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Table 1. Level of Vocational personalities among Grade 11 students of PASDI.

N Mean Std. Deviation

Level_of_Realistic 223 3.0423 .40046
Level_of_Investigative 223 2.8211 .47353
Level_of_Artistic 223 2.8885 .49303
Level_of_Social 223 2.9959 .42135
Level_of_Enterprising 223 2.8001 .51735
Level_of_Conventional 223 3.0250 .40431
Levels_of_Vocational_ 223 2.9288 .32585

Table 1 presents the levels of Vocational Personalities of the respondents. From the table above
it is observed that Realistic vocational personalities (Mean score: 3.02) is the most dominant
amongst the respondent. While enterprise as the lowest level of relatable personalities amongst
the grade 11 students (mean score: 2.80). overall, the respondents level of vocational
Personalities is 2.92 (below average).

RRL’s that defend your results.

Table 2. Frequencies of Career Choices among Grade 11 Students of PASDI.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent


Natural Resources 23 10.3 10.3 10.3

Health Services 51 22.9 22.9 33.2

Industrial & Engineering 33 14.8 14.8 48.0


Arts & Communication 27 12.1 12.1 60.1

Public & Human Services 31 13.9 13.9 74.0

Business 58 26.0 26.0 100.0

Total 223 100.0 100.0

Table 3. Influence of Vocational Personalities towards Career Choice among Grade 11 Students of PASDI.

Model Summery
R R square Estimated Error Sig. Decision
.138a .019 1.75326 .040 Reject H1

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