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Senior High school mass training of teachers (MTOT on Academic Track)

London Beach Resort, General Santos City
May 23, 2016 - June 9, 2016

Learning Competencies: Observe precautionary measures and proper procedures

in addressing a fire incident.

I. Learning Objective

Identify precautionary measures and procedures in fire incident.

II. Subject Matter

A. Concepts

First safety measures should be an integral part of every families overall risk
management plan. A proper fire prevention plan coupled with a comprehensive
plan on how to respond to actual fire accident is vital to saving lives.

B. Materials

LCD Projector, Laptop, Reference Online, Manila Paper, Pictures

C. References

Philippine Red Cross, Protect Yourself from Fire and Its Hazards; ADPC
Merriam Dictionary
Community Action for Disaster Response

D. Process Skills

Communication, Observation, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Analysis

E. Values Integration

Preplanning is essential. Proper and timely responses to fire emergencies

routes and refuge areas.


A. Engagement
Picture Analysis
Let the students analyze and describe the pictures of a family act orderly with
the precautionary and procedures of addressing fire incident.

Based on the observation of the students to the pictures presented, instruct
the students to write in the manila paper what are the precautionary measures and
procedure used by the family stipulated in the picture that prevent them from fire
incident. Let them share their insights in the class based on what they have
observe in the picture.

B. Exploration
Concept Making:
Allow the students to think of the practical way to do to prevent fire incident in
their house. They are required to provide at least 3 precautionary measures and
procedures per group. Let them choose a leader to present and discuss their
answer to the class.

C. Explanation

Precautionary measures in addressing fire incident:

1. Get a fire alarm system

- installing an intelligent fire alarm system that can warn the family immediately of
a fire incident before it becomes too large is the first step in fire safety. If possible,
get an alarm system that is connected to a monitoring center, whose safety
personnel cam alert the fire department right away in case a fire takes place in
your home.

2. Install fire extinguishers and fire blanket

- everyone in the family who is capable of using fire extinguishers and fire
blanklets should familiarize themselves with how to operate them.

3. Practice safe cooking

- never leave a cooker unattended. If a grease fire occurs, simply cover the pan or
pot with a metal pan lid or a cookie sheet to deprive the fire oxygen. Never leave a
stove on or put combustible objects near it.

4. Keep watch on the fire places

- this implement protects your home by preventing flame sparks from flying onto
combustible household in your living room.

5. Teach children about fire safety

- prevent juvenile fire setting by teaching your children safety regarding matches,
candles, lighters and electric outlets. It also keep potentially risky objects away
from children's reach.

6. Don’t leave cigarettes lit

- this is if u are a smoker. Make sure that the cigarettes are well off before leaving

7. Appliances and Power Sources

- avoid overloading used of power equipment. Regularly check electrical leada and
outlets or any signs of damage.
8. Set fire drills
- all family member should be educated about what to do in case a fire does occur.
9. Stop, Drop and Roll
- this must be done if ever your clothing catches on fire to extinguish the flames.
While doing so, cover your face to prevent the likelihood of facial injuries.

D. Elaboration
Video Presentation
Show the students a sample video clip on how the family observe the proper
way and action that will be taken before fire incident. Let them answer the

1. How those materials and equipment really help the family to be secured in fire

E. Evaluation

Let the students summarize all the topics presented to them in just 200 words.
They will write it in a 1 whole paper.


Answer the given questions: (Essay Type)

1. What are the measures and procedure that the family will do during the fire

2. How about after an accident?

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