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Lesson outcome: Learners can use wocabulary related 10 lobal markets Online markets Lesson outcome: Learnes can use pastand present passe formsiahien speaking andriting, ‘Communication ski Business sills: ling consensis Lesson outcome: Learners can tse range of emoresions ‘a bald concensusin adgeissonon afalia topic Writing: Lerterconfirming an arder Lesson outcome: Lnarors can write an ordereenfirmation lester Business workshop 4: p94 Review: p10? fanaging conversations Lesom otc eure ars otro pceches temanaging a conversation anda use2renge o feypresionstasicnal and espond to achangeof topic Video: A fod compary'sstrategy for gruth Vocabulary Global markets adjective ard noun cllacations word bulding Project: Adapt toa new market Reading: Who wantefo bea sofapreneur? Grammar: Present Simple and Past Simple passive i A product description Video: Wanaging conversations Functional language: ranging the subjectand staying ontrack Task: A conversation between a client and asupplie LUstening:A meeting build consensus Functional language: Resching agreement “ask: A discussion to each agreement ‘Model text etter confirming an order Functional language: Confirming oder cet Grammar: orbs + prepositons Task Write an order confirmation le Pronunciation: 43 Pronunciation of elsendings (Grammar reference: p121 ‘44 Consonant-vawellinking between words 125 237 a Scien) Leamerscanuse vocabulary elated ro global markets ) One size fits all Lead-in 1 Discuss the questions. 1 What do you understand by the expression ‘one size fits all? To what extent is that true inlobal markets? Think about some of the items in the box. [an date te fated jaaun ataris | 2 Will everyone in the world want the same food, clothes and other products in the future? Why / Why nat? VIDEO — 2 How do you think Volvo cars and Starbucks coffee adapted their products for the Chinese market? 3 E411 Watch the video and check your predictions, 4 Watch the video again and choose the correct option in italics. China has the world's largest rich elite mide class Customising product forthe mass market iss nat an important consideration Thereis no front passenger seat in Volvo’s/ Jaguars luxury car for China ‘Volvo's and Jaguar's new cars are for people witha chaufieur / who like big vehicles Global brands have made sit major changes to products for China's micale class. Starbucks didnt includes name /logo inthe frst shop it apened in Cina, The company introduced some special coffees / reas for Chinese consumers. Starbucks doesn‘ think thinks the demand for coffee will growin China ‘Work in pairs and discuss the questions. Why did Volvo and starbucks make changes forthe Chinese market? ‘What special features would you most lke to have ina car? How could Starbucks grow their coffee market in China? How could @ Chinese tea brand grow their globalmarket? Teacher's resources: extra activities mune evauewn = Vocabulary Global markets: adjective and noun collocations; word buil GA Check you know the meaning of the words in the two boxes. [consumer local Lury marketing target product [ brands customisation goods preferences strategy territories BB Choose a word from each box above to complete the phrases from the video. Multinationals need to analyse thei _ adjusttheir? and adept ther products to meet? Therefore, is an important consideration forseing into China, This can affect both high-end = aswell as mass-market © 4.1 © one size fits alt 7 Complete the table with words from the video, eb Noun «di Ajective ——— | aapttionadpiaity | adaptable | fe apes [epneating : consume consumer consunbie customise c dW ____/eustomisable ‘ [arown prefer ® preferable a produce ‘productive | ca special a wandaee /sandardsaton | standard [tager zi _ a BA Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. IKEA opened its fistsor in Shanghal 20 years ago, In pofesional, customs with a relatively higherincome Chinese cities families ypcally vein small apartments zo who were mare aware of Westem styles IKEA also the furniture retaler (custom) itsproducts (adapt) its marketing strategy using Chinese | IKEA stores in China invite customers to try out furniture | | based on focal needs and (prefer) When it social media and micro-biogging website Weibo to help, ‘opened, IKEAS low-price strategy was confusing for many makethe brand (appeal) to the urban