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Course Integration 2

N a m e o f I n s t r u c t o r : E n g r. R e y M a r t i n G . E s t o q u e .

Click to edit Master title Evaporation
• Energy Balance and Design Equation
𝑄 = 𝑚𝐹 𝐶𝑃,𝐹 𝑇 − 𝑇𝐹 + 𝑚𝑉 𝜆𝑉 = 𝑚𝑆 𝜆𝑆 = 𝑈𝐴 𝑇𝑆 − 𝑇

where λv and λs are latent heats of vaporization of the vapor and

steam respectively. To calculate it, get the difference between the
enthalpies of saturated vapor and liquid.

• Steam Economy
σ 𝑚𝑉
2 2
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Conceptual Master title
1 style

Evaporation is also sometimes called as

a. Thermal compression
b. Liquid compression
c. Water distillation
d. Vapor compression

3 3
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2 style

The concentration of glycerin from a water

solution by the application of heat is

a. Distillation
b. Evaporation
c. Crystallization
d. Reverse osmosis
4 4
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Conceptual Master title
3 style

The total amount of evaporation an evaporator is

capable of producing per unit of time

a. Economy
b. Capacity
c. Steam consumption
d. Fouling factors
5 5
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Conceptual Master title
4 style

When the pressure of the chamber is decreased,

the boiling point of the solution inside the
chamber will
a. Increase
b. Remain the same
c. Decrease
d. Increase or decrease
6 6
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Conceptual Master title
5 style

A heat transfer device that is normally used to

liquefy vapors is

a. Evaporator
b. Condenser
c. Reboiler
d. Humidifier
7 7
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Conceptual Master title
6 style

The temperature driving force in an evaporator is

determined as the difference between the
condensing steam temperature and
a. Condenser temperature
b. Boiling point of the solution
c. Boiling point of the solvent
d. BPR of the solution
8 8
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1-3title style
1. 4500kg/hr of a 10wt% sugar solution is to
2. How many square meters of heating
be concentrated to 30wt% using single
surface are required?
effect evaporator. Feed enters at 21˚C.
Saturated steam at 110˚C is available and a. 15
the temperature of the condenser is 43˚C. b. 9
Specific heats of the solutions may be taken
as constant at 4J/g-K. The overall heat c. 11
transfer coefficient is 2840W/m2-K. d. 13
Determine the steam consumption, in kg/hr.
a. 3400
3. What is the steam economy?
b. 4700
a. 0.82
c. 5800
b. 0.88
d. 6500
c. 0.9
d. 0.92
9 9
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4500kg/hr of a 10wt% sugar
solution is to be concentrated
to 30wt% using single effect
evaporator. Feed enters at
21˚C. Saturated steam at
110˚C is available and the
temperature of the condenser
is 43˚C. Specific heats of the
solutions may be taken as
constant at 4J/g-K. The overall
heat transfer coefficient is
2840W/m2-K. Determine the
steam consumption, in kg/hr.
a. 3400
b. 4700
c. 5800
d. 6500

10 10
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How many square meters of
heating surface are required?
a. 15
b. 9
c. 11
d. 13

What is the steam economy?

a. 0.82
b. 0.88
c. 0.9
d. 0.92

11 11
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4 title style
An evaporator having an area of 83.6m2 and U=2270W/m2-K is used
to produce distilled water for a boiler feed. Tap water having 400ppm
of dissolved solids at 15.6˚C is fed to the evaporator operating at
1atm pressure. Saturated steam at 115.6˚C is available for use.
Calculate the amount of distilled water produced per hour if the outlet
liquid contains 800ppm solids.
a. 3594kg/hr
b. 7191kg/hr
c. 4215kg/hr
d. 6543kg/hr

12 12
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An evaporator having an area
of 83.6m2 and U=2270W/m2-K
is used to produce distilled
water for a boiler feed. Tap
water having 400ppm of
dissolved solids at 15.6˚C is
fed to the evaporator operating
at 1atm pressure. Saturated
steam at 115.6˚C is available
for use. Calculate the amount
of distilled water produced per
hour if the outlet liquid contains
800ppm solids.

