Singular and Plural Nouns-WS#8

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Al Ra’ed Al Arabi School

Second Semester 2022-2023

Subject: English
Date:___/____/_______ Grade: One ___

W/S #8 Grammar

Singular and Plural Nouns

 Most nouns form their plural by adding s at the end.

book books

pencil pencils

 Nouns that end in (ss, sh, ch, x) add es

witch witches

fox foxes

A) Read the words below, then write the plural form:

Singular Noun Plural Noun

one cla ss two cla ss

one bo x two bo x

one wi sh two wi sh

one wat ch two wat ch

B) Add ( es ) to the following noun words to form their plural form:

1) glass __________ 8) dress __________

2) fox ___________ 9) kiss ___________

3) beach ___________ 10) brush ___________

4) dish ____________ 11) box _________

5) bush ___________ 12) bench ___________

6) torch ___________ 13) boss ____________

7) tax ___________ 14) class __________

C) Add ( s ) or ( es ) to the following noun words to form their
plural form:

1. girl ________ 10. class ________

2. witch ________ 11. wish ________

3. fox ________ 12. peach ________

4. ostrich ________ 13. tax _________

5. box ________ 14. flash ________

6. sister ________ 15. couch _________

7. cross ________ 16. bush _________

8. boss ________ 17. fax __________

9. lion _________ 18. dog ________

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