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Lesson Plan in Disaster and Risk Reduction for Grade 11

Senior High School Mass Training of Teachers

(MTOT) on Academic Track
London Beach Resort, General Santos City
May 23- June 9, 2016

Learning Competency: Analyze the different causes of fires.

I. Learning Objectives:
a. Explain the causes of fire.
b. Determine the effects of fire.
c. List what one should do in the event of fire.

II. Subject Matter: Causes and Effects of Fire

a. Concepts:
The causes of fire are:
 Electrical Equipment
 Arson and juvenile fire
 Candles
 Chemical and gases
 Unattended cooking
 Fireworks
 Holiday Christmas trees, holiday lights and decorations.
 Household products Mattresses, bedding and upholstered furniture
 Lightning Fires and Lightning Strikes
 Smoking materials Fires
The effects of fire are:
 Burns
 Smoke inhalation
 Death
 Destruction of properties
 Respiratory problems

b. Materials: Laptop, Speakers, LCD Projector, Pieces of Paper, Pentel Pen,

Masking Tape, Buzzer

c. References:
National Fire Protection Association

d. Process Skills: analysing, predicting, describing, acting, guessing, explaining,

team work

e. Values Integration: Raise students’ awareness and promote concern for fire

III. Learning Tasks:

a. Engagement (5 minutes)
Video Analysis: Show a video of fire simulation. Answer the following
questions in a strip of paper in one word. Triangle: Describe the picture.
Heart: if you were in the video, what would you want to do in that situation?
Rectangle: What caused the fire? Circle: What are some of the things that
could happen when there is fire?
b. Exploration (30 minutes)
Divide the class into three groups. Ask the students to brainstorm on the
following topics. Have the students present their reports in the following
manner. Every group ends their report with a summary.
Group 1: causes of fire (Pinoy Henyo)
Group 2: effects of fire (Charades)
Group 3: what one should do in the event of fire? (Decoding)

c. Explanation (10 minutes)

Ask a representative from each group to play the modified Family Feud.
The responses from the motivation activity were collated, the frequency of
the responses were tabulated. The player will have to give the response
with the highest frequency.
Q1. What are the causes of fire?
Q2. What are the effects of fire?
Q3. What should one do in the event of fire?

d. Elaboration (10 minutes)

The winner of the game will summarize the causes and effects of fire and
what one should do in the event of fire. Recall the learning objectives and
ask the students if those were met. Show power point presentation of the
causes and effects of fires.

e. Evaluation (5 minutes)
Make a Fish Bone Diagram showing causes and effects of fire and
suggested ways to mitigate the effect.



IV. Assignment:
What are the precautionary measures and proper procedure in addressing a fire


May 25, 2016

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