a. 3594kg/hr
b. 7191kg/hr
c. 4215kg/hr
d. 6543kg/hr

13 13
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5 title style
A single effect evaporator concentrates 1MT of 10wt% sucrose
solution to 50%. The feed enters the evaporator at 20˚C and has a
specific heat of 1cal/g-K. The evaporator is maintained at a vacuum of
600mmHg. The heat is provided by saturated steam at 8.8kg/cm2
gauge. Assuming that no sensible heat is recovered in the evaporator,
calculate the weight of heating steam, in kg, needed for concentrating
the sucrose solution.
a. 1020
b. 2100
c. 2860
d. 1430
14 14
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A single effect evaporator
concentrates 1MT of 10wt%
sucrose solution to 50%. The
feed enters the evaporator at
20˚C and has a specific heat of
1cal/g-K. The evaporator is
maintained at a vacuum of
600mmHg. The heat is
provided by saturated steam at
8.8kg/cm2 gauge. Assuming
that no sensible heat is
recovered in the evaporator,
calculate the weight of heating
steam, in kg, needed for
concentrating the sucrose

a. 1020
b. 2100
c. 2860
d. 1430

15 15
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6 title style
A single effect evaporator is being used to concentrate a feed of 10000lb/hr of a
cane sugar solution at 80˚F and containing a sugar content of 15˚ Brix to 30˚ Brix
for use in a food process. Saturated steam at 240˚F is available for heating. The
vapor space in the evaporator will be at 1atm pressure. The overall
U=350BTU/hr-ft2-R and the heat capacity of the feed CP=0.91BTU/lb-R. The
boiling point rise of the solution can be estimated from BPR=3.2x+11.2x2, where x
is the weight fraction of sugar solution. The heat of solution can be considered
negligible and neglected. Calculate the area required for the evaporator.
a. 668ft2
b. 568ft2
c. 333ft2
d. 495ft2

16 16
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A single effect evaporator is being
used to concentrate a feed of
10000lb/hr of a cane sugar solution
at 80˚F and containing a sugar
content of 15˚ Brix to 30˚ Brix for
use in a food process. Saturated
steam at 240˚F is available for
heating. The vapor space in the
evaporator will be at 1atm pressure.
The overall U=350BTU/hr-ft2-R and
the heat capacity of the feed
CP=0.91BTU/lb-R. The boiling point
rise of the solution can be estimated
from BPR=3.2x+11.2x2, where x is
the weight fraction of sugar solution.
The heat of solution can be
considered negligible and neglected.
Calculate the area required for the

a. 668ft2
b. 568ft2
c. 333ft2
d. 495ft2

17 17
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title style
with Heat of Solution
• Energy Balance and Design Equation
𝑄 = 𝑚𝐻 + 𝑚𝑉 𝐻𝑉 − 𝑚𝐹 𝐻𝐹 = 𝑚𝑆 𝜆𝑆 = 𝑈𝐴 𝑇𝑆 − 𝑇

• H and HF can be found at Perry’s Chapter 2. For HV, use the


• For CP, use 0.45BTU/lb-R.

18 18
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7-9title style
7. A single effect evaporator is to
8. Calculate the steam economy.
concentrate 20000lb/hr of a 20% solution of
NaOH to 50% solids. Saturated steam is a. 0.72
available at 20psig. The absolute vapor b. 0.88
pressure in the vapor space is to be
100mmHg. The overall coefficient is c. 0.79
estimated to be 250BTU/lb-R. The feed d. 0.9
temperature is 100˚F. Calculate the amount
of steam consumed.
a. 15300lb/hr 9. Calculate the heating surface required.
b. 13500lb/hr a. 980ft2
c. 12800lb/hr b. 670ft2
d. 19100lb/hr c. 810ft2
d. 550ft2

19 19
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A single effect evaporator
is to concentrate
20000lb/hr of a 20%
solution of NaOH to 50%
solids. Saturated steam is
available at 20psig. The
absolute vapor pressure in
the vapor space is to be
100mmHg. The overall
coefficient is estimated to
be 250BTU/lb-R. The feed
temperature is 100˚F.
Calculate the amount of
steam consumed.

a. 15300lb/hr
b. 13500lb/hr
c. 12800lb/hr
d. 19100lb/hr

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Calculate the steam
a. 0.72
b. 0.88
c. 0.79
d. 0.9

Calculate the heating

surface required.
a. 980ft2
b. 670ft2
c. 810ft2
d. 550ft2

21 21
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styleEvaporator Design
• Summation of temperature differences
෍ Δ𝑇 = 𝑇𝑆 − 𝑇𝑉,𝑁 − ෍ 𝐵𝑃𝐸

• Temperature difference at the first effect

σ Δ𝑇
Δ𝑇1 =

• If area is unknown, solution will be trial and error.