youth. Chinese» {consume) because Western Today, the compary continues to reduce prices thanks to products are seen as aspirational in Asian markets So the mass (produce) in its local factories and its company‘ ___(target) young middle-class markets (grow) fastin China Teacher's resources: 8 Work in pairs. Say what surprised you most about IKEA's customisation extra activities for China, CO aes kins mages ‘9A Work in pairs or small groups. As members of a company’s marketing team, ‘you want to introduce 2 store or product to a new international market. ‘+ Make notes to describe a store ar product from your country, Use one ofthese ideas oryourown. national orlocal fastfood chain. aregionaldrinkordish aclothes store + Decide where you want to place this new store or product: Choose country ‘you know about, or use an imaginary country Create a profilefor the country, including information about what customers want. In your groups, discuss the following points. ‘+ Doyou think the standard store or product would:da weltin the new market? Why /Why note + Would you recommend customisation for your new market? iso, what would you customise? ‘+ What would make a good promotion and matketing strategy?(eg. TV adverts witha local celebrity) © Present the product or store and your recommendations to the class. Then listen to the other groups and, asa class, decide which would be the a) easiest and 6) hardest to adapt fora different market. + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself ascore from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (| know this well + Go toMy Self-assessment in MyEnglishlab to reflect on what yau have learnt. SOc ag UTC ILC) Learmerscan use past and present passive forms when speaking and writing 1 What type ofsites are they? Match each st witha description amazon a_i global online auction an shoppin stor individuals and smal businesses b is Chin's biggest e-commerce and shopping webst. EZ Mibabe Group c isan online food delivery service eae 4 started as an onine , i’ now the argest online retallerin the USA tom ananindvidual earn money using ecommerce websites and 3993? Eg Lead-in 1 Workin pairs. lokat the logos and discuss the questions. Reading 2 Read the article quicly, How many internet sites are mentioned? Read the headline and the article again and answer the questions. \Whatisa ‘Sofapreneur? Sameane who earns money online while working from home 1b spends a lot of time sitting on his/her sofa, € runs an online business which sells furniture. What two employment statistics are mentioned fram the USA? Which two groups have difficulties daing traditional jobs? \Whatis the risk to other smal businesses from sofapreneurs? (What does the writer think governments must do? Why? How does Einar Parker feel about his full-time job? Why does he enjoy his jewellery business? Isthe writer in general positive or negative about sofapreneurs? ‘Work in pars and discuss the questions. Can you think of one more benefit and disadvantage of online marketplaces? Do you think that websites ike PeoplePertlaurare changing the way companies Be eee sreauces unplayed ena ctvtias Do you know anyone who sels products or gets freelance work via online marketplaces? Who wants to be a sofapreneur? By Sarah O'Connor Alibaba is used by hundreds of 2 income. Stil thats valuable in world illions of people around the world, of weak economic growth, low wages ‘Thanks to e-commerce sites like and insecure employment, In some this anyone can be an impor-export cases, these sites are giving people ‘magnate without leaving the sofa. who might have difficulties doing a ‘Thanks to Aithnb, anyone can be 2 traditional job a way to eam money, spoke to Einar Parkes, who spent his| ‘hotel manager. Today there is a for instance because of health reasons 4» days working on the production line _growing number of “sofupreneurs’ of caring responsibilities. They can at aca seat factory, He began making ‘making money from websites like also offer lower prices to consumers, jewellery in his spare time and set Alibaba, eBay and Airbnb, and many However, governments will have up his own shop on Eisy. The site ‘ofthem are noteven doing it full ime, 2 to make sure sofapreneurs cannot was started twelve years ago to sell Freelancer sites like PeoplePerHour compete unfairly with other small 4s homemade goods. "You don't think a ‘ay many