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es Business workshop 3: p92 Project management Lesson outcome: Learners can use vocabulary related to project management Large-scale projects Lesson outcome: Lezrers can understand and practise making comparisons ‘Communication skills: Giving instructions ‘Lesson outcome: Learnersareauareof dierent ways oF teling people mat todo, and can use arange afphraves forgiving a esponding tlnsituctions ang standing ther ground. Business skills: Mectings Updates andaction Lesson outcome: Learners can us range of expressions tage and receive updates, anda discuss fellom-up ation ems. Writing: Email requesting an update Lesson outcome: Lesrers can write an internal emall questing Updates ona project. Review 3: 105, Pronunciation: 3.1 Sires in derived woade 3.2Weakformsincompartons p15 ideo: Projet management Yorabulary: Managing project; Word building -verbs and nouns Project: project debriefing and lessons learnt Listening: Three canals Grammar: Comparatives and supetatves ‘Speaking: Choosing the winning bid Video: Resolving 2 problem witha schedule change Functional language: Giving andresponding to instructions standing your ground Task Giving and responding te instructions Lstening: stand-up meeting Functional language: king for and giving updotes Tas An update meeting Model text: Emailrequesting an update Functional language: Asking for nfrnfation ‘Grammar: (not) enough Task: Email requesting an update 20 A eer tea Lead-in ) Project management ‘Leammers can use vocabulary related to project management. ‘Liscuss your views on these comments. Which view de you mast agree with in each pair? 1 a Having detailed schedule increases stress. t's better to have amore relaxed approach 19 work 'b The only way toda everything you need to dois to organise your life and have detailed schedule and fallow it 2 Everyone should havea personal budget Cntrolling your moneys the key tofinancal happiness b tsimportantto enjoy fe and not to worry too much about how you spend your money. VIDEO 2A You're going to watch a video about London’s Millennium Bridge, which Teachers resources: extra activities Vocabulary ‘Teacher's resources: extra activities ‘opened on 10 June 2000 but was closed two days later. Do you know or can You guess why the bridge was closed? 1G211 Watch the video and check your ideas. Did the engineers solve the ye problem? How? Watch the video again and decide if these sentences are true (1) or false (F). ‘The problems with the bridge were a nightmare because many people were hurt Some people crossing the bridge fle ill. ‘The designers expected there to be some movementin the bridge. ‘The project managers didnot try to reduce risk After closing the bridge, one ofthe most important jobs was ta identify the problem and find a solution. ‘The problem was caused by people reacting to the slight movement ofthe bridge. Fixing the bridge required alot of extra time and money. Now, Londoners don't lke using the bridge because they fel afraid oft ‘Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these questions. Think of another example ofa project or product failing and becaming big news. ‘What happened? ‘Some people still call the Millennium Bridge ‘the Wobbly Bridge’-Do you think this, means the bridge will always beseen as failure? Why / Why not? Managing projects 5 Complete the sentences from the video using the words and phrases in the box. anticipating budget milestones predict project managers riskmanagement riskrogister setback ‘The Millennium Bridge opened inthe year 2000, on thernillennium, but that was actually slightly behind schedule and slightly over. One ofthe central parts ofa project manager's job is sothat's___all the things that could possibly go wrong. 4 Aftera__ ike this, the project manager’ highest priority isto manageeall the different specialist teams who are working an the bridge, Together they’te going to have to come up with anew plan of what to do, whichis going to involve setting new budgets, coming up with new schedules, and agreeing new 6 Idon't thinkits fairto blame the ‘onthe Millennium Bridge for the wobble. Its mot the kind of risk you can just easily 8 Fromnow on, youcan be sure thatat the top of every project manager’ “bridge wobble’ will appear. 