22 22
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Conceptual Master title
7 style

In a country where capital is scarce and energy

cost is low, which is appropriate to install?

a. Multiple effect evaporator

b. Single effect evaporator
c. Either
d. Neither
23 23
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Conceptual Master title
8 style

The fresh feed enters at the coldest effect.

a. Feed forward
b. Parallel feed
c. Feed backward
d. None of these

24 24
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9 style

In commercial practice, the areas in all effects

for a multiple effect evaporator are

a. Greater
b. Constant
c. Lesser
d. Equal
25 25
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10 style

A multiple effect evaporator _____ the steam


a. Increases
b. Keeps the same
c. Decreases
d. Doubles
26 26
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11 style

____ of the vapor is recovered and reused in a

multiple effect evaporator.

a. Heat transfer
b. Latent heat
c. Specific heat
d. Sensible heat
27 27
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Conceptual Master title
12 style

It is the deposition and growth on body walls, and

especially on heating surfaces, of a material
undergoing an irreversible chemical reaction in the
a. Salting
b. Fouling
c. Scaling
d. Boiling
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13 style

It is the formation of deposits other than salt or

scale and may be due to corrosion.

a. Salting
b. Fouling
c. Scaling
d. Boiling
29 29
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title style
10. A solution with negligible boiling 11. Estimate T2.
point rise is being evaporated in a
triple effect evaporator using a. 289.1K
saturated steam a 121.1˚C. The b. 501.5K
pressure in the vapor of the last
effect is 25.6kPa. The heat transfer c. 363.6K
coefficients are U1=2840, U2=1988, d. 411.1K
and U3=1420W/m2-K and the areas
are equal. Estimate T1.
a. 381.7K
b. 592.3K
c. 286.2K
d. 410.9K
30 30
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A solution with negligible
boiling point rise is being
evaporated in a triple effect
evaporator using saturated
steam a 121.1˚C. The
pressure in the vapor of
the last effect is 25.6kPa.
The heat transfer
coefficients are U1=2840,
U2=1988, and
U3=1420W/m2-K and the
areas are equal. Estimate

a. 381.7K
b. 592.3K
c. 286.2K
d. 410.9K

31 31
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Estimate T2.

a. 289.1K
b. 501.5K
c. 363.6K
d. 411.1K

32 32
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title style
12. Consider a four-effect standard vertical tube
evaporator, each effect having 140m2 of heating 13. Calculate the boiling point of the solution in
surface, to be used to concentrate from 4% to effect number 3.
35% solids, the total boiling point elevation being a. 46.67˚C
10˚C. Forward feed is to be used. Saturated
steam is available at 120˚C, and the vacuum in b. 64.76˚C
the last effect corresponds to a boiling c. 67.46˚C
temperature of 40˚C. The overall coefficients, in
W/m2-K, are 2950 in I, 2670 in II, 2070 in III, and d. 76.64˚C
1360 in IV. All specific heats may be taken as
4.2J/g-K, and radiation is negligible. Calculate
the boiling point of the solution in effect number 1
a. 107.7˚C
b. 112.3˚C
c. 101.5˚C
d. 116.4˚C

33 33
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Consider a four-effect standard
vertical tube evaporator, each effect
having 140m2 of heating surface, to
be used to concentrate from 4% to
35% solids, the total boiling point
elevation being 10˚C. Forward feed
is to be used. Saturated steam is
available at 120˚C, and the vacuum
in the last effect corresponds to a
boiling temperature of 40˚C. The
overall coefficients, in W/m2-K, are
2950 in I, 2670 in II, 2070 in III, and
1360 in IV. All specific heats may be
taken as 4.2J/g-K, and radiation is
negligible. Calculate the boiling point
of the solution in effect number 1

a. 107.7˚C
b. 112.3˚C
c. 101.5˚C
d. 116.4˚C

34 34
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Calculate the boiling point of the
solution in effect number 3.

a. 46.67˚C
b. 64.76˚C
c. 67.46˚C
d. 76.64˚C

35 35
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title style
14. A double effect evaporator is 15. Estimate the boiling point of the
headed with steam at 250˚F. The 2nd solution in the 1st effect,
effect is under vacuum at a pressure a. 247˚F
of 1.73psi. If BPR1=10˚F,
BPR2=28˚F, U1=300 and b. 200˚F
U2=250BTU/hr-ft2-R, estimate the c. 208˚F
boiling point of the solution in the 2nd
d. 210˚F
a. 102˚F
b. 120˚F
c. 206˚F
d. 210˚F

