Consumer Awareness

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A) Meaning and objectives of consumer
Meaning of consumer - Consumer awareness
means making a consumer aware of his/her
rights. Consumers should be aware of products or
services, their characteristics and the three marketing Ps
that is place to buy, price and promotion. In India,
the concept of consumer protection is not new.

Objectives of consumer awareness - 1. To

establish a disciplined and devoted
institution and develop a consumer
movement by cultivating moral values,
dedication, trusteeship and love for
2. To create consumer awareness by
educating them about their duties and

3. To help Consumers to obtain their

rights and protect them from unfair

4. To educate all citizens and consumers

by lectures, meetings, workshops,
exhibitions and audio-visual aids about
consumer movement, consumer
protection and consumer welfare.

5. To establish an academy or research

centre to study Indian Consumer Policy
and to establish such centres in school,
colleges and universities.

6. To solve consumers grievances in

consumer forums and demand justice for

7. To make efforts to form guidelines

about price, distribution and sale of

8. To protect all the consumers

economically and socially.

9. To work with different co-related

organizations of equal thoughts on state
and national level for the welfare of the

10. To help co-related organizations of

equal thoughts or to give them affiliation
of such co-related organization for
development of work.

11. Not to particpate or take part in

canvassing in any political election.
12. To discuss with State or Central
Government and take decision for
consumer welfare.
Consumer rights - The Rights of the Consumer
 Right to Safety- Before buying, a consumer can
insist on the quality and guarantee of the goods.
They should ideally purchase a certified product
like ISI or AGMARK.
 Right to Choose- Consumer should have the
right to choose from a variety of goods and in a
competitive price.
 Right to be informed- The buyers should be
informed with all the necessary details of the
product, make her/him act wise, and change the
buying decision.
 Right to Consumer Education- Consumer
should be aware of his/her rights and avoid
exploitation. Ignorance can cost them more.
 Right to be heard- This means the consumer
will get due attention to express their grievances
at a suitable forum.
 Right to seek compensation- The defines that
the consumer has the right to seek redress
against unfair and inhumane practices or
exploitation of the consumer.
Consumer awareness Campaigns in India
The Department has been conducting country-wide
multimedia awareness campaigns titled “Jago
Grahak Jago”.  Through simple messages,
consumers are made aware of fraudulent practices
or problems and the mechanisms to seek redressal.
The campaigns are implemented through Bureau of
Outreach and Communication (BOC), Doordarshan
(DD), All India Radio (AIR), Lok Sabha TV (LSTV)
and National Film Development Corporation
(NFDC). The Department has undertaken some
campaigns in collaboration with other
Organizations / Department. The campaigns have
been carried out through print media, TV, radio,
cinema theatres, websites, hoardings / unipoles  / 
display board  (at airports, railway stations, bus 
stands), access cards of religious places /  fairs,
boarding passes. Mobile vans, as a pilot
programme, have also been used to generate
awareness by direct interaction with people in rural
In order to create awareness amongst the people
living in rural & backward areas, the Department
takes part in important fairs / festivals / events of
various States / UTs, in view of the fact that such
fairs / festivals / events draw a large number of
people from rural and backward areas. An
information booth called “Upbhokta Jagrookta
Mandap” is set up to disseminate information and
guide the consumers about dos and don’ts relating
to buying of goods and services.

Consumer Movement – current statues in

Although a consumer movement has yet to get
going in India, existence of the act has stimulated
the creation of many consumer organizations
across the country. The number has such
organizations has more the doubled in the last few
years so that there are now 600-800 organizations in
the voluntary sector.

Function of consumer court –

Consumer courts were established
as Consumer Dispute Resolution Agencies
and they deal with consumer disputes,
conflicts and grievances. It is a forum where
a consumer may file a case against a seller in
the case where the consumer feels that he has
been cheated or exploited by the seller

Consumer court - Consumer Court is a

special purpose court in India that deals
with cases regarding consumer disputes,
conflicts and grievances. There are
judiciary hearings set up by the government
to protect the consumer rights .


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