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Innovative product design Lesson outcome: Lezrnerscan use vocabulay related to innovative procuct desig, Product testing Lesson outcome: Losers can use the Present Perfect wth ost alreadyendyet. Communication skills: Managing information Lesson outcome: Learersare amare of ferent approaches to rg fomaton andcansearangect gon cosh or iferenckindsof information, Business skills: Setinga prosuct ‘Lesson outcome: Learersare able to usearangoot ‘opressons to describe the features and benefit ofa product Writing: Productreview ‘Lesson outzome: Learners can writeaprocct review, Businessworkshop5: p96 | Review: p:106, Pronunciation: 5.1 Numbers fsylablesinwords ‘ideo: asa ‘Vocabulary Technological inavation;Descrling innovative products Project Innovation in business Reading: dream job in product development Grammar: resent Perfect Simple with jst, already and yet Speaking: typical day at work ‘Video: Managing information Functional language: Acling open and closed euestions “Task: Getting feedback on presentation skills Listening: Two sales presentations Fanetional language: Descriingfestures ana benefits “Task Prosenta product Movil txt: Product review Functionallanguage-Language ofreviews > Grammar: Oiler of adjectives before nouns Tas write review Grammar reference: p122 S2contrastivestres pll6 24a7< aa TTT) | Leamerscan use ocabulary elated to innovative productdesign. Lead-in LA Tick(v) the sentence(s) that best describe(s] your attitude to your lunch break during the week. lan opportunity toretax and talk with friends. ‘eat only because i's necessary - food is fuel enjoy choosing food and esting it. | usually do something else while leat - reading, studying, texting Along lunch breakis a waste of time. Ina cafeteria don't Uke ordering food and waiting fort. | don't usually eat lunch, | prefer to eat without talking to anyone, Compare your answers with a partner. Look at the photos of Eatsa, a new restaurant in San Francisco, How do you think ‘customers order and receive their food? Gi51.1__ Watch the video and check your ideas. How is Eatsa different from a traditional restaurant or cafeteria? Watch the video again. Decide if these sentences are true () or false (). Correct the incorrect sentences, According to Scott Drummond, customers mostly want fast and accurate service. Customers choose meals that are already prepared, ‘The reporter waits about three minutes for his lunch to arrive. ‘The customer in the leather jacket says he has 30-45 minutes for lunch, ‘The customer in the red tie feels happy that he didn’t have to speak to anyone. In general, restaurants are using more technology and fewer workers, According to Scott Drummond, though his restaurant doesn't have cashiers it does offer ‘workers other jobs, According to Mike Peng, there are alot of restaurants exactly lke Eatsain Japan. ‘Number the sentences and phrases in the correct order. Then watch the video again from 00:14 to 00:41 and check your answers. the patience forthe old ways of going out and buying food, interacting with We've addressed that by creating a pracess thats incredibly fas. ineredibly precise ‘Technology is allowing us to provide a product at an unprecedented speed, so the time-pressed consumer in the financial district really daesn’t have and ultimately cives the customer much more control about what they want for lunch, somebody who might not hear your order correctly The video mentions several positive and negative things about this type of Festaurant. List the ones you can remember and any others you can think of. Negative ‘No human contact, Teacher's resources extra activities 8 Would you like to eat at Eatsa? Why / Why not? Vocabulary Technological innovation 6 Complete the summary with the words and phrases from the video. / automated choice customise disrupt innovation interact magical place sw t te disrupt ter gical place swipe ‘Anew way to eat | Eatsa susingtechnologicl’___to__ the cafeteria businass Eatsa customers dont» with staf but instead se amore approach to orcering food. Fst they their credit card ina touch-sreen device. Thenthey’_____theirmeal Nevt they?______theirardec and | it’sready in under wo minutes, Customers love the -thespeed and the + moments along the way. Describing innovative products 7. Match the words (1-9) the best definition (a). Use your dictionary if necessary. 