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Table 1.

The level of Job Satisfaction in terms of:

Table 1.1 Job Motivators (Achievement, Recognition, Advancement, & Responsibility)

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation

Achievement 37 3.5000 .40825 High

Recognition 37 3.1486 .38846 High
Advancement 37 3.4932 .48047 High
Responsibility 37 3.3108 .49443 High
Valid N (listwise) 37
Legend: 1.00 – 2.00:Low, 2.01 – 3.00: Moderate, 3.01 – 4.00: High.

1st paragraph Explain the data found on the table above. Focus only on the following: high and
lowest Mean, Description, and the Interpretation.

2nd paragraph provide 1 RRL to defend the high and lowest mean found in the table. Ex:find
RRLs that explain why is Achievement important as a job motivator. And RRLs that explain
why Recognition IS AND IS NOT important for employee’s. Lastly MAKE SURE TO FND
RRLs WITHIN NATIONAL OR LOCAL. Don’t include international.

Table 1.2 Hygiene (Policy& Administration, Supervision, Salary, Interpersonal Relationship, & Work

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation

Policy_and_Administration 37 3.1689 .52060 High

Supervision 37 3.2230 .49224 High
Salary 37 2.8446 .43040 Moderate
Interpersonal_Relationship 37 3.4932 .46580 High
Work_Condition 37 3.2635 .50327 High
Valid N (listwise) 37
Legend: 1.00 – 2.00:Low, 2.01 – 3.00: Moderate, 3.01 – 4.00: High.

For table 1.2 follow the same style as table 1.1 in explain the data found in table 1.2.
Table 2. The Overall Level of Job Satisfaction amongst the Teachers of the Philippine Academy of Sakya
Davao Inc.

N Mean Std. Deviation Description Interpretation

Over_All_Job_Satisfaction 37 3.2718 .31557 High

Valid N (listwise) 37
Legend: 1.00 – 2.00:Low, 2.01 – 3.00: Moderate, 3.01 – 4.00: High.

1st paragraph Explain the data found on the table above. Focus only on the following: The Mean,
Description, and the Interpretation.

2nd paragraph provide no less than 2 RRLs to defend why Job Satisfaction could be high amongst
the PASDI teachers. And again focus only on National and or Local RRLs in explaining this

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