3.1 © Project management Word building - verbs and nouns © Complete the table with the correct word forms. verb ‘noun manage ‘management construct [suspend ‘movement investigation ‘communicate identify solution attachment Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences, In large public construct / construction projects like the Millennium Bridge, why is risk ‘manage / management so important? Ittook engineers two years to investigate / investigation and identify identification the problem and find a soive / solution. Was thisa reasonable amount of time? Why / Why not? After the engineers attached / attachment adcitional parts, the move / movement of. the bridge stopped. Imagine that they were unable to stop the wobble. What do you think they could have done? 8 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions above. > page 115 See Pronunciation bank Stessin derived words > Giese cue irene ce SA. Think of a project you have worked on - in education, yourjob, as ‘PROJECT DEBRIEFING a volunteer or as @ hobby. Answer the questions and make notes. ‘What was the project? (Possible ideas presentation a performance, Project description: ‘a draming or painting, a paper ar other piece of writing buling or making something, painting ar decorating, organising an event, etc) ‘Who did you work with on the project? ‘What went well with the project? 4 Whatwas the project’ biggest challenge: the schedule, the budget, ‘working with a team, geting the content right, something else? What would you do differently newt time? successes: Team members ‘Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions 1-5 above and ‘complete the form opposite with his/her answers. Challenges! ‘Work as a class. Based on your debriefing documents, make a list of dos and don'ts for project managers. Don’t D0 + waituntilthelast minute + meet with team members tostart work, regularly. Lessons leant / Improvements for net time: ‘Asa class, choose the best five dos and don'ts for project managers. + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourselFa score ‘rom 0 need more practicel to § (know this well. ShaiMbeapaaalibala) «Go toMy Sal asessment in MyEnglshLab to reflect on what you have learnt. 3.2» Large-scale projects ee dur | Leamerscanunderstand and practise making comparisons Lead-in LA Workin pairs or small groups. Look atthe map and photos and answer the questions. Why do governments decile to tld shipping canals? Whatare the benef? hat kinds of bs does this soto buldng project create? Who work ona big canal bulding projet? Can you name any ater siping cenals? ae ‘ThePanama Carat TheGrand canal ‘Match each description with a canal on the map. {goes through the desert in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea withthe Red Sea connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by crossing Central America connects the Chinese capital city of Beijing with several rivers and other cities Listening “3.01 Listen, Match each canal with two facts. The Grand Canal a took the longest to build The Suez Canal was more expensive than expected The Panama Canal \was cheaper than expected. isthe oldest 100k ten years to buil openedin 1914. 3 Uisten again. compete the information about each project. Grand Canal, China Suez Canal, Egypt Panama Canal, Panama Length:’___km | Theschedule: ate by*___yeats Length: ken The budget: none The team: * milion people The schedule: the American project thw schedule! nose tookabout == | Uh toel™ atany given time | was ate by” yeats yeatsto complete ‘labourers, engineers acountants, project The team 75,000 engineers, specialised aes milion | managers machine operators labourers eee The cost: $100 milion, over budget by Meco fe salto Jabourers and engineers 7 Si eniernaepeTeeN $23 million under budget ‘Minimum widths: 100 m 2 emgth:!__im ‘Minima wie ‘Minimum dept: ess han Ym ‘Minimum depth: 12m ‘Mii with BBD ects resources ea aces > 30 3.2>/ Large-scale projects Grammar Comparatives and superlatives 4A 302 Listen and complete the extracts Teacher's resources: extra activities 1 Wsthe artificial waterway in the wort. But what's than the Length of the canalisitsage When they were working the fon the project, ive milion men and women were involved in the canstruction 4 Theyfinished than planned. Itisstillone ofthe _shipping routes in the world ‘The canal makes the journey botween the North Atlantic and the Indian Ocean much ‘than going around Africa, It reduces the trp by 7,000 km, making the journey and time-consuming, ‘The Panama team had to worka lat, ‘than the Suez team. Construction in the jungles ofanamawasn't____diggingin Egypr's dr, sandy desert. In fact the digging itself was the part of the job ‘Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences. \Weuse the comparative supertatve form to say how two things are similar or fferent. \Weuse the comparative /supertatve form to show that one thing has gat more or less of 2 quality than all the othersin te same group, ~D