company; the
applicant of the media company to be started must submit copies of the registered company to
Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) these documents include a
memorandum and articles of association for registered companies or constitution for registered
societies and Non Governmental Organizations (NGO), shareholding requirements pursuant to
Regulation 22(1) (b) of the Electronic and Postal Communications(Licensing) Regulation ,2018
which states that “An applicant shall, when applying for a license , submit the following :in case
of content services license memorandum and articles of associations with a minimum of fifty
one percent local (Tanzanian citizen) shares ownership.Other documents are certificate of
business name registration of the station, certificate of incorporation for registration for
registered societies or NGO’s, certificate of register Trustees including their names from relevant
bodies, certificate of tax payer identification number(TIN) and or certificate of value added tax
payer (VAT) registration, tax clearance certificate and proof of citizenship of shareholder which
include passport, birth certificate or national identity card.

Business plan is another legal requirement needs to start and running a media business; in order
of an individual to start a business company they need to submit the business plan which will
help the authority define the effectiveness and efficiency of the business to be started. This
business plan should include the company profile, summary of objectives for establishment of
the project , services to be offered, network rollout plan of coverage, customer based projections,
constructions plan radio frequency and network configuration..The business plan helps the
authority to determine the purpose, and how the organization will be run at large and therefore be
able to make a close follow up and close monitoring of the company by the authority.

Products and services requirements;This is the one of the legal requirement of starting and
running Media business company as  provided in the law where by according to Electronic and
Postal Communication Act of 2010 section 6(3) explain that "Any applicant for electronic
communication license shall in addition to submit products and services to be offered to mean
that any media business company which apply a license must submit the list of services and
products which a company offered to authority this is why our media Media Xtra provide list of
services like News bulletin service, Advertising service to Authority as required by the law.

Financial plan ; the media business or PR, or communication company in order to start must
submit its financial plan or capital discloser.The financial plan helps to prove financial
capability.This financial plan includes company’s bank statement for companies in operation,
shareholders’ bank statements for newly established companies , letter of commitment from
sponsors and letter from bank guaranteeing loan or financial support.The financial plan goes
hand in hand with the five year project Financial statements which consists of income statement,
cash flow and balance sheet.
Shareholding structure; This is another legal requirement for starting and running media business
Company as provided in the law where by according to Section 26 (1) b of Electronic and Postal
Communication Act of 2010 explain that in the case of content services license where by the
local shareholding structure has a minimum of fifty one percent of the shares as an going
obligation through out the life of the license

Any other information as the authority may requires ;This is among of the legal requirement of
starting and running media business company where by section 6(2) of Electronic and Postal
Communication Act of 2010 explain that an applicant for a license shall be required to submit
any other information as the authority may requires for instance Brandname of company, Logo,
Organization charts.This is why At the above our media company Media Xtra provide this
requirement like brandname, logo, organization charts and other requirements aa provided by the

Generally;Legal requirements help media business company to work free and independent
because when a company fail to follows those legal requirement of starting and running a media
business company can cause a media company to be banned by authority but also when a
company follows for legal requirements can help it to achieve its mission and vision.

3.In this question assigned an individual to design a new and unique company of different
categories provided and I opt to design a communication company as follows.

Company name; Tiva’s Communi Tech

Slogan; “Connecting you to the world”

Company Logo


To be the leading provider of innovative and reliable communication solutions for

individuals,business and organizations worldwide.


To empower people to connect with each other and the world around them by offering a wide
range of high -quality communication products and services.


At Tiva’s Communi Tech, we believe in the power of human connection and the importance of
staying connected in today,s fast-paced world. We strive to make communication accessible and
affordable for everyone, no matter where they are or what their needs may be.


 Innovation: We are constantly serve our customers and stay ahead of the curve.
 Reliability: Our products and services are built to last, and we stand behind them
with exceptional customers support.
 Accessibility: We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to stay
connected, which is why we offer a range of products and services to meet the
need of a diverse customer base.
 Sustainability: We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and
supporting sustainability initiatives in the communities we serve.

Tiva’s Communi Tech’s brand identity is modern,innovative and trustworthy. Our
color palette includes Shades of blue, white, and yellow and our brand font is
sleek and professional.

