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Name : Aditya Reza J NPM : 21111032 21A

The protective ozone layer surrounding our planet has been thinning due to the combination of artificial
chemicals, particularly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chlorine compounds, with ozone
molecules. This depletion leads to increased ultraviolet light reaching the Earth's surface, posing risks to
DNA in humans and animals and resulting in a rise in skin cancer cases. CFCs are found in dry cleaning
and refrigerating chemicals, as well as in manufacturing processes for nitrogen fertilizers and aerosol
products like hair sprays and polishes. Although the use of CFCs in aerosols has been phased out in most
countries, these chemicals persist in the lower atmosphere before eventually reaching the stratosphere
where ozone damage occurs. International agreements, established since 1985, aim to phase out CFCs
and other ozone-depleting substances. However, complete recovery of the ozone layer is expected to
take time, possibly until 2060, due to the lingering effects of CFCs and challenges related to economic
considerations and global participation in phasing out production. Overall, there is guarded optimism for
the long-term future of the ozone layer as these agreements gradually take effect.

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