page 120 see crammar reference: Comporaives and superatives 5 Look at the information in Exercises 2 and 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe words in brackets. Add than or as. as where necessary. The Suez Canalis_the Grand Canal. long) “The Suez Canal was Drojectof the thre. (profitable) TheGrandCanalis_____ ofthe three canals. moder) The Suez Canal was the Panama Canal (expensive) The workforceon the Panama Canalwas the workforce onthe Grand Canal (age) 6 Workon the Panama Canal finshed workon the Suez Canal late) =D page 115 see Pronunciation bank Weak oms in comparisons Listening GA 30% tistento three bids to provide anew computer network for a shipping company. Answer the questions. 1 Whichsuppliercanstartthe soonest? 2. Which suppliers the cheapest? Listen again and complete the notes. BigA Bide ‘When they can start How tong iewilltake Can we continue using the affce? Product support Guarantee Price Spealking 7A Youare going to choose a company to install the new computer network. Rote ag Look at the notes in Exercise 68. Compare the bids using the comparative and superlative forms of the words in the box. bad cheap corwenient expensive fast good inconvenient slow 5 Hold a meeting to discuss the choices. Asa group, decide which bid to choose. + How successullyhave you achieved te lesson outcome? Give yourselFa score from 0 need more practice to 5 know tis wel + Goto My elf-assessment in MyEnglishLab to refiect on what youhavelearnt e 3> Tele Nrel is (Tas o Giving instructions Teel) | Leamersareawareofcfferent ways of relling people what tado, and can use arange ‘of phrases forgiving and responding to instructions and standing their ground ‘LA Workin pairs and discuss the statements. Which one do you agree with more? 1 Asa leader you should insist on having your way, 2 Asaleader you shouldbe prepared to listen and change your mind What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? 1231. Watch the video from the beginning to 01:15. Match the names with the roles. Daniel a sub-supplier Beata project manager larice —€ maincontact How do you think Beata feels about her new responsibilities? How do you think the meeting with Clarice will go? © Watch the next part ofthe video. Go toMmyEnglishtab for Shee probleme eta video activites. Match the dates on the timeline withthe events (a-d) T7 Apri: 9 May. RIL ‘MAY a 10May:_ ‘The container arrives in the UK. Beata’s new deadline for some components. The delivery leaves the factory in Shenzhen, ‘The original date for the shipment to arrivein the UK. CHINA natn In small groups, discuss which is the best approach (Option A or 8) for Beata to take in this discussion with Clarice. Asa class, decide which video to watch first. Option A - Beata should be polite and friendly to Clarice, but at the same time needs to show her authority. She should stand her ground, Option B - Beata shouldbe polite and friendly to Clarice but at the same time show Clarice that she's willing ta help, They need to work well together. Watch the two videos in the sequence the class has decided and answer the same questions for each video. Options E23? 1 Isthereasolution? so, what sit? Options E233 2 Howdothey arve atthe solution? How does Clarcefeet? Why? How will this affect thee Future working relationship? {In pas, discuss these questions. How did the discussions go? Was one approach better than the other? Give reasons for youranswer CCan you think of any other ways Beata might have handled the situation? 5 534 Watch the Conclusions section of the video. What do you need to think about when teling people what to do? Do you agree? Why / Why not? Reflection 6 Thinkabout the following questions. Then discuss your answers with a partner 1 Isitawaysimportant for leaders to build good relationships mith te people they work vith Give examples when it might not be important 2 How doyou think you would deal with sucha situation? 3.3 >| Communication skills: Giving instructions Functional Giving and responding to instructions, standing your ground language Match 1-7 with a-h to make sentences from the video. There is one ending you don't need, Canyoutbring Clarice now deadline. Noproblem, leaveit ontis Ihave ne room for with me Youneed to meetthis eandoit Ican't compromise ableto doit ‘think we ‘manoeuvre on this. Vim aad fmjust not that exible uptospeed? Match the sentences in Exercise 7A with the categories (a-c) below. telling someone what todo responding to an instruction standing your ground Match the phrases (1-7) below with the categories in Exercise 78. tim sorry, there's no flexibility on this deadline. 