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Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

CRIERIA 4 3 2 1
The rap contains many The rap contains a few The rap contains a few There is little evidence of
Creativity creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or creativity in the rap. The
descriptions that contribute to descriptions that descriptions, but they student does not seem to have
the reader's enjoyment. The contribute to the reader's distract from the story. used much imagination.
student has really used his enjoyment. The student The student has tried to use
imagination. has used his imagination. his imagination.
There is one clear, well focused Main idea is clear but the Main idea is somewhat clear The main idea is not clear.
Focus on Topic topic. Main idea supporting information is but there is a need for more There is a seemingly random
stands out and is supported by general. supporting information. collection of information.
detailed information.
Writer uses five or more Writer uses at least five Writer uses four specified Writer uses three or less
Vocabulary Inclusion specified words and phrases that specified words and words and phrases that specified words and phrases
demonstrate the reader's own phrases that demonstrate demonstrate the reader's that demonstrate the reader's
knowledge, and the the reader's own own knowledge, and the own knowledge, and the
choice and placement of the knowledge, and the choice and placement of the choice and placement of the
words seems accurate, natural choice and placement of words seems words seems accurate, natural
and not forced. the words seems accurate, accurate, natural and not and not forced.
natural and not forced. forced.
The introduction is inviting, The introduction clearly The introduction states the There is no clear introduction
Introduction states the main topic and states the main topic and main topic, but does not of the main topic or structure
(organization) previews the structure of the rap. previews the structure of adequately preview the of the rap. (5-0 points)
the rap but is not structure of the rap nor is it
(10 points) particularly inviting. (9-8 particularly inviting. (7-6
Points) points)
All facts in the song/rap are 99-90% of the facts in 89-80% of the facts in the Fewer than 80% of the
Content - Accuracy historically accurate. the comic are historically comic are historically facts in the comic are
accurate. accurate. historically accurate.
Uses Time wisely Used time wisely most of Used time wisely some of Wasted time in class
Use of Time
the time the time

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