36 36
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A double effect
evaporator is headed
with steam at 250˚F.
The 2nd effect is under
vacuum at a pressure of
1.73psi. If BPR1=10˚F,
BPR2=28˚F, U1=300
and U2=250BTU/hr-ft2-
R, estimate the boiling
point of the solution in
the 2nd effect.

a. 102˚F
b. 120˚F
c. 201˚F
d. 206˚F

37 37
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Estimate the boiling
point of the solution in
the 1st effect,

a. 247˚F
b. 200˚F
c. 208˚F
d. 210˚F

38 38
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style Design
• Design Equation

• Energy Balance
𝑄 = 𝐹𝐶𝑃,𝐹 ∆𝑇 + 𝑉𝜆𝑉 + 𝐶𝜆𝐶

• For Swenson-Walker Crystallizers, evaporation is neglected.

• For vacuum crystallizer, Q=0.

39 39
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Conceptual Master title
14 style

In industrial crystallization from a solution, the two

phase mixture of mother liquor and crystal of all sizes,
which occupies the crystallizer and is withdrawn as
product is called
a. Product crystals
b. Magma
c. Mother liquor
d. Invariant crystals
40 40
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Conceptual Master title
15 style

In practice, slow cooling maintaining a low level

of supersaturation produces _____ crystals and
fast cooling produces _____ crystals.
a. small, large
b. Fine, coarse
c. Large, small
d. Coarse, fine
41 41
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Conceptual Master title
16 style

It is the process by which crystalline bodies are

created within a supersaturated fluid.
a. Polymorphism
b. Crystal growth
c. Nucleation
d. Seeding

42 42
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Conceptual Master title
17 style

When a solution is cooled to produce a supersaturated

solution and hence to cause crystallization, the heat that
must be removed is the sum of the _____ necessary to cool
the solution and the heat of crystallization.

a. Heat of reaction
b. Sensible heat content
c. Enthalpy
d. Heat of condensation
43 43
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title style
16. A solution of sodium nitrate 17. Calculate the percentage
in water at a temperature of yield of the process.
400C contains 49% NaNO3 by a. 15.2%
weight. Calculate the lb of
NaNO3 that crystallized from b. 16.7%
1000 lb of this solution by c. 18.1%
cooling it to 100C. d. 17.5%
a. 94lb
b. 76lb
c. 82lb
d. 63lb
44 44
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A solution of sodium
nitrate in water at a
temperature of 400C
contains 49% NaNO3
by weight. Calculate
the lb of NaNO3 that
crystallized from
1000 lb of this
solution by cooling it
to 100C.

a. 94lb
b. 76lb
c. 82lb
d. 63lb

45 45
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Calculate the
percentage yield of
the process.

a. 15.2%
b. 16.7%
c. 18.1%
d. 17.5%

46 46
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18 title style

A solution of Na2SO4 in water is saturated at 50˚C. When the

saturated solution of Na2SO4 is cooled, crystals of
Na2SO4x10H2O separate from the solution. If 1000kg of this
solution is cooled to 10˚C, the percentage yield obtained is:
T (˚C) Solubility of Na2SO4 (g/100g H2O)
50 46.7
a. 91%
10 9
b. 86%
c. 55%
d. 73%
47 47
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T (˚C) title style
Solubility of Na SO
2 4 (g/100g H2O)
50 46.7
A solution of Na2SO4 in 10 9
water is saturated at
50˚C. When the
saturated solution of
Na2SO4 is cooled,
crystals of
separate from the
solution. If 1000kg of
this solution is cooled to
10˚C, the percentage
yield obtained is:

a. 91%
b. 86%
c. 55%
d. 73%
48 48
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title style
19. A saturated solution containing 20. Calculate the mass of the
1500kg of potassium chloride at crystals obtained, neglecting loss of
360K is cooled in an open tank to water by evaporation.
290K. If the specific gravity of the a. 489kg
solution is 1.2, the solubility of
potassium chloride per 100 parts b. 653kg
water is 53.55 at 360K and 34.5 at c. 112kg
290K. What is the capacity of the
tank? d. 534kg
a. 4.56m3
b. 3.58m3
c. 2.99m3
d. 5.71m3
49 49
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A saturated solution
containing 1500kg of
potassium chloride at
360K is cooled in an
open tank to 290K. If
the specific gravity of
the solution is 1.2, the
solubility of potassium
chloride per 100 parts
water is 53.55 at 360K
and 34.5 at 290K. What
is the capacity of the
a. 4.56m3
b. 3.58m3
c. 2.99m3
d. 5.71m3
50 50
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Calculate the mass of the
crystals obtained,
neglecting loss of water by