5 |would Uke tohelp you Yes, can certainly dothat but cant Weneed you to{lawer your costs/ get more resources 6 Sure, no problem. Ylikeyouta change the delivery date /deadtine supplied. 7 Myhandsaretied Work in pairs. Your classroom is going to be painted. Choose your roles and roleplay the conversation using phrases from Exercise 7. Try to stand your ground. Student A: You aren charge. You want to make sure the room isempty ofl furniture and fittings by tomorrow evening, Your partner is your helper. Teacher'sresources: Student B: You area helper Your partner isin charge. You think itis more efficient to entra activities {eave some things in the room, and cover them with alarge sheet of plastic ‘Work in small groups. Read the scenarios below and decide who will take the role of the leader for each scenario. Scenario There has been a small earthquake, No one in your room is hurt. You hear aire alarm in the distance All the others in your aroup are looking at you to lead. Tell them what todo, Scenario? You are looking after some foreign visitors. Asa group, you have just decided to.go and do some sightseeing in your area. Think about the tasks that need to be done, decide who will do them, and then tell the athers in the group what they have to do, Scenario’3 You need to mave to new accommodation next month, but you have nat yetstarted the process. The others in your group have offered to help. Tell ‘them what to do, Ifyou are the Leader, think about how to deat with the situation. if you are not the leader, turn to page 129 and read the information. Take turns to roleplay the scenarios. Try to use phrases from Exercise 7. ‘Atthe end, discuss what went well, what didn’t go well, and how you can improve next time. How sucessfully have you achieved the lesson autcame? Give yourself score ‘rom 0 (| need more practice) to (1 know this weld, + Goto My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt 3 4> BUSINESS SKILLS 7 Meetings: Updates and action Teer trier | beamers can use = range of expressions to give and receive updates, and to discuss follow-up action items. Lead-in 1A Workin pairs. Read the definitions and discuss the questions. toupdate someone (verb)- | am update (noun) - toaction something verb)- | an action item (noun) - tottell someone the most the mast recent to doa specific thing that the thing that needs to recent information about information about reeds to be done, especially bedone a situation situation after discussingit 1. What kinds of updates do you give and receive in a typical week? 2 What action items do you have at the moment? 5 Meetings are very common in the workplace. With your partner, discuss what kinds of meetings you attend, or have attended, Listening 2A 20! Listen toa team leader explaining a new procedure for meetings. What type of meeting is Listen again and answer the questions. How ong does she expect the meating totake? 5 Whatistheballfor? What isthe aim of the meeting? {6 What information will each person give? How often will the meetings take place? 7 What will happen after the meeting? What time will the meetings start? 305 Listen to the next part of the meeting as three participants give their information. Complete the table below. aa ® Listen again and check your answers. Which ofthe three speakers was the most difficult to understand? Why? 4 Work in pairs. Use your notes in Exercise 3 to rewrite what the third speaker said, Ifnecessary, look at the audioscript on page 149. Practise reading your version out loud. Compare your version with others in the class. 5 Listen to the meeting again. Think about who the team leader will speak to after the meeting and whet follow-up action items they will discuss. Make notes, then discuss your ideas in pairs. G *© 305 Listen toa conversation after the meeting. The team leader’s boss is ‘asking her some questions. Try to answer each question yourself before you Usten to the team leader's answer. Teacher's resources: extra activities Functional Asking for and giving updates language 7 sastch the beginnings (1-7) with the ‘endings (ag) to make questions from the ‘audio which are used to ask for an update. How are we doing with the me an update onthe plans? What'shappening with radafting ofthe China contract? ‘And where are todatean the programme for today? Canyoubring me up the deadlines? What's the latest speed on the factory shutdown? canyou give onthenew schedule? When will youbeablete bring me up tog. wewiththe logo? 3.4 >| Business skills: Meetings: Updates and action SA Complete the sentences from the audio using the words in the box. agreed inh followedup impediment progress see spent worked