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Lesson Plan in Disaster and Risk Reduction Grade 11

Senior High School Mass Training of Teachers (MTOT) on Academic Track

London Beach Resort, General Santos City
May 23, 2016 – Jun 9, 2016
Time Frame: 60 Minutes

Competency: DRR 11/12 – IIe - f – 37

Recognize elements of the fire triangle in different situations.

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to

1. Describe the concepts of the fire triangle.

2. Discuss the elements of fire.

II. Subject Matter: Fire Hazard

A. Concept:
Fire triangle –

B. Materials:
Laptop and Projector
Cartolina, manila paper, marking pen

C. References:
Handouts, Books and other references

D. Processed Skills:
Communication Observation
Critical thinking Collaboration

E. Values Integration:
Self – awareness Altruism/sensitive

III. Learning Task

A. Engagement

Video presentation – fire dancing

B. Exploration
Ask the students about the video presentation and describe it.

C. Explanation
Provide materials such as water, match, sand, and fuel (crude oil).
What will happen if we are going to combine
a. water and fire (match)?
b. Sand and fire?
c. Fuel and fire?
Ask the students what they have observed?

D. Elaboration
1. What are the concepts of the fire triangle?
2. What are the elements of fire?

E. Evaluation
In a strip of paper draw a triangle and list down the elements of the fire triangle.

IV. Assignment
List down some different causes of fires.

Prepared by:

Science Teacher

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