a. 489kg
b. 653kg
c. 112kg
d. 534kg

51 51
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21 title style

Rasorite containing 85% Na2B4O7x4H2O is dissolved, filtered,

and run to the crystallizer as a 25% solution of borax,
Na2B4O7x10H2O, at 150˚F. After cooling to 100˚F, the crystals
are centrifuged and go to the drier containing 5% moisture.
The mother liquor contains 8% borax. What yield of crystals
is obtained per ton of Rasorite processed?
a. 0.8ton
b. 0.6ton
c. 0.7ton
d. 0.9ton
52 52
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Rasorite containing 85%
Na2B4O7x4H2O is
dissolved, filtered, and run
to the crystallizer as a 25%
solution of borax,
Na2B4O7x10H2O, at 150˚F.
After cooling to 100˚F, the
crystals are centrifuged
and go to the drier
containing 5% moisture.
The mother liquor contains
8% borax. What yield of
crystals is obtained per ton
of Rasorite processed?

a. 0.8ton
b. 0.6ton
c. 0.7ton
d. 0.9ton

53 53
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22 title style

A tank holds 10000kg of saturated Na2CO3 at 30˚C.

You want to crystallize from this solution 3000kg of
Na2CO3x10H2O without any accompanying water. To
what temperature must the solution be cooled?
Temperature (˚C) Solubility (g Na CO /100g H O)
a. 26˚C 0
2 3 2

b. 18˚C 10 12.5
20 21.5
c. 10˚C 30 38.8

d. 15˚C
54 54
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Temperature style
Solubility (g Na CO /100g H O)
2 3 2

0 7
A tank holds 10000kg 10 12.5
of saturated Na2CO3 20 21.5
at 30˚C. You want to
30 38.8
crystallize from this
solution 3000kg of
without any
accompanying water.
To what temperature
must the solution be
a. 26˚C
b. 18˚C
c. 10˚C
d. 15˚C

55 55
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23 title style
Lactose syrup is concentrated to 8g lactose per 10g of water and then ran into a
crystallizing vat which contains 2500kg of the syrup. In this vat, it is cooled from
57˚C to 10˚C. Lactose crystallizes with one molecule of water of crystallization.
The specific heat of the lactose solution is 3470J/kg-K. The heat of solution for
lactose monohydrate is -15,500kJ/kmol. The molecular weight of lactose
monohydrate is 360 and the solubility of lactose at 10˚C is 1.5g/10g water.
Assume that 1% of the water evaporates and that the heat loss through the vat
walls is 4x104kJ. Calculate the heat to be removed in the cooling process.
a. 612x103kJ
b. 508x103kJ
c. 454x103kJ
d. 397x103kJ

56 56
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Lactose syrup is concentrated to 8g
lactose per 10g of water and then
ran into a crystallizing vat which
contains 2500kg of the syrup. In this
vat, it is cooled from 57˚C to 10˚C.
Lactose crystallizes with one
molecule of water of crystallization.
The specific heat of the lactose
solution is 3470J/kg-K. The heat of
solution for lactose monohydrate is -
15,500kJ/kmol. The molecular
weight of lactose monohydrate is
360 and the solubility of lactose at
10˚C is 1.5g/10g water. Assume that
1% of the water evaporates and that
the heat loss through the vat walls is
4x104kJ. Calculate the heat to be
removed in the cooling process.
a. 612x103kJ
b. 508x103kJ
c. 454x103kJ
d. 397x103kJ

57 57
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title style
24. Ammonium sulfate is to be crystallized 25. What is the cooling water rate, if it is
from a saturated solution containing 48% heated from 18˚C to 29˚C?
(NH4)2SO4 by cooling it in a counter flow a. 764kg/hr
crystallizer from 85 to 35˚C. During cooling
b. 565kg/hr
the amount of water that evaporates is 5%
of the mass of the feed solution. Data: Feed c. 806kg/hr
rate=1000kg/hr; Solubility of (NH4)2SO4 at d. 427kg/hr
35˚C=75kg/100kg H2O; Specific heat of
(NH4)2SO4 solution=2.97kJ/kg-K; Heat of
crystallization of (NH4)2SO4=75.2kJ/kg. 26. Determine the required heating surface,
Calculate the rate of formation of crystals. if the overall heat transfer coefficient is
a. 127.5kg/hr
a. 3.13m2
b. 678.3kg/hr b. 2.52m2
c. 833.5kg/hr c. 1.95m2
d. 321.7kg/hr d. 4.02m2
58 58
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Ammonium sulfate is to be
crystallized from a saturated
solution containing 48%
(NH4)2SO4 by cooling it in a
counter flow crystallizer from
85 to 35˚C. During cooling the
amount of water that
evaporates is 5% of the mass
of the feed solution. Data:
Feed rate=1000kg/hr; Solubility
of (NH4)2SO4 at
35˚C=75kg/100kg H2O;
Specific heat of (NH4)2SO4
solution=2.97kJ/kg-K; Heat of
crystallization of
Calculate the rate of formation
of crystals.