1 atvaced > en feet ade hon the tingsthat cane belo 2 sn b atvaivetnsttonle wey 2 inmate € canbe rusts dha youneedoremec 4 depended enftoueeropete = weedy «ute ns moderns equpertand mets ies 1 hebe 7 topotterange 9 carly lame and moder acerainpupor Base then ot td 2 welideired 7? atracre ma etonaly Workin pis For eat ect above thnk of product that you eum or know about that fits the description. aes © Compare your ideas with another pair. DD sorte: > page 16 see Pronunciation bane Numbers ofyablesin words >) PROJECT: innovation in business SA Work in pairs. Think of a business you visit often - a supermarket, clothing shop, car mechanic's, et. Make alist of three to six things that happen. when you go there. Carmechanic's:| phone to make an appointment. Idrive the car there. [speak with the mechanic and explain the problem. The mechanic repairs the car: use my credit card and pay for the work 5 Look at your list. Could any of the steps be done in a different way, perhaps using different technology? Instead of phoning. {could book my eppototment on the internet. At that time, could add a note about the problem withthe car The mechanic could pick up the carat my house. instead of paying with my creditcard, I could pay by bank transfer. © Work with another pair and explain your ideas to each other. Then, for each ‘one, make a suggestion for an action to take. We should set up an ante appointment system. + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score from 0 need more practice) to § (I know this weld, + Goto My Selfassessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt, Rate a (Sic) Learners can use the Present Perfect with ust already and yer. Lead-in LA When companies develop new products, they use Quality Assurance Testers. Which of these products would you enjoy testing? Which ones would you not want to evaluate? Why? ars dleaning products computer games make-up motorcycles ‘musicatinstruments snack oads sports clothes 1d love to test cars. love driving! wouldn't enjoy testing musical instruments because I can't play one, B Think of three or four products to add to the list. 2 What do you think is a) the worst and b) the best part of being a product tester? Why? Think about testing similar products over and over, testing products you don’t like, whether or not you would have to pay for the products. Reading 3 Read the article and answer the questions 1 Whartype ofroducttestngisitabout? 2. What good and bad points ofthejob does the article mention? LLL NR TEENA EE TAU REIS LTT LTS, a d (each jo b sie pave wetoe hse ay ie nickname -TestPiot ‘Asa tester ve never realy payed the ji mes notin anormal ay. | ryt find problems wth them in product development _, ErStapa wsonesirar casein arene every character na fighting game go agains! every other character, looking fr issues with the game’ function, or with the art and design fun, butt alo hard work’ Testllot adds that he also does lot of administrative work "Today, Ive already pent two hours in meetings And Ive jst spent an hour vwiting emails. | havent even locked a video game yet today Testhilot has worked as a Quality Assurance Tester inthe video games industry for about six yeas. Before that, he studied economics and polities at university. "ve always enjoyed gaming, but never expected to get ajob in the industry’ Ater finishing his degree, Testilot looked for ofice jobs. Then a friend mentioned the games-testingjob Fora laugh, latended group jb interview, and they selected me. twas total surprise’ At first his parents often asked, "Have you found area Job yet? But when they eased he was happy and could afford to pay hisbils, they stopped asking Tes:Pilot has worked for three companies. After three years in my first ob left that company fora position with better pay But then two years later, that firm went out of business and TestPilot moved on, ve been with my current company for a year. They've just made me Quality Assurance Manager so I feel happy about that. To be honest, the money isn't great, but its ‘enough. ve already had two pay increases, and | haven't become bored with ityet, and | don't expect to, So | guess this is my career, now!" The biggest problem, says Testilt, is that he doesnt often play games for fun these days. ‘ts too much lke work Teacher’ resources: extra activities Grammar Teacher's resources: extra activities Rates 5.2 D| Product testing 4 Read the article again. The statements below are incorrect. Underline the information in the article that shows the correct information. TestPilot spends most of hs time playing video games. Being video game Quality Assurance Tester isthe easiest job in the world TestPilot has just started working as a video games tester ‘Asa child, he dreamt of working asa games tester. TestPitat’s employer has never pramoted him. ‘After work, he relayes by playing video games. 5A Inyouropinion, what are the pros and cons of TestPlot’s ab? Write ist. ‘Then decide if you would like to do the job or not. 8 Workin pairs and compare your answers. Did you lst the same pros and cons? Present Perfect Simple with just, already and yet G Read the sentences from the article and answer the questions. 