workon | Yesterday ‘on the new contract fr the China project So the draft contractisin and expect to complete it today. The only Iseeis time, had a meeting with a sub-supplier in the morning, where we somenew deadlines We ___the meeting witha nce lunch, Today myplanisto _ writing a summary of yesterday's meeting. Idon't any impedimentsat the moment. rim planning to the designs forthe new logo. Yesterday|__most ofthe day discussing ideas for the new logo, Which sentences in Exercise 8A a) give an update on a past action b) talk about planned actions c] refer to an impediment problem)? Work in pairs. Note down possible answers to the questions in Exercise 7. Then listen again to track 3.06 to check your answers. Bb eters : entra activites Practise asking and answering the questions. LOA Work in small groups. Read the notes on the three scenarios. Think about how you would use the format from ‘the audio (giving an update on a past action, talking about planned actions, referring to any problems) to give updates on these three issues. 4 Tiks# PROJECT The project team has now ‘he agreed dates forthe been agreed, factory shutdown wll be The fist projeer necting ts tb Dec-4 Sn, planned For next week, We are Discussions wis department Working on the agenda at the sone ads are ton today The nal budgct is expected As Sil aed fn viens by Friday this weck, but tf answer the delephone, may not be su ficient. eee {3 DELIVERY OF NEN OFFICE FURMITURE When you are ready take turn to akfor and = : give updates tothe group on the scenarios an Liem nine. answer any questions (maximum five minutes ue per person. Follow the updates by discussing enc l eprint ad mat se possible action items and noting these down: {Ok wteveryone When you have finished, discuss what went well pelseliastarmpassdanbdal reese and what was difficult about the discussion. In eee pee particular, who gave the clearest update? What phrases did he/she use? + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score from 0 (need more practice) ta 5(Vknow this well). SRM coin sctrassssmentin nyEnglst.abto rele on what youhae art D> » a5, WRITING «0000 Email requesting an update PLS) Learners canwrte an internal emalrequestng updates ona project Lead-in ‘LA Read the email below. What is Withelm asking John to do? For doh Saree Project Mane From: Wier Hans Finance Venager Subject: Bulag proet uncote Dear John, 'd like to know ifthe first stage of the building project is moving fast enough and will meet the orignal deadlines, so could you let me know what the curent position is? you are not going to meet the deadlines, would you check when we can get together to go over the shedule? ‘Also the CFO is now worried that there aren't enough funds to complete the project on time, especially as there have been sevral problems. 'd therefore be grateful if you could send me cost details for last month, particularly any aditional purchases you made. | understand that whether conditions were net good enough to start the second stage of the project last week. I'd appreciate it if you could meet me temorrow afternoon to discuss the rescheduled dates. Could you also ask your asistant to join us, please? Reguards Wilhelm B Underline eight spelling mistakes and correct them. © Check your answers with a partner. Then check the spellings ina dictionary. Functional 2 complete the table below wth words rom thebox, Bislip os cexces ia es Plz trie on ee ee a Statement Question Fhe know Thetissageot | Coudyoultmelnow® the ie soar ere | cert poston? ercorebe! you coudsend could you ast your asin anus please! Teacher's resources: extra activities eee The email contains ‘____with the monthly ‘examples of adjective ae aren Bagel es edt week) adverb + enough and Tether" ‘ameeting withthe | Couldyou™ enough + noun{to, Goto manager. tomorrow? [MyEnglishLab for optional ‘grammar work. Gerais? D page 120 see Grammarreference: nat enough 3A Turn to page 129 and read the situation. In pairs, discuss the exact information you want to find out about the different points. Write an email to the project leader requesting an update on the refurbishment ‘around 150 words. © Exchange emails with your partner. In what ways are your emails the same? How ‘many phrases from the functional language box did your partner use? Did your partner use different phrases from you? + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself score from 0 ti need more practice) to (iknow this well, ShMlenaMAN - Goto My ottascessmentin MyénglshLabto reflect on what you have leat itifyou could meet me Would you, sending me the

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