oftheir users are office tuft businesses hy simply avoiding ta. Jot when you're on an assembly line, ‘wlio logon after work. One of the biggest benelits is but I've got something to think of, ‘tis estimated that one percent of the hardest fo measure. Many of the coming up with ideas, he explained ‘U.S. adults eam money from these 5 people I've interviewed who sell “Thats miy escape” Sofaprencurship ‘websites, JPMorgan Chase says of products onthese sites say that itsives = scents to he making people a litle ‘this sroep that most of them rely on them a sense of satisfaction they do richer anda lite happier, and that is the sites forless than aquarter oftheir not have in their day jobs. Last year no bad thing, “ih and geet prro in bees 4.2 >| Online markets Grammar Present Simple and Past Simple passive 5A Look at these extracts from the article. What verb forms are the words in bold? What tense are they? TEN inka ts sed by mtd of ions of people sound te wor Fae sie wis started ete year ag sll hore gots, B Look at sentence 1 again. Which preposition do we use to show who does the action? =D page 121. See Grammar reference: Present Simple and Past Simple passive | Complete the listings on an e-commerce site with the active or present passive form ofthe verbs in brackets. These personalied necklaces Each handmade ceramic Our high-quality cotton These coffee cups and mugs | 1 (make) of bowl? (pain) shins * (Gesign) by wood. Orders? by hand (print specaly to orderand —meand_ (Geliver) within 7Zhousin (notrecommend)io put” (dispatch) (pack)in a git box your the EU them inthe microwave, within tw days. ust items = (ceed) ‘oven o dishwasher. + Gelect) your bya certain date, please Wes (ship) size and colour and the words contact me worldwide you (require). 7A Complete the passive sentences with the past or present passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Alibaba {set up] by Jack Ma, who is said to be one of China richest men today 2 Sellers using Aibaba's and eBay's sites {notchargeda commission on q ‘90005 sol. 3 Aironb’s headquarters (ase in San Francisco, California, 4 Hotels {not allow to advertise roomson the Arb site 5 Some homesioffices onthe website____fown) by Airbnb, | 6 When eBay. (create) in 1935 it. (calv Auctionweb 7 eBay__(buy) by Google in 2016. | 8 Very litte money (need) to start an Etsy shop online Se B Decide if the sentences in Exercise 7A are true (T) or false (F). Check your answers cextia activities ‘on page 129. Writing 8 workin pars. imagine you want tobe a sofapreneur. Look atthe examples in Exereise 6 again. Tink about what products you could make and sell online ‘or what services you could offer. Write a short description of your products or Services fr an e-Commerce site, Write 60 to 80 words, How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself score ‘rom G Inced more practice)to (know this well. + Go ta My Self-assessment in MyEnglishl.ab to reflect on what you have learnt Biers COMMUNICATION SKILLS 43> Managing conversations Pee ary) — Leamers are aware of diferent approaches to managing a conversation and anusearangec expressions ta signalane respond toa change of tie Lead-in 1A workin small groups. Give examples of your own experiences of meeting people who are different from you. Here are some possible differences to think about. 2 theirnational culture 4 the culture oftheir organisation 2 theirage 5 their work/profession 3 their education 8 1 2 Discuss the questions. Whatis easy or dificult aboutsuch encounters? How sit different from meeting friends, colleagues andi members of your family? Why? VIDEO 2a E9421 Watch the video of Alex and Beata talking about Beata’s forthcoming {rip to Rio de Janeiro. Answer the questions. Has Alex ever been ta Rio de Jane? How well doos he know Mateo? What does Alexmean when he says, t's dificult to stay on tracksometimes”? What preparation has Beata done for the trp2 ‘What advice daes Alex give Beata? Do you think ts useful advice? Why? B Watch the video ag ‘Why is Beata worried about the trip? | Goto MyEnglshtab for | eatavideoactntes, 3A Based on what you have seen so far, how should Beata behave in the meeting with Mateo? As a class, decide which option to watch first. Option A Listen ta Mateo, but politely try to stay on the topic ofthe Diabsensor ! ‘and not be distracted. Stay focused on why she isin Rio, Option B- Listen to Mateo, show