2 Today, vealready spent two hoursin meetings. bb ve just spent an hour wring ema © haven’teven looked a a video game yet today 4. They've ust made me Quality Assurance Manager sol fel happy about tat € Wve already had two pay increases. | haven't become bored with it yet and dont expect to Which two sentences describe things tha have happened very recently? describe things that havenot been done or havent happened? describe things thatheppened some time inthe pas, without saying specially when? 1 2 3 7 Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences, 1 ve tested already already tested three types of cleaning product today. 2. Wecan ignore hsbill because weve just padi /padit yet. 3 | need to talkto Jim today, but havent seen him yet already. 4. She'sjust yet rished writing her test report. 5 Ive been hereforsimonths, and haven't had a payinerease already yet. 6 Has he started his nen job already? Already has he started his new job? 8 1 Complete these sentences so they're true for you. Today, !haven't___ 2 This week, ve already 3 vejust yet. D page 122 see Grammar reference: Present Perfect Simple wth ust. already and yet =D page 116 see Pronunciation bank: Contrastive stress Speaking 9A Lookat the list of activities that people do in a typical day at work. Add three ‘or four ideas of your own. ‘mae phone calls, write emails, go to meetings '8 Write five questions using your ideas to find out what your partner has done today, Use the Present Perfect Simple. Have you made a phone cll yet? Have you written any emails yet? © Take tus to ask and answer questions. : ‘A: Have you made a phone call yet? B: No, nt yet. But "ve had three meetings alreay. + How successfully have you achieved the lesson autcame? Give yourself ascore ‘rom 0 (ineed more practice) to 511 know this well) + Goto My Self-assessment in MyEnglishtab ta reflect on what you have learnt. Lead-in 60 to MyEnglshlab for extra video activites. Option a E522 Options I Reflection eaters are aware of diferent aparaaches to giving infarmation, and can use range of questions to ask for different kinds of information, Read this comment. In pairs, discuss whether you agree wi “Questions ae the key to success in business.” itand why. Think about meetings or discussions you have in your work or course of study and discuss these questions. 1_Do youask lots of questions or do you simply listen and take notes? Why? 2 Whyis itimportant to ask questions? 3.1 Watch as Beata prepares for her conference call with Daniel and Clarice. Note down what Beata says about: 1 Mateo. 2 the conference call with Daniel and Clarice What do you think will happen during the conference call? {In small groups, discuss which is the best approach (Option A or 8) for Beata to take as she participates in her conference call with Daniel and Clarice. As a class, decide which video to watch frst. Option A ~ Beata tells Daniel and Clarice everything that has happened including minor and unimportant details, Option B~ Beata gives Daniel and Clarice an overview. ‘Watch the videos in the sequence the class has decided and answer the same questions for each video. ‘What information did Beata give Daniel and Clarice about the meeting with Mateo? How did Daniel try to get more information / the right information from Beata? Did Daniel get the information he needed? How did Beata feel atthe end of the conference call? {In pairs, discuss the pros and cons of Beata's approach in each option. [E1524 Watch the Conclusions section of the video and note down the points the speaker makes about managing information and asking questions, Think about the following questions. Then work in pairs and discuss your answers, 1. Whatkind of questions do you typically askin discussion at wark arin your studies? 2 How can youmake sure you take part in discussions in English successfully? Sore Jee ene ca ee aT Functional Asking open and closed questions language 7. match the beginning (1-5) withthe endings (-e) to form sentences from the video. 1 Tell usabout {8 want us to change, exact? 2. Why did they b the colour? 3 Canwechange © evermethim? 4 WhatdoesMateo ——d_yourmeeting with Mateo, 5 Haveyou € spendso much time on this? ‘Canwe change the Read the questions on the left. Which question: colour of the product?” ‘can be answered with Yes or No? invites the other person to give his/her opinion and provide more details? Is an open question? is a closed question? ‘What do you think about changing the colourof the product” ‘Match the questions from Exercise 7A to the categories in the table, Encouraging someone to speak | Asking for confirmation Clarice, wnat do you think? Isitpossiletochangethe packaging | What do you mean, a problem withthe Tellus about the rest of the discussion, age black grey. Complete Poles description ofthe product's benefits using the