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Senior Highschool Mass Training of Teachers (MTOT) on Academic Track

London Beach Resort, General Santos City
May 23 – June 9, 2016

Learning Competency: Recognize elements of the fire triangle in different


I. Learning Objectives

1. identify the different elements of the fire triangle

2. discuss the characteristics of each element

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts

Fire triangles or combustion triangles are simple models for understanding

the necessary ingredients for most fires. The triangle illustrates the three
elements a fire needs to ignite: HEAT, FUEL and an oxidizing agent

B. Materials

pictures, multimedia presentation, manila paper, pentel pen

C. References

2. www.dep
4. www.

D. Process Skills

1. Listening
2. Analyzing
3. Explaining

E. Values Integration

Students are to exercise the values of teamwork, patience and determination. In life,
just like a fire there are elements needed to sustain it. To stay healthy, we need –
nutritious foods, positive outlook and a rooted spirituality.

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement (5 minutes). Show pictures of the following: Spaghetti, Cooked

Rice and Fire. Ask the students as to what they think are the ingredients of the
pictures shown.

B. Exploration (20 minutes). Decoding and Brainstorming. The students will be

divided into ten groups, each group will decode the following words: oxygen,
heat, trash, paper, grease, aluminum, among the words they will decide what are
the elements needed for the production of fire. They will write in a manila paper
the elements involve in fire production and beside each word is the reason.
C. Explanation (15 minutes). Oral Presentation. Representatives for each group
will present their outputs before the class. Rubric for oral presentation will be
utilized for the said activity.

D. Elaboration (10 minutes). Class Discussion with power point presentation

The basic ingredients for a fire to occur are: Oxygen, Heat, Fuel (trash, paper,
grease, wood, cloth, plastics, solid combustible materials that are not metals,
flammable liquids, energized electrical equipment, metals). If these three are in
proportions then fire is produced. Oxygen is a gaseous element needed to
sustain combustion. Heat is needed to raise the material to its ignition
temperature and a fuel or combustible material that will serve as a medium. The
three elements mentioned is illustrated below and called the Fire Triangle or
Combustion Triangle.

Oxygen Heat


Take away any of these, then the fire is gone.

E. Evaluation (10 minutes). Table Completion. The students will get ½ c.w. piece
of paper, they will divide it into two to produce this format: (10 points)

Elements Reasons for it to be agent for fire-making




IV. Assignment. Use ½ c.w. piece of paper in writing your output, Cite three
common causes of fire, explain briefly each cause.

Prepared by: MARLENE C. GEVERO

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