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SHS Final exam Solution (18-19)

i) Antibody
ii) hair papilla
iii) flame cells
iv) atlas
v) Haemocoel
i) Larynx
ii) Adam's Apple
iii) Vocal cord
iv) Glottis
v) Epiglottis
i) Penicillin
ii) Marasmus
iii) Lipase
iv) potato wilt
v) volvox
i) Digestion of Protein
ii) sent sound waves in inner ear
iii) production of ear wax
iv) attach muscle to bone
v) protein synthesis
i) Surrounds plumule
ii) Deeper layer of dermis
iii) Involuntary organs like live
iv) inner side of lower jaw
v) does embedded in the C shaped duodenum below Stroma
i) odd - Centrosome, category - Organelle of plant cell
ii) odd - Anther, category - parts of female Reproduction
iii) odd - newspaper, category - Non-biodegradable wastes
iv) odd - light pollen, category - characteristic of insect pollinated flower
v) odd - oesophagus, category - parts of Respiratory tract
i) Mitochondria
ii) Liver
iii) Coelenterata
iv) Humerus
v) Lysozyme
i) TAB vaccine
ii) Bats
iii) protandrous
iv) mesocotyl
v) Nematoda
Section 2
i) Double fertilization is a complex process where out of two sperm cells, one fuses with the egg
cell and the other fuses with two polar nuclei which result in a diploid (2n) zygote and a triploid
(3n) primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) respectively.
ii) Congenital disease or a genetic disease is a disease or a disorder that is inherited genetically
and is present from birth in an individual.
iii) Vital capacity is defined as the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximum
iv) Emulsification is the process of breaking down the fat into smaller blood cells which makes it
easy for enzymes to function and digest food.
v) Syngenesious condition is an arrangement of stamens where their anthers are fused while
their filaments are free.
i) The main functions of the Red Cross are:
• To extend relief and help to the victims of any calamity – fire, flood, famine, earthquakes, etc.
• To procure and supply blood for the victims of war and other calamities.
ii) a) BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guérin
b) FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
c) DNA - deoxyribo nucleic acid
i) A disinfectant can be defined as an antimicrobial agent that can be applied on the surface of
some objects in order to destroy the microorganisms residing on it.
Antiseptics can be defined as antimicrobial agents which can be applied on the body of living
organisms to inhibit the action of microbes.
ii) Filaria - Culex mosquito, Maleria - Anapheles mosquito
iii) Cholera - vibrio cholerae, Chicken pox - varicella virus
iv) A flower in which both, male and female reproductive organs are absent is called a neuter
naked flower is a flower lacking floral leaves.
v) Pivot joint - joint between atlas and axis
Hinge joint - knee joint
i) Dichogamy
ii) Lysosomes
iii) Haversian canal
iv) Dioecious plants
v) Funicle
vi) Gymnosperms
vii) Scurvy
viii) Incineration
ix) Histology
x) Villi
i) 1 - Epidermis, 2 - Sebaceous glands, 3 - Sweat gland
ii) They produce sebum, an oily secretion which makes the hair and the outer surface of the skin
oily and waterproof to keep the epidermis supple and to prevent water loss by evaporation
iii) The outer layer of the skin has cells that contain the pigment melanin. Melanin protects skin
from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
iv) Loss of skin pigmentation from smaller or larger patches at different regions of the body.
v) Goose flesh is an abnormal roughness of the skin generated by fear or cold wherein the hair
follicles turn rigidly upright forming bumps on the skin.
i) Skin contain blood vessels that helps in temperature regulation when the vessels are dilated
and the vessels are constricted, it retains heat thus they helps to maintain thermo regulation in
the body by maintaining constant homeostasis.
ii) Humans cannot digest cellulose because they lack the enzymes essential for breaking. The
undigested cellulose acts as fibre that aids in the functioning of the intestinal tract.
iii) The air at higher altitudes is colder, less dense, and contains fewer oxygen molecules.
iv) Radioactive wastes are stored so as to avoid any chance of radiation exposure to people, or
any pollution.
v) herbivorous are those type of animals who eats grass. They eat grass with their molar and
premolar teeth and have no use of canines. Therefore, in place of canine teeth either their no
teeth grow are they are absent.
i) In the waste management process, the wastes are collected from different sources and are
disposed of. This process includes collection, transportation, treatment, analysis and disposal.
ii) Electrostatic Precipitators. Mist Collectors.
iii) During breathing we take air in to our lungs through the nose, and then expel it. The taking
in of air rich in oxygen in to the body during breathing is called inhalation and giving out of the
air rich in carbon dioxide is called exhalation. Both the process takes place regularly during
iv) Tube feet
i) 1 - mouth, 2 - oesophagus, 3 - stomach, 4 - pancreas, 5 - small intestine, 6 - large intestine
ii) gastric juice
iii) Gall bladder
iv) 1 -Bile juice emulsifies fats and breaks them down into small particles. ...
2 - Bile juice helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
v) The colon, The colon removes water and some nutrients and electrolytes from partially
digested food.
i) to determine the germination of the seeds.
ii) The given experiment aims to show that respiration takes place in germinating seeds.
iii) To absorb carbon dioxide

iv) C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 +energy

Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide
v) Compensation Point is the intensity of light at which the rate of carbon dioxide uptake
(photosynthesis) is exactly balanced by the rate of carbon dioxide production (respiration) or

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