phrasesin the box. alow youro letsyou makeiteasierto_meansthatyoucan soitseasierto Todescrbe how products ae Wel, the 2x3 Hot-Seatis the solution. Far example, its heated seat _combine se we can says It's (used) the excitement ofthe stadium with the comfortof home, For added comfort. there are ap ortea tet and <0 dons ‘optional arm-rests which 2 sitback and relaxas you watch the game, while Ba 9d for sitting ouside the plastic cup-holder ‘enjoy your favourite drinks the same time. The Hot Seat has a washable cover * clean, plus the lightweight seat with handles and straps any, Work in pairs. Match the products/services (A-C) with the features (1-6) and benefits (a-f). Product Features Benefits mitarystyle 1 addltionalside pockets placeforyourstudentwork D or keys rucksack freehome-delivery ability to post photos on social media smartphone service atanjtime newlypened 3 SGinternetcannection _¢ savemoney supermarket washable fabric d_noneed to interrupt your busy 5 weekly discounts on Schedule to go shopping) fresh products «no need tocarry two phones 6 dualsim f casyto keep clean t's for. ;Ithas... which means you can... Itcomes with ., which allows you to Teacher’s resources: Practise describing the usage, features and benefits of these products/services. extra activities Use the phrases in Exercise 4. irs. Your team at your place of work or college wants to buy a new printer. You have been asked to research the new printer and report back informally to the rest ofthe team. Follow these steps. Tuto page 131 and choose printer. Read about the printer's features and decide on the benefits. Prepare your presentation. Decide wio will talk about the features and who will, talk about the benefits, You can include a presentation slide if you wish) Work with another pair. Take turns to give your presentations using phrases from Exercise 4 to describe the features and benefits. When you are listening, note down one or two questions to ask at the end of the presentation. Decide which printer you will buy. ‘Asa group, discuss what went well and what didn’t go so well ‘and how you could improve in the future. + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score from 0 (Inged more practice! to 5 know this wel. SEEMS «Goto My Self-acessmentin MyEngishLab to reflect on what youhave leamt. WRITING Product review DUS Learners canwrite a product review. Lead-in ‘LA Read the product review and complete it with one word in each gap. i GKKFONE 2 | Rating: +=: | rrp: £72.00 | chose this phone because the adverts said it performed well as its more ‘expensive competitors. For the price, i's pretty good value for money,” Practical strong packaging the phone came in aso included a screen protector and cover, saved me having to buy them. The extremely attractive silver phone has alarge clear screen, makingit very easy*__use, I'S not quite as fast. 2s some major competitors, but toes a faily good performance was mpressed ‘the long-lasting lightweight battery and, although other eviewers said the battery stopped charging after a month, mine charges perfectly, The main downside & the new fingerprint ID system, which doesn't always \work first time. Another problem is the camera, which sometimes freezes, so | have to turn the phone” and on to gett to work. However, the picture quality i great *__you want a phone to rival the more expensive brands, ! recommend the GKKFONE 2 8 Work in pairs and check your answers. Functional 2 complete the table withthe wordsin the box. RUNS Pie Hae ne ae Vaal baad] most particularly problem said thing worst [sigan z ISpERE PT crepe! The main sooeruniserauliaey | em tnoes webaugheteptone. | good tingisthat_| Another amy i. | apnonena Pottyogedest | mer ae petamed sawaama | en ore ike cesar Sieroveones Te wy wes eee (in toouyttis |r Tiedthe.. | te shygaiont adjectives before nouns. phone because. What tiked® was... | thephaneis edtomyengshis or = - sine es cag Teacher’sresourees: =D page 122 See Grammar reference: Order of adjectives before nouns Work in pairs. Turn to page 129 and read the online product review. Discuss how you could improve it, then write your improved review. Write a review of a product you have recently bought. Say what it does, what you think is good about it and what is not so good and give any recommendations. Write around 150 words. Exchange reviews with a partner. In what ways are your reviews the same? How many phrases from the functional language box did your partner use? Did your partner use different phrases from you? + How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself ascore from 0 (Ineed more practice) to 5 (I know this well, + Goto My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab ta reflect on what you have learnt. Cote cad

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