59 59
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What is the cooling water rate,
if it is heated from 18˚C to
a. 764kg/hr
b. 565kg/hr
c. 806kg/hr
d. 427kg/hr

Determine the required heating

surface, if the overall heat
transfer coefficient is 125W/m2-
a. 3.13m2
b. 2.52m2
c. 1.95m2
d. 4.02m2

60 60
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title style
27. Glauber’s Salt, Na2SO4x10H2O, is to be produced 28. The total heat to be removed is:
in a Swenson-Walker crystallizer by cooling to 290K a
solution of anhydrous Na2SO4 which saturates between a. 76kW
300K and 290K. Cooling water enters and leaves the b. 51kW
unit at 280K and 290K respectively and evaporation is
negligible. The solubilities of anhydrous Na2SO4 in c. 92kW
water are 40 and 14kg/100kg H2O at 300 and 290K d. 88kW
respectively, the mean heat capacity of the liquor is
3/8kJ/kg-K, and the heat of crystallization is 230kJ/kg.
For the crystallizer, the available heat transfer area is
29. How many sections of crystallizer, each 3m, long,
3m2/m length, and the overall coefficient of heat
will be required?
transfer is 0.15kW/m2-K. To process 0.25kg/s of the
product, calculate the amount of feed in kg/s. a. 4
a. 0.559 b. 1
b. 0.643 c. 2
c. 0.342 d. 6
d. 0.488

61 61
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Glauber’s Salt, Na2SO4x10H2O, is
to be produced in a Swenson-
Walker crystallizer by cooling to
290K a solution of anhydrous
Na2SO4 which saturates between
300K and 290K. Cooling water
enters and leaves the unit at 280K
and 290K respectively and
evaporation is negligible. The
solubilities of anhydrous Na2SO4 in
water are 40 and 14kg/100kg H2O
at 300 and 290K respectively, the
mean heat capacity of the liquor is
3/8kJ/kg-K, and the heat of
crystallization is 230kJ/kg. For the
crystallizer, the available heat
transfer area is 3m2/m length, and
the overall coefficient of heat
transfer is 0.15kW/m2-K. To process
0.25kg/s of the product, calculate
the amount of feed in kg/s.
a. 0.559
b. 0.643
c. 0.342
d. 0.488

62 62
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The total heat to be removed is:
a. 76kW
b. 51kW
c. 92kW
d. 88kW

How many sections of crystallizer,

each 3m, long, will be required?
a. 4
b. 1
c. 2
d. 6

63 63
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30 title style
What is the yield of sodium acetate crystals (CH3COONax3H2O) obtainable from
a vacuum crystallizer operating at 1.33kPa when it is supplied with 0.56kg/s of a
40% aqueous solution of the salt at 353KL? The boiling point elevation of the
solution is 11.5K. Data: Heat of crystallization=144kJ/kg tetrahydrate; Heat
capacity of the solution=3.5kJ/kg-K; Latent heat of water at 1.33kPa=2.46MJ/kg;
Boiling point of water at 1.33kPa=290.7K; Solubility of sodium acetate
product=0.539kg/kg water.

a. 0.15kg/s
b. 0.12kg/s
c. 0.18kg/s
d. 0.16kg/s
64 64
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What is the yield of sodium acetate
crystals (CH3COONax3H2O)
obtainable from a vacuum
crystallizer operating at 1.33kPa
when it is supplied with 0.56kg/s of
a 40% aqueous solution of the salt
at 353KL? The boiling point
elevation of the solution is 11.5K.
Data: Heat of
tetrahydrate; Heat capacity of the
solution=3.5kJ/kg-K; Latent heat of
water at 1.33kPa=2.46MJ/kg;
Boiling point of water at
1.33kPa=290.7K; Solubility of
sodium acetate product=0.539kg/kg

a. 0.15kg/s
b. 0.12kg/s
c. 0.18kg/s
d. 0.16kg/s

65 65
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