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Module 2

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Measurement of light
•Light is the cause and illumination is the result of light on the surfaces it
•It is defined as the process by which body or surface get illuminated.
• Solid angle (Ω) – Angle subtended at the centre of sphere of radius R, by a
surface S. It is the ratio of area of the surface to the square of the distance
between the area and the point. Its unit is steradian.

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Luminous intensity is luminous flux per unit solid angle(ie 1 steradian).
Unit is candela(cd or lm/sr). I=F/Ω

Luminous flux is the rate at which light energy flows from the source or
simply it is the total quantity of light energy per second. L= Q/t
1 lumen = 1 cd * 1 solid angle
Total solid angle = 4∏
Total luminous flux produced = 1 cd * 4∏ = 4∏ lumens
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• Brightness or luminance(L): luminous intensity per
unit projected area of the surface in a given direction.
Unit cd/m2.
•Lamp efficiency or efficacy: visible radiations emitted
by it. It is defined as ratio of luminous flux to power
input .Its unit is lumens / watt

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• MHCP(Mean Horizontal Candle Power): Mean of candle
power in a horizontal plane in all directions. Mean of
luminous intensities in all directions in a horizontal plane
containing the source of light.
• MSCP(Mean Spherical Candle Power): Mean of candle
powers of a source of light in all directions in all planes.
MSCP = Flux emitted in all directions /4π
• MHSCP(Mean Hemi Spherical Candle Power): Mean of
candle powers of a source of light in all directions within the
hemisphere either above or below the horizontal plane through
the centre of the light source. MHCP = Flux emitted in a
hemisphere /2π
• Reluctance factor= MSCP/ MHCP
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Lamberts cosine law

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Polar Curve
•They are plot drawn between the candle power and angular position. The
luminous intensity is not same in all directions in most lamps because of their
unsymmetrical shape. The luminous intensity in all directions are represented
by polar curves
•Used for determining MSCP and MHCP
•2 types- Horizontal polar curve and vertical polar curve

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• If luminous intensity ie candle power is measured in horizontal plane about
a vertical axis and a curve is plotted between the candle power and the
angular position a horizontal polar curve is obtained

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• If luminous intensity ie candle power is measured in vertical plane about a
horizontal axis and a curve is plotted between the candle power and the
angular position a vertical polar curve is obtained.

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Roussean's construction
• Let us consider a vertical polar curve is in the form of two lobes symmetrical about
YOY1 axis. A simple Rousseau's curve is shown in Fig.

Rules for constructing the Rousseau's curve are as follows:

1. Draw a circle with any convenient radius around polar curve and with ‘O’ as center.
2. Draw a line 'CD’ parallel to the axis YOY1 and is equal to the diameter of the circle.
3. Draw any line ‘OFA' in such a way that the line meets the circle at point ‘A’ and polar
curve at point ‘F’. Now let the projection be ‘G’ onto the parallel line 'CD’.
4. Erect an ordinate at ‘H’ as, GH = OF.
5. By similar construction draw other ordinates. The curve obtained by joining the
ordinate is called Rousseau's curve

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• The mean ordinate of this curve gives the
mean spherical candle power (MSCP) of the
lamp having polar curve given in Fig.
• The mean ordinate of the curve= Area under
curve / length of CD
• The area under Rousseau's curve can be
determined on a graph paper or by Simpson's

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Measuring Apparatus: PHOTOMETRY
Photometry involves the measurement of candle power or luminous intensity
of a given source. The candle power of a given source in a particular
direction can be measured by the comparison with a standard or
substandard source employing photometer bench and some form of
These measurements involve comparing the test lamp with standard lamp.
a. By varying the position of comparison lamp (standard lamp), Is
b. By varying the position of the test lamp, IT
c. By varying the position of the screen
Measurement is complete when the bench is balanced. It is balanced when two
sides of the screen are equally bright [in a Dark Room] as shown in figure

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Principle of simple photometer
• The photometer bench essentially consists of two steel rods with (2-3)m
long. This bench carries stands or saddles for holding two sources (test and
standard lamps), the carriage for the photometer head and any other
apparatus employed in making measurements. One of the steel rods carries
a brass strip with graduated scale in mm. The photometer bench should be
rigid so that the source being compared may be free from vibration. The
photometer head should be capable of moving smoothly and the
photometer head acts as screen for the comparison of the illumination of
the standard lamp and the test lamp.

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• The photometer head or screen is moved in
between the two fixed sources until the
illumination on both the sides of the screen is
same. If the distances of standard source S
and lamp source under test L from
photometer head are L1 and L2. Apply inverse
square law:

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Measuring Apparatus
 Goniophotometer is a device used for measurement of the light emitted
from an object at different angles. The use of goniophotometers has been
increasing in recent years with the introduction of LED-light sources, which
are mostly directed light sources, where the spatial distribution of light is not
If a light source is homogeneous in its distribution of light, it is called a
Lambertian source. Due to strict regulations, the spatial distribution of light is
of high importance to automotive lighting and its design.
A goniophotometer can be used for various applications:
• Measurement of luminous flux of a light source
• Measurement of luminous intensity distribution from a source much
smaller than the size of the goniophotometer
Equipped with color sensors additional characteristics can be measured
• Distribution of correlated color temperature
• Color uniformity

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• A goniophotometer is a photometric device that is used to measure the
perceived power of a light source at different angles. It is mostly used to
test the luminous flux of directed light sources such as LED and
automotive headlights.
• It is based on the principle of a photometer with a revolving arm that is
fitted with a circular mirror. Light is continuously fed to this mirror
through different angles (as the arm rotates) which provides information
about the luminous flux, intensity distribution, and efficiency of the source.
• A goniophotometer is primarily available in three different types: A, B, and
C. This involves changes in the revolving ability of the axes. While type A
has a fixed horizontal axis, types B and C have a fixed vertical axis. These
types are used for different types of lamps.
• For example, type C is used for spot and tube lamps.

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• Lux is the unit for illuminance in the international SI system of units. A lux
measuring device or lux meter is therefore a device for determining
illuminance. The illuminance is a value that does not refer to the light
source, but to the illuminated area. The lux meter can be used to determine
how much of the luminous flux emitted by one or more light sources
reaches a specific surface. 

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Integrating sphere

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• An integrating sphere, as the name suggests, is a sphere-like structure that
is used to measure the power of undirected light sources. It works on the
principle of diffusion where light enters the sphere through tiny holes,
reflects through the interior coating of the sphere, and gets distributed
equally inside. This allows for flux measurement and many more actions.

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