interest in what he is saying and not worry about the Diabsensor. Go with the flow -heis the client, afterall B Watch the video in the sequence the class has decided and answer the ques foreach video. What topics do Beata and Mateo talk about? How does Beata try totum the discussion towards the Diabsensor? How does Mateo react to these attempts? ‘Alex warned Beata that Mateo tikes to multitask do cferent tasks atthe same time), What example ofthis do mesee? Overall, how well does Beata manage the conversation? What topics do Beata and Mateo talk about? How does Beata show an interest in what Mateo is saying? Does Beata ty to tur the discussion towards the Diabsensor? ‘Alex warned Beata that Mateo likes to multitask do diferent tasks atthe seme time), What example ofthis do we see? Gverall how well does Beata manage the conversation? hun | Option A E32 Option 8 B23 5 In pairs, discuss what you have learnt from Beata’s experience about adaptin P you 9 Your communication style. 1. What isthe effect of going with the flow? 2 What isthe effect of focusing on the taskin hand? 5 E428 Watch the Conclusions section of the video and note down the main learning point. How far do you agree with this? Why? Reflection 6 thinkabout the following questions Then discuss your answers with a partner, 4 Compare yourself ta eats in a ilar situation, How doyeuthnk you would manage? 2 go with thefiow'auseultipfor you when you meet new people? Why /Why now? dl 4.3 >|. Communication skills: Managing conversations La eel Functional — Changing the subject and staying on track | language 7 cokat these phrases rom the video. Decide which are for changing the subject) and which are for staying on track (S). There wil be plenty oFtimeforthat iter 5 thatreminds me | really think ve should get to the 6 Well gettothe...ina moment. 'sthisa good momenttostarttalling about the..? 7 Canwemoveto..? Wellcome to that later 8 Beforettorget, Use words from the phrases in Exercise 7 to complete the dialogue. In pairs, practise reading the dialogue. B50, item3 on the agenda, the new minibus? B: Yes, ofcourse, twill be delivered next Monday morning, Sowe can ust for the trip ta the factory on Tuesday. Ast factory visit What's the plan? B: well details of te factory vis A: Actually that Lee to checkif my children are being picked up from school today. The Bs company ison strike B: Imsure theres Could we fist irish discussing the minibus? Then wel have break and you can sort out your children’ bus. Workin pairs and discuss one of these topics using phrases from Exercise 7, ne person tries to talk about the topic, the other tries to change the subject. After a few minutes, change partners and choose a new topic. Plans for next week + Anew smartphone on the market Organising a surprise birthday party forafriend = Atripabroad Write short dialogues based an your discussions. BD eres extra activities See Pronunciation bank Pronunciation of els endings Work in pairs. Read the situation and decide who wil be the supplier (5) and who will be the client (C). Go to age 128 (5) or page 131 (C) and read your instructions. ‘supplier is visiting a client to talk about anew app which histher company has just produced. This app will be very useful for managing a database of business. contacts, and is easy to install, simple to use and inexpensive Hold your meeting. Tr to change the subject and stay on track as necessary, using phrases from Exercise 7. When you have finished, discuss hhow the meeting went. Was it successful? What was easy and what was difficult? What could you do better? anew partner, change roles and repeat the conversation, [jeu meeneermmnsnsecrasanremnenan matter pa + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score from 0 need more practice) to 5 () know this wel + Goto MySelf-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt, are 4 9 BUSINESS SKILLS i. Building consensus Pere Mteat)) — Leamerscanuse range of expressions to build consensusin discussion ‘onafemilartopic. Lead-in 2 Workin small groups and discuss the questions. Then share your ideas with the class, 2. Builing consensus reaching agreement) in a group can be difficult. Why is this? How do we decide what consensus means? Does everyane have to agree, or is ‘amsjority enough? Can anyone say no toa decision, or is ita manager'sjob to decide? Some people think that different cultures find