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Name : Fazriel Pramuditya

NIM : C1A220055
Lecturer : R. Yeni Dewi Cahyani, SS., M.Hum.

Answer Ex. 1
1 premeditated c characterized by deliberate purpose and some
degree of planning
2 non-combatant g is a military and legal term describing civilians
not engaged in armed fighting
3 clandestine h characterized by, done in, or executed with
secrecy or concealment, esp. for purposes of
subversion or deception
4 indiscriminate b not marked by careful distinction: deficient in
discernment: haphazard, random
5 jihadism e this requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of
God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or
6 freedom fighter a people who are using physical force in order to
cause a change in the political and or social order
7 failed state f characteristics include a central government so
weak or ineffective that it has little practical control
over much of its territory; non-provision of public
services; widespread corruption and criminality;
refugees and involuntary movement of
populations; and sharp economic decline
8 insurgent d a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful
authority, esp. a person who engages in armed
resistance to a government or to the execution of
its laws; rebel

Answer Ex. 2

1. The president's car cost a fortune as it was armour-plated and almost indestructible.
2. One of the most difficult problems faced by the negotiators was the arming of the rebel
3. On three occasions insurgents managed to get across the heavily defended border.
4. The government was surprised by the militancy of certain more extremist members of the
5. The IRA was a military organization, a term which refers to an illegally armed group with a
political purpose.
6. There was increasing worry that the terrorist organisation was using the ceasefire as a
cover for a recruitment drive.
7. The government's crackdown on media and the repression of certain rights led to an
increase in support for the guerrillas.
8. The commander demanded reinforcements after suffering heavy casualties.
Answer Ex. 3

Terrorism is a complex and multifaceted issue that has been a persistent threat to
global security and stability for decades. It involves the use of violence and intimidation
against civilians, often for political or ideological reasons, and is perpetrated by a wide range
of actors, from individuals and small groups to larger organizations and even state actors.
The impact of terrorism can be devastating, both in terms of loss of life and economic
and social disruption. It can also create fear and anxiety among people, and erode trust
between communities and nations. As such, terrorism is a serious challenge that requires a
comprehensive and coordinated response from the international community.
The issue of how to deal with terrorists is a complex and controversial one. Some
people argue that the best way to deal with terrorists is to bring them to the negotiating
table. This approach is based on the idea that terrorism is often rooted in political grievances
and that by addressing these grievances, it may be possible to find a peaceful solution to the
I think negotiating with terrorists in order to find a peaceful solution is a good way to
deal with terrorist but its depends to the terrorist itself what they want and what they don’t
want also who are they and how they treat violence people. So negotiating with terrorist is
a good idea but not the best sometime we need to secure them with our military as fast as
we could.


Terrorism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has existed for centuries,
with varying motivations, aims, and manifestations. It is not a political doctrine or an ideology,
but rather a form of violence that predates regular warfare. The 19th century saw a high tide
of terrorism carried out by groups such as the Irish rebels, Russian Socialist Revolutionaries,
and anarchists, who targeted prominent public figures but refrained from killing innocent
civilians. In contrast, contemporary terrorism is often indiscriminate, targeting non-
combatants and innocent civilians, and is largely associated with religious fanaticism.
Terrorism has seldom occurred in effective dictatorships but has thrived in failed states and
democracies. While terrorism has sometimes succeeded in achieving its aims, it has also often
failed, and in some cases has resulted in the opposite of what the perpetrators intended.
Terrorism is largely a generational phenomenon that is likely to persist as long as there are
conflicts on Earth.

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