 Tiva’s Communi Tech’s logo should always be used in conjunction with our
company name.
 Our brand colors should be used consistently in all marketing materials.
 Our brand font should be used consistently in all written communications.

Tiva’s Communi Tech is a privately- held communication company
headquartered in Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania.

The company has different goals to be accomplished so as to make and reach the
targets set by the company to the customers and the company as well; This goals
 To establish Tiva’s Communi Tech as a leading provider of communication
solutions in Tanzania and globally.
 To continually innovate and introduce new and improved products and services to
meet the changing needs of our customers.
 To build long term relationships with our customers through exceptional services
and support.

Tiva’s Communi Tech offers a wide range of communication products and
services including:
 Mobile phone plans and devices
 Internet services
 Television and streaming services
 Business communication solutions

Tiva’s Communi Tech is funded through a combination of venture capital
investments and revenues generated from products and service sale.

Tiva’s Communi Tech’s assets include its intellectual property (such as its offices
and data centers )and its networks of retail locations and authorized resellers.

Tiva’s Communi Tech is headquartered in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania with
additional offices and retail locations in major cities around the world.

Tiva’s Communi Tech is a company that was founded in 2022, with the goal of
providing innovative and reliable communication solutions to individuals,
business,and organizations. We offer a wide range of products and services
including; mobile phone plan and devices,internet services, television and
streaming services and business communication solution. Our team is comprised
of experienced professionals with passion for connecting people and the world
around them.

Tiva’s Communi Tech’s stakeholders include its customers, employees, investors
and partner's.
Some of Tiva’s Communi Tech’s main competitors in the communication industy
include Flashnet, SimbaNet,Tansat, Startel Tanzania Limited (Raha) and T-


The following are the Tiva’s Communi Tech services description on what we
offer as a company.
 Mobile phone plan:Tiva’s CommuniTech offers a range of mobile phone plans
customers, including individuals, families, and business. Our plans include
options for unlimited talk,text,and data as well as flexible data options for those
who don’t need as much. We offer a variety of phone options, including both new
and refurbished devices.
 Internet service: Tiva’s Communi Tech provides high-speed internet services to
on of residential and business customers. Our plans offer a range of speeds to suit
different needs,and we also offer options for installation and equipment rentals.
 Television and streaming services: Tiva’s Communi Tech offers variety of
television and streaming packages to fit different budget and preferences. Our
packages include a range of channels,including popular networks and premium
options, as well as the ability to add on streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.
 Business communication solution: Tiva’s Communi Tech offers a range offers
range of communication solution for business,including phone systems, internet
services,and collaboration tools.We work with business to assess their needs and
design custom solutions to help them stay connected and productive.

Tiva’s Communi Tech’s management team is made up of experienced
professionals with a diverse range of skills and expertise. Our team includes a
CEO,CFO,CTO,and heads-of various departments, including sales,marketing,
operations and customer service.

Tiva’s Communi Tech;s organizational chart would include the management team
at the top,followed by various departments, such as sales, marketing, operations
and customer service. Within the departments,there would be teams or indivuals
responsible for specific functions,such as account management,products
development, and technical support.
Below is the Tiva’s Communi Tech Organizational Chart.


Tiva’s Communi Tech employs a wide range of human resources and
professionals,including customer service representatives,salespeople, marketing
professionals, and technical experts. We also have a dedicated human resources
department responsible for managing employee relations and recruiting new


Tiva’s Communi Tech serves a diverse customer base,including
individuals,families and business of all size.Our products and services are
designed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers,from those who need
basic communication services to those who require more advanced solutions for
their business.


Tiva’s Communi Tech’s business plan includes a number of strategies to achieve our
goals of becoming a leading provider of communication solutions and continually
innovating to meet the changing needs of our customers.Some key elements of our
business plan include:

 Expanding our product and service offerings to reach new customer segments.
 Developing partnerships with key players in the industry.
 Investing in research and development to bring new and improved products to
 Focusing on customers satisfaction through excellent service and support.
 Growing our brand recognition and reputation through targeted marketing and PR

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