consensus in different ways. Do you ‘gree? Think of examples from your own experience to support your arguments. Listening 2 40: Listentothe beginning of a meeting. What does thespeaker want todo? ‘According tothe speaker whats building consensus about? Complete the sentences using the words n the box. Then listen again to check. hance important involed respected {ee paises Ife want to build consensus, we must make sure that everybody is. conversation. Everybody must have the. 10 speak ‘And second, everybody's opinion is of equal weight ands tobe. in the groupis more than anyone else 0102 Listen to the next part of the meeting. Has this group reached a consensus? Explain your answer. 5 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What are the three options the manager mentions? 2 What are taking sticks? 3. What does te manager mean by ‘pracess? 4 What does the manager mean by ‘narrowing down’? Teacher's resources: extra activities Functional Reaching agreement Yanguage 6 ucts conversation inte ight order so thatit makes sense. heist two are done for you. Then listen to check. Manager: Yes, Jose? What do you think? Tanya: Imafraid| disagree it willbe much better in smaller groups. That way ‘everyone gets much morettalking time. Dorothy: Yes. agree, too. We ran be much more efficient fwe workin small eroups Dorothy: Sowe need tofinc consensus about the numberof sticks before we can even starta real discussion? Well, don’t think my idea is that bad. agree that a big group ane or two. ponte could dominate, but thats easy ta fix. We use talking sticks. So Lthink we should stay as one big group. There are notso many af us, andi willbe easy for everyone tobe heard. Each person has two sticks, This aves them the righ to talk twice. Each time ‘they say something they must give up astick. When they have no more sticks they cannot tak That way everyone has the same chance, ‘That was ust an example. Ofcourse we need to decide how manysticks to use ‘agree with Tanya Much better With a big group one or two people always dominate What are talking sticks? Actually that’s not bad idea, But newillneed more than two sticks ep ie) (aie is] SOO Oe D> < a> Pur the phrasesin bold from Exercise 6 into the correct category in the fable below. ao SE Expressing disagreement Maldngnsaggezion L chet epee] Match the phrases in bold (1-6) with the categories in Exercise 7A. 1. Yes, | think you're right. 2 Sorry, don'tagree with you 3 Why domtwe work as one big group? 4 Good ideat Lets think about that 5 6 fm not sure lagree with you on that i How about f we break into small groups after ten minutes? extia activities See Pronunciation bank: Consanant-vowel Linkin between words Wor' in small groups. Choose one of the following topics to discuss, or suggest a different topic. Individually, take a few minutes to note down your ideas. 1 The maximum and minimum number of working hours ina week. 2 The deal number of publicholidays ina year. 3 Whatmakes a good language learner. Follow the four steps to discuss your ideas and try to reach agreement. cr z= 1. Take tums to explain yourideas, When you are not speaking, listen and make notes, 2. Read your nates and decide which ideals) you prefer. 3. Take turns to state your preferences and list them ‘on the board, 4 Asa group, discuss the preferences lst using phrases from Byercises 6 and 7. Try to reach agreement on the bestidea When you have finished, discuss how well the group participated in the meeting, Share your answers with the class. 1. Did you find ituseful to write down your ideas? 2. Did the discussion follow the structure in Exercise 88? 3 Did the group succeedin reaching agreement? 4, Which phrases in Exercises 6 and 7 did you uso? + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score from 0 need more practice to § (1know this well + Goto My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have teat. 4.5 2 ec Lead-in WRITING Kode Letter confirming an order Learners can write an order confirmation letter 1. Read the order confirmation letter and complete it with the words in the box. ‘agreed enclose hesitate order payment received sincerely thank Dear MrChahal, ORDER CONFIRMATION ‘Weare writing to you to conf your for 12 weeks, which we this morning: as? ftthe meeting last week when we talked about your order. confirm tha we wil

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