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● General Classification

Cats are the most popular pets of the mammal class. Based on their diet, cats are carnivores
because they eat meat. Characteristics of carnivores can be seen from the structure of the cat's
sharp teeth and fangs. Felis Catus cat is a domestic or domestic cat that we often see roaming
around. This type of cat is also called a domestic cat or a house cat (scientific name is felis silvestris
catus or feliscatus). The word "cat" usually refers to an animal that has been tamed.

Cats are grouped into several types. Based on their origin, there are known kampung (Indonesian)
cats, Angora cats, Persian cats, and jungle cats. Cats based on lineage there are two groups, namely
pure breed cats and mixed breeds. Officially registered as purebred cats or pure breeds, such as
Persian, Siamese, Manx, and Sphinx. Cats like this are usually bred in official pet farms. The number
of purebred cats is only 1% of all cats in the world, the rest are cats with mixed breeds such as wild
cats or domestic cats.

● Description

Cats have eyes that are quite unique. Sharp eyes / eyesight serves to find prey at night. Cats can
also see in very bright light. This is because cats have irises or irises that form a slit in the eye that
narrows when exposed to very bright light. Like most predators, the cat's eyes face forward,
resulting in the perception of distance and a reduced field of view because cats have weak

Another physical feature of cats is that they have whiskers (misai). Cats have a whisk that serves to
determine the direction when walking in a dark room or in the middle of the night. Misai can detect
very small changes in the wind. The whiskers can also be used by cats to determine whether their
body can pass through tight spaces (such as pipes), because the distance between the ends of the
cat's whiskers is almost equal to the width of the body. In addition to whiskers, other special
characteristics are found in the legs and ears of cats. Cats have soft pads on the soles of their feet.
This pad serves to reduce the sound of his footsteps while walking so that the enemy/prey does not
hear and know the arrival of the cat. As members of mammals, cats have three small ear bones
known as ossicles. With this bone the cat can detect very subtle sounds. The balance device in the
ear serves to adjust the balance of hearing so that if the cat falls it remains in a standing position.

● Description of benefits

Like animals that have been tamed, cats live in a mutualistic relationship with humans. Because of
the benefits of having cats, humans let stray cats roam the settlements. Cats are widely used by
humans to catch mice.

Structure Identification:

• General classification: General classification are in Paragraphs 1 and 2, because they contain a
general description of the characteristics of cats, their characteristics and breeds.

• Description: The description is in paragraph 3, which contains a specific description of the cat's
physical parts.

• Description of benefits: a description of the benefits is in paragraph 4, which contains the benefits
of cats for humans

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