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Document Name: Standard Operating Procedure Manual

Determination of Strain Modulus EV2
Issue No. 01 Issue Date 01/01/2021 SOP No. MECH-129
Rev. No. 00 Rev. Date -- Page No. Page 1 of 3

1.0 PURPOSE: Determination of the subgrade modulus EV2 at site.

2.0 SCOPE: Document describes the method to follow for performance of plate load test at
site in order to determine the strain modulus EV 2.
3.0 REFERENCE: DIN 18134
4.0 RESPONSIBILITY: Technician under supervision of Testing in Charge
5.1. Loading Reaction: Any suitable reaction shall be adopted such as loading truck or truss.
5.2. Loading Plate: Circular plate of diameter 300mm ± 0.25mm and minimum 25mm thicknes
shall be used.
5.3. Rection column: A hollow reaction column comprises of dia. Of 85 ± 0.2mm and having a
central hole of 30mm.
5.4. Loading system: The loading system consists of a hydraulic pump connected to a
hydraulic jack via a high-pressure hose with a minimum length of 2 m. The system shall be
capable of applying and releasing the load in stages.
5.5. LVDT: One LVDT of 50mm range and 0.01mm LC shall be used to measure settlement of
the plate.
5.6. A Device to measure load on plate: Proving ring or pressure gauge shall be used for
measurement of load transferred to the soil through the loading plate
5.7. Trowels, Spatula, Stop watch, Plumb Line, Steel Straightedges
6.1. Test Area preparation:
The tests were carried out on top of prepared subgrade and top of blanketing as per the
instruction of engineer-in-charge. The selected test surface was cleaned of loose material
and properly leveled. The loading plate was then bedded on test surface. The loading
arrangement as shown in fig1. was then erected.

Prepared & Issued By Reviewed & Approved By


Deputy Technical Manager Quality Manager

Document Name: Standard Operating Procedure Manual
Determination of Strain Modulus EV2
Issue No. 01 Issue Date 01/01/2021 SOP No. MECH-129
Rev. No. 00 Rev. Date -- Page No. Page 2 of 3

6.2. Preloading:
A Preloading Pressure of 0.01MN/m2 was applied prior to actual loading stage.

6.3. Loading, Unloading and recording of settlement:

The test was to be carried out for an ultimate loading of 0.5MN/m2 or 5.0mm settlement,
whichever occurs earlier. For this the load was applied in six equal increments to reach
ultimate loading. The load was read on calibrated proving ring. Each incremental load
was kept constant for 60 seconds and settlement of plate was recorded by attached LVDT.
The next incremental load was applied immediately after recording of settlement.
The unloading was carried out in three stages i.e. 50%, 25% and 2% of the final load and
the settlement was recorded in each stage. Thus, completing the first cycle of loading.
The second loading cycle was conducted immediately after unloading of first loading
cycle. In second loading cycle, the load was increased only up to penultimate stage of first
cycle and the settlement is recorded similar to first stage.


7.1. Strain Modulus (Ev):
The strain modulus (Ev) for both loading stage was found as per equation given below.

Ev = Strain Modulus in MN/m2.
r = radius of loading plate in mm.
The constants a1 and a2 was calculated as below.

Prepared & Issued By Reviewed & Approved By


Deputy Technical Manager Quality Manager

Document Name: Standard Operating Procedure Manual
Determination of Strain Modulus EV2
Issue No. 01 Issue Date 01/01/2021 SOP No. MECH-129
Rev. No. 00 Rev. Date -- Page No. Page 3 of 3

σ0 = average normal stress below plate in MN/m 2
a0 = constants of second-degree polynomial in mm
a1 = constants of second-degree polynomial in mm/(MN/m 2)
a2 = constants of second-degree polynomial in mm/(MN2/m4)
σ0max = maximum average normal stress below plate in both loading cycle in MN/m 2

7.2. Modulus of subgrade Reaction (Ks)

The subgrade modulus was carried out as per the equation below.

Ks = Modulus of Subgrade Reaction in MN/m 3
σ0 = Average Normal Stress for 1.25mm settlement.

The observation is recorded in Observation Format forwarded to respective department for
preparation of report.

Prepared & Issued By Reviewed & Approved By


Deputy Technical Manager Quality Manager

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